Donald Trump recently threatened to “spill the beans” on Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi who works at Goldman Sachs. Then he posted the following picture on Twitter:

So, apparently, it’s no longer necessary to divulge any actual information about Heidi Cruz. All that is necessary is to point out that your wife is better fantasy material. We’re supposed to vote for the guy with the wife we’d rather sleep with.

I’m sure the picture of Melania Trump is at least fifteen years old, so Trump can’t even be a juvenile punk without lying.

CNN’s Kate Bolduan sparred with a Trump adviser over the tweet during an interview Thursday, calling it “demeaning to women.”

“As a woman, it’s demeaning to not only Ted Cruz’s wife, it’s demeaning to Melania Trump because she has a lot more going for her than just her looks, and you don’t see that in this retweet,” Bolduan said to Stephen Miller, a senior Trump adviser, during her show “At This Hour.”

Bolduan peppered Miller with questions about why he thinks that behavior is appropriate for a presidential candidate.

Miller stood by his boss’s decision to share the image. “I think the retweet speaks for itself,” he said. “Of course I endorse the decision to retweet it.”

And Trump thinks he can tell the rest of us what is and what is not classy.

No word on whether Cruz will challenge The Donald to pistols at dawn.