Donald Trump recently threatened to “spill the beans” on Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi who works at Goldman Sachs. Then he posted the following picture on Twitter:
So, apparently, it’s no longer necessary to divulge any actual information about Heidi Cruz. All that is necessary is to point out that your wife is better fantasy material. We’re supposed to vote for the guy with the wife we’d rather sleep with.
I’m sure the picture of Melania Trump is at least fifteen years old, so Trump can’t even be a juvenile punk without lying.
CNN’s Kate Bolduan sparred with a Trump adviser over the tweet during an interview Thursday, calling it “demeaning to women.”
“As a woman, it’s demeaning to not only Ted Cruz’s wife, it’s demeaning to Melania Trump because she has a lot more going for her than just her looks, and you don’t see that in this retweet,” Bolduan said to Stephen Miller, a senior Trump adviser, during her show “At This Hour.”
Bolduan peppered Miller with questions about why he thinks that behavior is appropriate for a presidential candidate.
Miller stood by his boss’s decision to share the image. “I think the retweet speaks for itself,” he said. “Of course I endorse the decision to retweet it.”
And Trump thinks he can tell the rest of us what is and what is not classy.
No word on whether Cruz will challenge The Donald to pistols at dawn.
It can’t possibly be legal for them to go at each other with guns or swords, but maybe they can put up their Dukes? wait… put up the Mitts? hm…
Anyway, could you possibly come up with a better definition for “dumpster fire”?
Maybe a duel decided by who can withstand more waterboarding … or some other less wussy form of torture. Gelding might be appropriate in this case.
I’ve said before Trump, never wanted to actually be Prez. He wanted to run sure, but win…naw. And I suspect he wants out. Ever since he started winning, he’s gonna go over and over the top with his actions and his commentary. He wants out, but his ego won’t let him just drop. I actually think when the convention come he won’t fight takeover. I really thinks that at convention when they try to chose someone else, he won’t “fight” it, his voters will he won’t
and we’re sure that Trump wasn’t a Clinton plant because ????
At the first or second debate, he looks at the moderator and goes….’You know, she has some pretty good ideas, I endorse her!’
Republicans explode.
For some reason this scene in Tootsie came to mind…
I dunno. I wouldn’t count on that.
That’s what happened with Hitler: it was all about rhetorically laying the groundwork for somebody else — the great leader Germany needed — in his role as “the drummer.” It wasn’t until a certain point in the early thirties that his thinking changed radically and he started to understand that there didn’t need to be anyone else; that he was the coming great leader.
And what changed his mind? Surprising political success and the adulation of larger and larger crowds.
That’s the danger of letting a social dominator run things.
They may be a clown before they actually have power proper, but watch out once they get some real power and authority. Half the time, it’s the followers who you have to watch out for, as they’re the ones who enable the social dominator to really wield power proper.
Donald Trump’s dickishness is appalling and sometimes entertaining. You wonder how long the shelf life for this behavior will be. Joe McCarthy lasted for years, but with modern communications I think the arc is a lot shorter.
I sincerely hope your correct, but I’m not holding my breath. There seems to be no bottom to the levels to which these dicks will sink.
Just when you think the guy can’t outdo himself, he does. He wasn’t kidding when he spoke of the size of his dick. He should have just said, “I’m a really big dick!”
I say the same thing every time: his constituents like this.
Every single detail that we find appalling and embarrassing — the trash-talking; the bad ties; the tanning-bed lines on his face, the dyed and sprayed combover, the awful buildings, the gold plating, the reality show, the bimbo contests, the casinos…even the bankruptcies — are exactly what his followers think is so wonderfully refreshing and on-point.
They’re not supporting him despite the elements we all recoil in horror from; they’re supporting him because of them. Most important, hey love being told that the stupid, vile ideas in their heads are actually the right answers…and that all those Ivy League people in big cities are actually the “losers.” It makes them feel better than they’ve felt in decades.
Well really, once these jerks just about drop trou and display their junk with a ruler next to it at a so-called Primary “debate,” this is the next logical outcome. It appears to me that so-called “Family Values” Republicans LOVE this sh*t. I don’t get it, myself, but we’re talking about the party that endorses sexism and acts extremely misogynistic as a default, and yet has scores of female voters who lap it up. I mean, these are people the ones that say that if a woman is “truly raped,” then her body won’t permit her to get pregnant. Really.
Frankly, from where I sit, the photo of Melania does her no favors, either. That’s just me, but she looks like some kind of bionic robot. Of course, Heidi does look nasty in that photo, but who doesn’t have an ugly head shot in their repertoire?? Yeah yeah it’s puerile, sexist, stupid and disdainful. What else is new?
This is also from the party that routinely sends out nasty photos – either ones like Heidi’s where the woman is caught in an ugly pose/shot or they’re clearly photoshopped – routinely of Democratic women, especially Hillary and Michelle Obama. I’ve seen really ugly photos of those two women, and then of course, there’s been nasty photos of the various leftish Supreme Court female judges.
These people have NO standards, and they ENJOY being complete sheer utter prize azzholes.
IOW, just another day ending in “y” during the GOP primary. I expect it to get worse, but I fully expect GOP voters to think this kind of sh*t is just fantastic. The propaganda Wurlitzer has done it’s job.
Remember The Donald said that stuff about Jeb’s wife and Jeb mostly mumbled. Jeb’s lack of response allowed The Donald to label him weak and push him out. Well, that picture of Mrs. Trump feels a little like revenge and the beginning of some really nasty stuff to come.
Remember The Donald said that stuff about Jeb’s wife and Jeb mostly mumbled. Jeb’s lack of response allowed The Donald to label him weak and push him out. Well, that picture of Mrs. Trump feels a little like revenge and the beginning of some really nasty stuff to come.
In honor of Gary Shandling:
Yes, the Republican presidential nomination is turning into a game of dozens, mamas and all. But let’s look at the timeline here.
Whoever originally targeted Melania in Utah over at Making America Awesome PAC probably wasn’t thinking about or didn’t care that Heidi worked at Goldman. It’s hard to take Trump’s threat to “spill the beans” in another context unless proven otherwise. So naturally there’s this:
This media spat livens up an otherwise quiet interval in the campaigns; that the media often confounds the anti-Trump PAC as a pro-Cruz one is not surprising either.
So, there is probably more method here than madness, it seems to me. Exercising outrage over our declining standards (“I’m shocked, shocked to find gambling is going on in here!”) while overlooking yet more evidence of the impressive success of a new brand of politic communication in the United States seems to fall for the misdirection just as completely as Trump’s constituents.
That this is an inartful dalliance with the boundaries of good taste seems secondary to the metrics of earned media, news cycles and entertained viewers not to mention the set-up of Heidi’s Goldman Sachs connections as fair game in the public square. That is potentially quite a problem for Cruz; it rather does “spill the beans” on his populist pretension.
I’ve been wondering if and when Heidi’s ‘House of Cards’ career liability would come up and those dopes at Make America Awesome PAC gave Trump the opening he’s probably been awaiting. Let’s see.
In high school there’s generally one acceptable way to be, and it’s dictated by the exigencies of dating. There are the people who try to be that way, and then there are the other, clunky, disastrously uncool individuals, the nerds, who swim upstream in those waters…
Real Life is actually a lot more like high school. The common denominator prevails. Excellence is not always recognized or rewarded. What we watch on our screens, whom we elect, are determined to a large extent by public polls. Looks count. A lot. And unlike the best of the college experience, when ideas and solutions somehow seem attainable if you just get up early, stay up late, try hard enough, and find the right source or method, things on the outside sometimes seem vast and impossible, and settling, resigning oneself, or hiding and hunkering down becomes the best way of getting along.
– Meryl Streep, 1983 Vassar College Commencement
Can a whole campaign, including advisers, really be this immature. My theory is Trump is just playing a game. He’s not half as immature as he pretends to be. He’s just pandering to those that are. But when it comes to the general election, he’s going to get skewered with this stuff. His percentage of the female vote may not break 30. Could Hillary have promised him a huge payoff to clear the field for her? Wow!
Maybe that’s an upgrade from ’08 when McCain chose a VP that guys want to do.
On page ten of the National Enquirer, apparently. Boom. No sooner does the establishment line up to kiss Cruz’s smug ass than the roof caves in. Again.
I’m never going to forget this campaign, ever.
Never a good idea to kiss the ass of someone that you loathe.