Astonishing which persons are influencing Dutch politics as an unusual referendum will be voted on in a fortnight: Should the EU accept the Ukraine as a member state. After all the anti-Putin propaganda spewed by western media in recent years, the coup d’état of February 2014 in shich dozens died on the street of Kiev and the downing of Malaysia passenger jet flight MH-17, the result of the Dutch vote is uncertain.

A Dutch newspaper published an opinion piece, authored by one of Sarah Palin’s disciples … WTF! The article is wholly inaccurate and filled with lies.

A Vote Against Ukraine is a Vote For Putin by Joshua Livestro and Michiel van Hulten

Sarah Palin’s Crew – WhoIs Joshua Livestro

Palin oversees an unusual galaxy of conservative aides and advisers spread out from Anchorage to England. Most worked for McCain or Bush. Each is dispensable — except the First Dude

Joshua Livestro, a Dutch national living in England, started defending Palin on blogs in 2008. He drew Mansour’s attention, and by the end of 2010, she’d hired him to help her with speech research.

Sarah Palin’s Mystery Research Shop Cashes In | Mother Jones – July 2011 |

In the first half of 2011, Sarah PAC paid $24,000 to Paideia Research LLC, a consulting outfit run by Joshua Livestro. Once a frequent contributor to Conservatives4Palin, a website co-founded by Palin aide Rebecca Mansour, Livestro was originally hired by Palin’s team to brief Palin on Europe’s financial crisis.

Of course, Livestro’s name isn’t anywhere to be found in Sarah PAC’s filings. Last year, it took quite a bit of digging by Daniel Schulman and myself to connect Livestro to Paideia:

    Managed by a shell company, and incorporated in a state with favorable tax laws and scant disclosure requirements, Paideia’s corporate structure virtually assured anonymity. But interviews and a review of domestic and international business records led to the identity of Paideia’s owner–which presented yet another mystery: Why is Palin’s political action committee employing a Dutch right-wing journalist named Joshua Livestro, who is known for incendiary rhetoric?

    Two recent federal filings for SarahPAC list a Sheridan, Wyoming, address for Paideia Research. When one local blogger visited the address, he found a low-slung, non-descript building that’s home to Sheridan Answering and Secretarial Services, a company that handles phone calls and mail for customers. (Other bloggers soon started asking questions about Palin’s mystery research firm.) When asked by Mother Jones about Paideia, Sheridan Answering’s owner, Ginger Horton, replied, “I have no idea who they are.”

    Wyoming business records show that Paideia was incorporated in July. In addition to the local Wyoming address, these records list another in southern California. That address, in turn, traces to another mail forwarding service. Paideia’s corporate filings also indicate that it is managed by Pyramid Management LLC , which belongs to a California-based ex-lawyer and realtor, David DeLoach, who specializes in setting up untraceable LLCs and pre-fab shell companies in Wyoming and Nevada–states that don’t tax corporate income and have exceedingly lax disclosure rules.

    In a brief phone interview, DeLoach said he vaguely remembered setting up Paideia. But as his website promises, the entire process was confidential. He said he himself didn’t know who was behind Paideia or why it was created.

    So it appears the owner of Paideia truly wanted to keep its origins secret. And he might have succeeded, had Karen Wheeler, the Wyoming Secretary of State’s business compliance director, not told Mother Jones that she had recently spoken to Paideia’s owner by phone. She didn’t get his name, but said he “had quite the English accent” and told her he was based in England.

That England-based mystery man turned out to be Livestro, who cut his teeth in Dutch politics and founded the Edmund Burke Foundation, a think tank devoted to countering Dutch progressive politics. He also had a knack for sparking controversy: In a Dutch magazine, Livestro once dismissed the abuses at Abu Ghraib as no worse than those that might occur within a fraternity, and he called critics of that prison “cry-babies.” Oh, and he’s also a climate change denier.

Even before Sarah PAC hired him, Livestro was an avid fan of the former Alaska governor. He defended her against criticisms from around the blogosphere on the site Conservatives4Palin, a hub of pro-Palin commentary. And then there’s the bio on Livestro’s website, which reads: “His greatest wish is to work for the 2012 Sarah Palin presidential campaign.”

So George Soros is putting money in Stem for Nederland (Vote FOR the Netherlands) and in the person of Joshua Livestro!

#Bruslog: Joshua Livestro: ‘GeenStijl rent voor Poetin, ook zonder beloning’

Maandag was de aftrap van de voor-campagne voor het referendum over het associatieverdrag tussen de EU en Oekraïne. Voorstanders hebben zich verenigd in de Stichting Stem Voor Nederland, die met geld van George Soros campagne gaat voeren voor een `ja’. Een gesprek met voorzitter Joshua Livestro over referenda, Oekraïne en buitenlands geld: “Het lijkt me redelijk dat de burger weet wat er aan geld is binnengekomen bij Stem Voor Nederland en waaraan het is uitgegeven.”

Wat inspireert u om aan zo’n campagne te beginnen?

“Sinds ik nadenk over politiek ben ik voorstander van referenda. Als zich de mogelijkheid voordoet om mee te werken aan een eerste campagne, dan is dat een mooie kans. Ik moest er wel even over nadenken. Het is altijd makkelijk om `nee’ te zeggen, maar ik ben geen eurofoob. Ik ben overtuigd van de meerwaarde van Europese samenwerking, alleen niet van de manier waarop die praktisch van dossier tot dossier wordt vormgegeven. Ik was tegen de Europese grondwet, ik ben voor Grexit [FOR Grexit] en zelfs voor NExit [FOR NExit] als het om de euro gaat.

Twitter – @JoshuaLivestro

George Soros and the Color Revolutions for neo-Capitalism

[Update status] EU-Ukraine Association Agreement

More below the fold …
Once set in motion, Brussels will make a political decision in steps for full membership to get Ukraine into western influence … Europe and NATO. Look at earlier decisions on Bulgaria and Romania to mention the obvious. The Dutch referendum is a vote of no-confidence towards Brussels and expansion into Ukraine. The AA needs the signature from all 28 countries.

European Union – New year, new Free Trade Area with Ukraine | Jan 8, 2016 |

1 January 2016 marked the provisional application of the EU – Ukraine Deep and Comprehensive Free trade Area (DCFTA). The DCFTA is one part of the EU – Ukraine Association Agreement, which was signed in June 2014. The EU-Ukraine Association agreement covers political and economic cooperation, bringing the EU and Ukraine closer together.

    The EU will sign the above three agreements on the 27 June 2014 in the margins of the European Council meeting in Brussels. The Association Agreements with Moldova and Georgia will be signed in their entirety, while the signing of the Ukraine Association Agreement concerns the chapters left after the political ones were signed on 21 March.

    The Agreements with all three countries foresee provisional application so that an impact may be expected to a large extent already prior to ratification by the European Parliament and EU member states, a process that may take some time to complete. [Source: European Commission]

As of January 2016 the Agreement has been applied provisionally (Titles III, V, VI and VII, and the related Annexes and Protocols have been provisionally applied since 1 November 2014, while Title IV has been applied from 1 January 2016), as far as the provisions concern EU competences. Provisions shall formally come into force upon ratification of the Agreement by all signatories. [Source: Wikipedia]

Trilateral Talks On EU-Ukraine DCFTA | Dec. 2015 |

EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA)

“Ukraine has embarked on the European path and nobody will be able to shut the door to the EU membership,” the President said, as quoted by ITAR-ITASS.

Free trade with Europe’s $13 trillion economy will be postponed until January 2016, due to the weak state of Ukraine’s economy which would make it vulnerable to a sudden influx of European goods. Ukraine will continue duty-free trade with Russia and other CIS states until December 31, 2015, and on January 1, 2016 will begin economic integration with the EU.

Ukraine will still have the benefit of sending exports to Europe under a preferential trade code, but duty- free trade will not come into effect until 2016, protecting both Kiev and Moscow from economic risk.

EU-Ukrainian Association Agreement: To sign or not to sign? | Dec. 2012 |