Israel’s shame as a democratic state knows no boundaries … figuratively and literally. Where the ideals of kibbutz life under the Labor party has evolved through arrogance and military power to a settler nation of occupied Palestinians by Likud and more extreme right-wing (religious) parties. Fascist acts are repeated and the masses cry for more revenge. The Israelis have gained independence at the expense of Palestinians in 1948, but are acting in the manner of the Roman occupation 2100 years ago. The scholars of the temple determine daily life of Israelis and the military take revenge for any trangression without consideration of human life and a court of justice. We cannot turn away from these ugly incidents and accept this as a new standard of our moral values.  

200 Israelis protest in solidarity with soldier who shot neutralized terrorist | Ynet News |

Earlier Saturday, the sister wrote a post on Facebok harshly criticizing Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and the IDF. “My little brother shot a terrorist who came with a knife to murder IDF soldiers in Hebron, and all of a sudden he’s suspected of murder. Meaning, the system is accusing my brother the soldier of the murder of a terrorist who came to commit murder. I’m not sure you’re realizing how absurd that is,” she wrote.

She noted her brother did not expect praise for killing the terrorist, and only wants a fair trial. “We feel like the knife dropped by the terrorist in Hebron was used by the system to stab my little brother in the back,” he said.

IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot was briefed on the investigation’s progress and praised the soldiers who stopped the attack and their professional conduct. He noted that the IDF was waging a determined and professional fight against terrorism and that the results of this fight can be felt on the ground. He added that the IDF will back soldiers and commanders who committed mistakes, but not when their behavior is not in line with the military’s values.

Rabbi Lior compares Obama to villain Haman

 « click for info about murderous incident
Poster depicting IDF chief as Haman and calling on him to resign (Photo: Motti Kimchi)

Eisenkot’s comments caused outrage, and posters were put up near the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv depicting him as Haman the evil and calling on his to resign.

Sources in the IDF condemned the posters, saying they are “inciting and dangerous.”

More to follow below the fold …

IDF Soldier Who Executed Unarmed Palestinian, and Commanding Officer–Exposed | Tikun Olam |

Yesterday two Palestinian youths attempted to stab an IDF soldier (this account is in Hebrew with some English added) in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood of Hebron. The soldier was lightly wounded and treated at the scene. The two Palestinians were each wounded, one mortally. They both lay on the ground, without moving. Both were unarmed. The Palestinian who’d been wounded, Abd al-Fatah a-Sharif, lay on the ground near a group of settlers and soldiers. One of the settlers said to the soldiers: “This asshole here is still breathing.”

It goes without saying that a security gag order prohibits Israeli media from reporting this story or the identities of the killer and his commander, which I will do below. I could not have reported this story or learned much of this information without the invaluable aid of many Israelis, who may not be named in order to protect them from the ravages of the national security state.

An IDF soldier who was a medic in the unit and who had treated the wounded soldier, asked permission from his commanding officer to “finish off” the wounded Palestinian. Apparently the commander approved. The soldier walked to within six feet of the wounded Palestinian cocked his rifle and shot him. This practice is often called ‘confirming the kill’ in the IDF. Palestinian girls as young as 12 years-old have been executed in this fashion before. Last week, Bassam Massalha, after being wounded, was executed as video filmed his murder.

Back in Hebron, when the shooter returned to his commanding officer, he went through the formal rituals of confirming the use of his weapon and that was the end of it, they expected. Instead, a Palestinian activist had videotaped the entire incident. He gave the video to the Israeli human rights NGO, B’Tselem, which subsequently circulated the video far and wide, after submitting it to the military censor. It’s been reported by media outlets around the world, including the BBC and many others.

The videographer, Imad Abu Shamsiyah, is in hiding. Settlers surrounded his home, stoned it, and shouted: “Death to Imad.” Neither Israeli soldiers nor police intervened.

Luckily, the Israeli far-right gossip forum, Rotter, has identified him along with pictures. He is El-Or Azarya, a resident of the poor Israeli town of Ramleh, near Tel Aviv.

Other activists in Israel have helped further identifying him, finding Facebook accounts and photographs which document him before the execution. He is a devoted follower of the Beitar Jerusalem soccer club. The most hardcore racist Beitar fans have formed a gangland-style fan club called La Famigilia. He’s also written “Kahane was right!” on his Facebook page.

Among the pages he’s Liked on Facebook are the far-right Kahanist, Baruch Marzel; the racist rapper, The Shadow, who advocated burning Palestinians alive on his Facebook page; the La Famiglia page; Justice Minister, Ayelet Shaked; and Avigdor Lieberman.

Our next President Hillary Rodham Clinton: “I will invite Binyamin Netanyahu as first ally and leader to the White House!”