I started this article as a comment on Booman’s recent post Donald Trump’s Hail Mary Candidacy. It grew.
The U.S. in its current state is now in the end-game of a situation brought on by the incursions of the corporate-owned Permanent Government after the assassination-enabled PermaGov coup of the ’60s. (The Permanent Government. You know, the one Dwight Eisenhower…quite accurately at the time…called the Military-Industrial Complex? That one.)
Malcolm X warned that the chickens would come home to roost eventually.
He was right.
Fuss and fume all you want about how unsatisfactory our two probable choices are in the upcoming presidential election; go ahead play your usual “I’m right!!!” games about the results of the primaries and election. Feel free. Gotta have some fun on the road to destruction, right? Our ongoing consent…willing or coerced, well considered or media-blinded, I don’t care…our ongoing consent to the electorally managed and media-promoted takeover of this government over the last 50+ years has earned us this position, and there will be a reckoning eventually.
People on the so-called left get angry at my continuing use of the words “Wake the fuck up!!!” but nothing else will do.
We been had.
From the left, from the right, from the front and from the rear.
Now we’re going to pay the piper. Or at least the political health professionals who say they can clear the resulting STD-type infection with yet another shot of political penicillin.
Welcome to an election where the curtains have been ripped away from the controllers for the first time in 50 years. How have they been ripped away? By the failure of those controllers…a failure based entirely on stupidity and rapacious greed…to keep the economy in some sort of balance. We were paid to look the other way. Enough Americans enjoyed a high enough level of living that they thought everything was hunky-dory. Kill brownish people all over the world in support of a a militarily-enforced economic imperialist system? Keep a skin-marked caste in brutal poverty domestically so that there was a steadily available low-wage workforce to do the dirty work while the white working, middle and upper-middle classes continued to live their chicken-in-every-pot/car-in-every-garage lives?
“Well…it’s a shame, but I guess that’s just how how things work, right?” said most of the supposedly “good’ Americans. “I suppose I’ll just have to vote for the designated Democrat or Republican again this time…”
“GOTCHA!!!” #163b
Read on.
Meanwhile, the bad karma continued to build. When the U.S. economy flat-out broke down in the 2000s, the curtains behind which the controllers had been sitting began to fray. Now here we are in 2016 and two major Republican and Democratic candidates for the presidency have made their entire campaigns a referendum on the rapacity and stupidity of the controllers. This has never happened before in the history of U.S. politics. FDR came close, but compared to what we are seeing from Trump and Sanders, FDR was being polite. As a result, the Permanent Government-controlled mass media are now in an absolute howl about how bad Trump will be for the country. If Bernie Sanders were to somehow manage to seriously threaten HRC’s nomination the howls would grow even louder.
They threaten our security!!!
They don’t understand how things really work!!!
Only…a probable majority of the voting public now believes that the other “they” have already ruined the country.
But not the leftiness DemRat faithful as represented by the Daily Kos/Huffington Post/NPR/PBS/MSNBC/NY Times/Washington Post types who are still apparently under the mistaken impression that yet another Clinton will “turn the country around.”
What the FUCK!!!???
Clinton I was the president who began the off-selling of the economy to cheap labor countries!!! How anyone could think…at this point in time, after we have witnessed Obama’s 8 years of high talk and low dealings…how anyone could think that Clinton I’s own “controller” (HRC/Clinton II) could possibly right this rapidly sinking ship of state is beyond me.
So…I say again.
It’s the least you can do, and probably…given current circumstances…the most you can do as well.
But it is something.
Maybe we will survive a Trump or an HRC presidency.
Or maybe we won’t.
Maybe the whole shitshow will go spinning down the toilet of history.
If so? So it goes. Some of us tried to warn y’all.
Or…hopefully…maybe this year’s political fiasco will awaken enough voters that we will see a new party arise that is not beholden to the controllers.
Let us pray.
Or continue to be preyed upon.
Later…if there is a “later,” of course…
Donald Trump’s “Haill Mary” Presidential Run?
Since when does the devil pray?
Part of the attraction of HRC is fond memories of the material prosperity of the Clinton years. No one can point to a specific policy responsible for this. I contend that it was the Internet Revolution not any Clinton policy. I’ve been looking for GDP numbers, dollar sales numbers and the like to illustrate this, but I can’t find the relevant figures, so I decided to take the stock market fortunes of Microsoft (MSFT) as a proxy.
This graph shows the stock price history of MSFT. Note the clean exponential rise from August 1993 to November 1999. The internet and the PC in every house is the technological change that drove the prosperity. The market saturated circa 2000 which in conjunction with the dotcom bubble caused a stock market crash and subsequent recession, analogous to the automobile market saturating during 1928-1929 in conjunction with a market bubble.
Without citation,I state that a similar situation happened with railroads in the Panic of 1893 . Capitalism is driven by technology and when a technology’s market penetration saturates, collapse occurs. This generally continues until a Trough War (Milankovitch) occurs spurring new technology and a new boom. Humans are always at their best in devising new ways to kill each other. It’s our favorite sport.