Once again, the supposed nominee for the Democratic Party has shot herself in the foot, but this time losing a large electorate in Ky, WV, Va. Ohio, Ill., WY, and Indiana.

The coal fields are all abuzz over comments she made that she was going to put a lot of coal miners and operators out of work

” Facing a backlash from Appalachian Democrats, Hillary Clinton’s campaign on Monday tried to reaffirm her commitment to coal communities one day after declaring on national television she was going to “to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business….

The top three coal producing states of Wyoming, West Virginia and Kentucky all saw production declines of between 5 percent and 20 percent in 2015. In Ohio, site of Tuesday’s Democratic presidential primary, coal production is down 22 percent. Democrats in those states tried to distance themselves from Clinton’s comments.”..


Jesus H Christ. What in the world is this well seasoned politician thinking?  She was supposed to have appeal to white working class voters in the south, Appalachia and other non-costal areas.  Then she just flushed huge areas (of not just WV, but Ohio, Va, Ky, Tenn, and the Western coal producing states) down the tubes.

We all realize that coal, for power generation is fading out but to just kick millions of voters down the stairs on a “slip of the tounge”:  voters she might need in Va or Ohio if the election is close, is plain stupid.  Its political malpractice and considering the history of this candidate, its going to continue.

And that’s not counting the manufacturing votes lost due to flip flops on TPP and the NAFTA history with her husband.

Of course, if the campaign is following a bi-coastal strategy, with Ill. thrown in for fun, then who the hell cares if you alienate voters who don’t go to brokers for “wealth management”

And the Republicans are going to have a field day; it will damage down ticket state wide races.  And what does it do for the Democratic Party when many of its candidates have to disavow the head of the Party?  Its a disaster for areas that were possible to make inroads but now are totally out of reach.  Thanks.

Now, of course, this isn’t the first, second, or 25th instance of this happening. So, how to make HRC a better candidate?  Well, after 30-40 yrs of political experience, I’m not sure.  Certainly replace some of the committee members in her head and maybe have them exert more pressure to keep her mouth shut?  Maybe stop off the cuff interviews and only run scripted comments?  I’m not sure; but unless there are real changes she will continue to piss off more and more voters until there are less than for the GOP nominee.
