Podemos Halted In Spanish Election
Did the unexpected Brexit result and the political chaos in Britain effect the Spanish election? Working with the radical left did not work out for Podemos …
As Spain Votes, Can Podemos Shine Light Amid Brexit Blackness?
Seeking a spark of light in the darkness that followed this week’s Brexit vote, the European left has its attention firmly fixed on the Spanish election Sunday, where a coalition led by the populist Podemos Party could upend the conservative establishment and breath new hope into a continental movement.
The Unidos Podemos coalition, which includes the radical leftist party along with communists and greens, is expected to make big gains in the repeat elections, but it is unclear if they will win enough votes to unseat Prime Minister and Popular Party leader Mariano Rajoy.
○ Chilean election and Juntos Podemos Más (2006)
British establishment rearing its ugly head – holding the EU Hostage!
Unbelievable, just listened to Osborne’s speech and watched a few Tory MPs talking about willing to negotiate from a position of strength … using the voluntary decision to invoke Article 50 to force preferential trade deals with the EU after Brexit. The Eton elitists and arrogance know no limit. Thank you Brits for the vote, don’t let the door hit you on the a$$ exiting Europe and please … never return!
[Update1]: Chancellor George Osborne seeks to calm Brexit fears – video
Osborne said Britain was “ready to confront what the future holds for us from a position of strength”. “You should not underestimate our resolve. We were prepared for the unexpected. We are equipped for whatever happens.”
In a message to nervous firms and investors, Mr Osborne stressed the economy was “fundamentally strong” and “open for business”.
An emergency budget to deal with the fallout from the referendum vote looks unlikely to take place until the autumn, as the Chancellor echoed the calls of Mr Cameron, saying the triggering of Article 50 – the formal process that would start Brexit – should be done by a new prime minister.
Amid speculation that he is likely to leave Number 11 for the Foreign Office in the event of a Boris Johnson Brexit government, Mr Osborne asserted he intended to “play an active part” in the negotiations with Europe.
○ Headlines in British newspapers …
- The Daily Telegraph: Labor Coup to Block Brexit
“Tony Blair, the former Labour prime minister, said a second referendum
on the UK’s membership of the EU should not be ruled out because
Britain has become ‘deeply divided’ after the vote.” - Daily Mail: Bitter losers – Now a plot to block Brexit
“British and European politicians were ganging up in
an attempt to block the UK’s exit from the EU.”
○ ‘United Kingdom torn apart’ – how papers around the world reacted to Brexit
See my comments in previous diary …
○ The Blairites Caused This Mess
○ Labour Coup Planned for Months
A Yellowish Streak in the Conservative Party
David Cameron: “I don’t have to stand by my word … I’m leaving.”
Is this the heritage of a courageous stand by Winston Churchill? Cameron refuses to invoke Article 50 to exit the European Union. The Tory Party will try to heal its backbenchers before the coming election this fall. Tactics to delay that start of a formal request to leave the EU. Self-interest and party disunity is taking priority over the UK’s responbibility in its relationship to the 27 member states and its people. All of the jackals of conservatism in Britain and across the Atlantic, coming forward to reinterpret the will of the majority of British voters. Talking about democracy is useless as the establishment and corporatism once again take center stage.
Just watched MEP Richard Ashworth telling the BBC reporter he knows what the voters meant to say. There should be less bureaucracy in Brussels and Britain should Remain in the EU. No, he continues, it’s a non-binding referendum. In the Constitution it’s written that it’s the sole power of the Prime Minister to make that decision to invoke Article 50. No, in the European Parliament in Brussels nothing has changed … technically we can function this week as we did last week. As David Cameron feels it’s not up to him, but the next elected Tory leader. This can take months … end of quote.
MEP Richard Ashworth represent the Conservative Party in UK’s South-East. This is how the region voted on the EU referendum: Voters in the South East have voted strongly in favour of leaving the EU .
○ Scenario 2: avoiding Article 50 to secure better Brexit terms
Suggestion by Tory leadership immediately shot down by Berlin …
○ Brexit: Germany rules out informal negotiations | BBC News | [11 min. ago]
[Update2]: Amid Brexit turmoil, Merkel and Hollande call for ‘greatest clarity’
head of an EU-wide summit on Tuesday and Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande have said they are in “full agreement on how to handle the situation” after British citizens voted last Thursday to leave the bloc, French presidency sources say.
A source close to Hollande told the AFP news agency that both leaders had agreed in a phone call on the need for “the greatest clarity to avoid any uncertainty,” and had called for the quick European action “on concrete priorities.”
Germany’s EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger on Monday joined the chorus of voices calling on Britain to clarify its intentions after the Brexit vote, telling broadcaster Deutschlandfunk that the Conservative Party under Prime Minister David Cameron must swiftly decide on what course to take.
Oettinger, like Merkel, wants “clarity”
“With every day of uncertainty, investors in the whole world will be discouraged from investing in Great Britain or from believing in Europe,” Oettinger said.
His comments echoed those made at the weekend by the president of the European Parliament, Oettinger’s compatriot Martin Schulz.
PM Cameron answers questions in Lower House of Parliament …
○ [Update3]: Brexit live: Cameron accepts there may be a case for an early election
Predicting more delay, European members are furieus at David Cameron!
Germany’s CDU and CSU to hold a ‘peace pow-wow’ | Deutsche Welle |
In the shadow of the Brexit referendum, leaders of Germany’s conservative parties are gathering for a ‘quiet weekend’ of meetings. They hope to finally lay to rest their energy-sapping in-fighting over refugees.
For more than a year now, Christian Democratic sister parties, CDU and CSU have been publicly fighting over a number of political issues – not only, but most boisterously, over the issue of refugee policy.
There will be more to add …
○ Deputy Tom Watson tells Corbyn he has lost his authority among Labour MPs | The Guardian
Bye-bye Love: Reactions to Brexit (Credit: Deutsche Welle)
S&P downgrades “United” Kingdom two notches from AAA to AA with negative outlook …
○ Boris Johnson out of hideout: ‘Pound is stable, stocks are stable’
○ Brexit strips world’s 400 richest people of $127bn – Bloomberg [that was last Friday!]
… and in the Commons both leading parties are more involved with infighting for leadership as the UK is heade towards a General Election this Fall.