If David Vitter had been elected the governor of Louisiana, I know that this would not be happening:
Department of Health and Hospitals [DHH] will begin the massive task Wednesday (June 1) of enrolling 375,000 people into the state’s expanded Medicaid program. The department’s goal is to get Medicaid insurance cards into the hands of more than half of the people eligible for the program by July 1.
Here’s what happened after Democrat John Bel Edwards won a surprise upset victory and became the Bayou State’s governor, replacing the disastrous Bobby Jindal:
…the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced [yesterday] it had approved the state’s plan to use food stamp income eligibility to determine whether people qualify for Medicaid. Louisiana is the first state to receive such an approval through what’s known as a state plan amendment; six other states use a similar method but received approval through a different process that takes much longer to approve.
The approval is “a big deal,” [DHH official, Ruth] Kennedy said, because it will allow Louisiana to speed its enrollment of Medicaid recipients using income data it already has, rather than having to collect new income data from recipients. The food stamp numbers can also be used on an annual basis to reaffirm eligibility, Kennedy said, meaning “we won’t have a large number of people falling off the books.”
U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell said that enrollment is “another step in our country’s march toward a health care system that works better for everyone.”
So, because a Democrat was elected governor in Louisiana, an estimated 375,000 people in that state will soon have access to health care that they did not have before and would not have otherwise.
How do you calculate the value of that?
All I have to say is that’s freakin awesome. Yay Obamacare. Eventually, it will win.
That poor state. Talk about Augean stables…
Everyone that is not a GOP member is celebrating, for life is sacred. The GOP though believe it is terrible to give people the right to have healthcare.
I get confused though.
I have read on Booman Tribune that the Affordable Care Act is the biggest neoliberal sellout to the oligarchs and plutocrats that has ever been perpetrated on the American Public. And ‘progressives’ here have stated categorically that it is a failure and will collapse under its own weight, and never will help anyone. It’s just another Obama sell out.
Yet here Booman is bragging about another state buying into this white elephant of a law.
Silly nalbar! Booman’s refusal to throw his whole-hearted support to Sanders proves he’s just another neoliberal sellout Hillarybot in thrall to the Wall Street loving sellout Obama and the corrupt DNC, and not a True Progressive at all. No wonder he’s happy about this brief burst of heat from the dying embers of the Big Pharma/Big Insurance sellout Obamacare.
Get with the program!
Obama? That sellout to the oligarchs? His whole time in the WH, stating from when he appointed Hitlery as SoS, was just an example of the far reaching tentacles of the Clintocupus. If only the speeches to Wall Street would be released we would see the plutocrats celebrating the destruction of the progressive movement. And it all started right here, with this capitalistic monstrosity called…The Affordable Care Act.
Under other circumstances, I might be disinclined to join in on such gleefully hard trolling.
But here we are, hours after BooMan posts news of this triumph for low-income Louisianans and for the State budget, and those Frog Ponder who line up here to cry incessant crocodile tears on behalf of vulnerable Americans they claim have been intentionally and corruptly abandoned by President Obama and other Democratic Party leaders…suddenly they’re nowhere to be seen.
Troll away.
What’s the fun for them in appreciating what we’ve gained? They prefer to pull on themselves and long for the courage, skill and vision of FDR.
I don’t know that African-Americans, Japanese-Americans and others would worship at Roosevelt’s alter as they do, but pay that no mind, I suppose.
Can you imagine how they would be treating our President if unemployment were now at 14.6%? That was the rate that unemployment sat at during the eighth year of Roosevelt’s Presidency.
Can you imagine how they would be treating Obama if he firebombed citizens, as our military did under FDR’s Administration?
I could go on and on, but that’s enough for now.
Troll? Troll?
It’s obvious the Clinton Communication Machine (TM) has gotten the word out to her Hillibots that the time has come to attack all True Progressives when they try to get the facts out. It’s so typical of those neoliberals in thrall to the plutocrats to resort to personal attacks rather than discuss the issues. My main research arm, Judicial Watch, is the only reputable organization that is on to the Clinton attempt to circumvent the will of the People.
So like you to use attacks as an attempt to silence.
than what you’re doing here (i.e., trolling . . . hard).
Wish you’d stop.
Naw, we’re not trolling, we’re mocking.
We are not mixing it up with anybody. Just posting mockery in a quiet little corner of the Internet.
Jan’s was excellent BTW. Hard to top that.
I am so happy for my fellow citizens in Louisiana who will not have access to healthcare.
“…will now…” And I am so very happy for you guys, having known the blessings of the Obamacare progenitor in Massachusetts for these many years. Pre and post PPACA, it’s truly been a lifesaver.
Damn, I hate auto correct on the phone 😀
LOL! I don’t need autocorrect to bollix up my stuff — You should see the typos I make on a regular keyboard. I have to spend as much time proofreading as composing before I dare post even a one-liner. I need a stylus to type at all on a phone.
ACA was and is far from perfect, but it has been a needed step in the right direction. Medicaid expansion is a big deal for a lot of folks who would be left out in the cold otherwise, and a big deal for rural hospitals in particular. That particular detail matters in Louisiana as well as many other parts of the US. My particular red state has medicaid expansion and it is really the difference between a tolerable quality of life for many and being one medical emergency away from bankruptcy, and for my state it’s the difference between a mediocre level of funding for the various social service agencies and being an economic basket case (see Louisiana, which is going to have a long road to recover, or Oklahoma for cautionary tales). That medicaid expansion was left to the individual states to implement at will is something we can credit or blame the Supreme Court for. So it goes.
Obamacare was the first expansion of the American Social Safety Net that did not have, in its design, the exclusion of a segment of the American populace. It took the Roberts Court to do that.
The Roberts Court definitely screwed over a large segment of the population in its ruling to uphold the ACA as Constitutional – what was done with regard to Medicaid Expansion in that instance was unforgivable. Getting and keeping Medicaid Expansion in my state was tricky, and we have upwards of 300k human beings who could have the rug pulled out from under them any year on the whim of a faction of the ruling GOP that insists on burning the state government and its agencies to the ground – it’s a rump faction, but depending on how the next election cycle goes, that rump faction will either expand (bad, but a possibility) or see its numbers reduced (the better case scenario and also a distinct possibility, given that we probably can’t get much “redder” than we already are).