If there were a Hell, I assume the lowest rung would be reserved for people who use a position of authority to harm children. That dude, Jesus of Nazareth, made a point of this by saying that whatever you do to the children, you should consider that you’re also doing it to him. So, if you’re fondling a high school wrestler’s naughty parts, well, you do the math.
I mean, Tom DeLay can tell the judge how much Dennis Hastert loves the Lord, but I’m just going on scripture here.
…but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. -Matthew 18:6
I’m not a theologian, but I see a problem here.
couldn’t get the link to work. anyway, I’m assuming DeLay will get hired on the faculty of Ken Langone’s School of Alternate Theology [alternate, as in alternate universe]
These people writing letters in defense of Hastert and asserting what a fine religious man he is would make me laugh if I didn’t want to scream. This is everything that gives religion a bad name in a petri dish. Hypocrites are always the first ones to publicly proclaim their sincerity. Religion and patriotism truly are the final refuge of scoundrels.
But that’s in the New Testament. Get with it; the New Testament is ancient and boring. Aside from Revelations all the fun and righteous Fury is in the earlier book. Gorings. Cities turned to ash. Much more contemporary.
Isn’t a character reference from Tom DeLay an oxymoron?
The fact that Hastert is trying to use the Pinochet defense to avoid prison makes me particularly angry about this. I hope he dies in jail.
What Hastert’s “few flaws” lack in numbers they make up for by their weight. Having a character letter from Delay is like getting thrown an anchor.
I’m convinced that these scoundrels exist in their own parallel universe, where evil is good, selfishness is charity, and despicable acts are those of love.
Burning in hell for all eternity should begin immediately.
Minor quibble- if you’re referring to the following passage he’s not actually talking about children:
I certainly see how you could generalize this to imply one should treat children well but it’s fundamentally a message about charity and the brotherhood of man.
that’s Matthew 25, Booman cites Matthew 18
I did see that, and I’m no bible scholar so I could be wrong here, but while 18 & 19 do talk about protecting children the particular formulation Booman uses “whatever you do to the children, you should consider that you’re also doing it to him” doesn’t appear. The closest I see is
Again, just a quibble. It’s clear the general message is to treat children well.
he cited with Matthew 25:40?
yes, you’re right, Booman is reading also Matt 25 “the least” [the ill, the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the prisoners], in connection with the children passages in 18 and 19; which he could explain by saying “the least” might be read as “the vulnerable” which children in the situation he writes about certainly are.
also Matthew 19
I’m neither a theologian or a Christian, but I’ve read the Gospels to have some general sense about them. Anyway….
My friends who are practicing Christians, of various denominations, have all told me that every passage in the Gospels where Jesus seriously criticizes people have to do with hypocrisy. Jesus really had no patience at all with sanctimonious hypocrites.