It would be a good idea to make this required reading for freshmen orientation on all our college campuses. I think everyone would benefit.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
A heart-wrenching account that left me in tears and broken-hearted for this young woman, and for all the other women in the world who have suffered the same cruel treatment.
It should definitely be required reading for high school and college students everywhere.
it should be required reading for all judges and DAs who think 6 months for rape is enough punishment.
Technically, he wasn’t charged, and therefore, wasn’t convicted of rape.
The DA pushed for a six year prison term; so, they can’t be faulted. It was the probation department that recommended leniency. The judge did hear the victim’s statement and said that it was “very eloquent statement.”
Talk about white privilege. Rape a girl but get a light sentence because you’re a really good guy, a jock, and probably didn’t mean it. Try doing that while black.
saw and read it this morning, the feelings from my point of view have ranged from rage against the judge and the assailant to profound sadness for the victim
I shared this with friends but making people aware doesn’t seem like enough
All I can say is, thank god there’s a civil system that can at least exact some small measure of justice.
could let the unrepentant asshole off with a 6-mo. + probation slap-on-the-wrist AFTER sitting through her reading of that?
Not any with even a substandard ration of human decency.
I clicked the link in the article, which confirmed that, exactly as I’d suspected (I mean, how could it be otherwise?), the judge is male.
(Reminds me a lot — and not in a good way! — of the Stacey Rambold case here in MT, which also made national headlines [and as it should have, led to official sanctions and the end of the career of the judge].)
Commenters there stated he’s up for re-election this coming Tuesday. Would be great to see voters of his jurisdiction grant him an immediate retirement over this. Even if, as fairly common in judicial elections, he has no opposition on the ballot (hell, write in George Clooney . . . or anybody eligible to serve).
The strength of the victim is humbling.
>>Commenters there stated he’s up for re-election this coming Tuesday.
commenters there were incorrect. there are no judges on the primary ballot.
Curious, I did a little online research myself. As you said, though I found sample ballots for Santa Clara County, they showed no judicial races.
I did turn up this list of County Officeholders, which shows Aaron Persky (misspelled “Perksy” in article) as a County Superior Court Judge, “next election” 2016. So I guess that means November.
Which, unless a filing deadline has passed, is probably better in terms of time for organizing credible opposition and getting him “fired”.
On top of everything the description of the woman simply lying in an awkward position, nearly nude, outside, makes me suspect it wasn’t just alcohol. If so, she was deliberately drugged and this was a planned rape. 6 months is beyond absurd. And after hearing that statement!
And no, in this era of designer drugs, toxicology won’t get everything even if they ran it.
I hope someone kills him.
Agreed. Definitely required reading. Saw it in my twitter feed and retweeted. Needs as much of a signal boost as possible.
I suspect it’s too late by the time these kids get to college. Gonna have to do more than just read a letter to prevent this sort of thing. Sad story.