Maybe Inky the Octopus should run for the Republican nomination. He may be Australian, but he’s smart enough to win.
Update [2016-4-13 20:31:0 by BooMan]: Oops, I misremembered. Inky is from New Zealand.
Maybe Inky the Octopus should run for the Republican nomination. He may be Australian, but he’s smart enough to win.
Update [2016-4-13 20:31:0 by BooMan]: Oops, I misremembered. Inky is from New Zealand.
Well, Lyin’ TedTM is Canuckistani (or so Der Trumpenfuhrer tells me), and that hasn’t hurt him, so why should being from Oz hurt Inky?
Smart enough to get out when the going is good. Inky was a kiwi, by the way, not an ocker. Now a stateless octopus one hopes; he should stay out of crab-pots.
Yeah a runaway Kiwi! That’s hilarious! What a smarty pants. Got out while the getting was good, except he forgot to cover his suction cup tracks.
The All Blacks are pretty fierce. Maybe we should elect our first Kiwi POTUS and import them up here. Might improve sporting events.
I’ve often wondered what an NFL haka might look like:
If Ted Cruz’s anti-establishment strategy for the nomination was a drive up the insurgent lane with a break-out after Super-Tuesday, Mike Lee’s recent rules challenge regarding Congressional party office holders may be a timely flanking hook to disrupt the enemy’s headquarters.
One resists admiring the form Cruz has brought to antagonising the entire leadership of his own Congressional cohort but it seems unparalleled in recent history. Maybe George Wallace? Worth noting Wallace’s attempted assassination in that case.
LOL! Republicans hoisted on their own term limits petard!
Nullification bomb throwers running amok?
Just saw this on GOS. The Muppets celebrate Inky’s escape with the Beatle’s number, The Octopus’s Garden.
OT, but I want to share this. It’s really interesting.
I love these people, seriously.
Interesting. Also saw this on that page. Christian “author” belongs in a rubber room.
ha ha… wonkette had a good take-down on that providing a comprehensive, illustrated list of what could be used instead of dildos when Ted Cruz outlaws them.
These people! Sheesh.
Dang, Kobe.