The Republican National Convention begins a week from today, and rumors are swirling that Donald Trump will make his VP announcement some time this week. The conservative Washington Times raised some eyebrows yesterday with a headline proclaiming that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has a 95% chance of being the pick. I wouldn’t call the Washington Times a credible source, but they do supply three reasons for their confidence.
First, they have a source in convention delegate James Bopp, who is reportedly close to Governor Pence. Mr. Bopp says that he was contacted by Indiana House Speaker Brian C. Bosma, who was looking for some advice on a potential gubernatorial run. This is significant because Pence is seeking reelection and he’ll have to remove himself from contention for governor by noon on July 15 if he wants to be on the ticket as a vice-presidential candidate. If Speaker Bosma is suddenly interested in running for governor, it’s probably because he knows or strongly suspects that Pence won’t be running for the position.
Second, the Washington Times has a source in Indiana Republican Party Chairman Jeff Cardwell, who says that he was contacted by people at the Republican National Committee and told to cancel a planned trip to Cleveland for a RNC meeting on Tuesday so he can be sure to attend a joint Trump/Pence rally in Indianapolis.
Third, the Trump/Pence rally is a late addition to the schedule. It was originally going to be nothing more than a high-priced fundraiser.
The Trump-Pence fundraiser already was a big deal, with tickets are going from $2,700 to $250,000. But its scheduled date falling so close to the July 18-21 Republican National Convention here was being interpreted by some political observers as ideal for a possible VP announcement by the party’s presumptive presidential nominee.
The last bit of tea leaf-reading comes from remarks that Trump made last week at an appearance with Newt Gingrich. Trump assured the crowd that Gingrich would serve in some capacity in his administration, which many interpreted to mean that he won’t be Trump’s running mate.
If Trump truly is planning to make the announcement prior to the convention, then tomorrow’s rally would be a logical time to do it. It’s less clear what he thinks Gov. Pence can bring to the table.
Pence has the countenance of a humorless boarding school headmaster, and to call him a moral scold would be putting it mildly. His hostility to homosexuality is off the charts. Take a look at the following bullet points from Pence’s Agenda for the 107th Congress (typos in original):
• Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexual’s as a “discreet and insular minority” entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities.
• Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus. Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.
As a political question, the problem here is not so much that Pence’s record is offensive to the LGBT community as it is offensive to the entire Millennial generation and many more people besides. Even the business community wants nothing to do with Pence’s version of social conservatism.
After Gov. Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law on March 26th of last year, concern that it would allow discrimination against gays and lesbians was so intense that and Angie’s List announced they would halt plans to expand in the state. The NCAA threatened to boycott Indiana for future basketball tournaments, and several mayors restricted business travel by city employees to the Hoosier State. Pence initially defended the law and said he wouldn’t change it, but by April 2, 2015, he felt compelled to sign followup legislation to try to reassure people that it wouldn’t sanction discrimination. Many people feel that the revised legislation still didn’t go far enough.
No one who followed Pence’s congressional career should have been surprised by his extremism as governor. He had served as the chairman of the Republican Study Committee, an organization known for its radicalism. He actually joined the Tea Party Caucus, an assembly of loons that was chaired by the certifiably crazy Michele Bachmann of Minnesota.
Pence called on Congress to pass a bill called the Child Custody Protection Act which would have required parental notification if a minor wanted to obtain any “contraceptive drugs or devices” at any Title X funded clinic. We saw what happened to Indiana state Treasurer Richard Mourdock’s Senate campaign four years ago when he insisted that pregnancies resulting from rape and incest were gifts from God that should not be terminated. We know what happens when a victim of incest needs parental consent to get contraception. These are not popular or even acceptable beliefs about women’s rights or human sexuality.
If Pence is actually selected as Trump’s running mate, we’ll get into his full record, which is nutty and extreme on economic and foreign policy matters, too. But, for now, I’m just trying to figure out how Pence could conceivably help Trump in any way.
If Trump is using the same theory of the case that McCain used in picking Sarah Palin, that it was necessary to shore up weak support from the Christian conservative base, then we already saw that this is a losing strategy.
Selecting Pence will drive responsible business leaders even further into Clinton’s camp. It will severely alienate women and moderates on social issues. Millennials will flee in panic. And, once the press picks over Pence’s congressional record, any reassurance that Trump will have a steady hand to deal with Congress will be completely undermined.
Pence has actual negative charisma, so he won’t win over anyone by being smart or funny or charming.
He has executive experience, which is valuable, but his first term as governor has done little more than create a giant stain on Indiana’s national reputation.
Of course, if the alternatives are Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie, and Sen. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III of Alabama, then Pence starts to look a little better.
Still, this selection doesn’t make any sense.
So, maybe it won’t actually happen?
Martin – I know you like to be ahead of the game, but maybe it’s better to keep quiet and let the R’s make this big blunder. Could be they read you!!!!
Absolutely. Pence is Palin/Quayle level stupid.
From Yglesias:
“And I can tell you this about Mike Pence: he has no idea what he’s talking about. The man is a fool, who deserves to be laughed at. He’s almost stupid enough to work in cable television.”
Hypothesis: Trump is bored, and panicked by the alternatives of losing or getting elected, both of which he can’t stand. He wants to withdraw, at the convention (for a billion dollars and renaming rights on the party, which will now be called the Trump Party and Republican Golf Resort–just kidding), and is in negotiation with Ryan, say, or people in general like that.
Pence is being prepped as VP so he’ll be there to play the Hubert Humphrey role and accept the nomination without any primary votes. None of the other primary candidates would do because they all hate each other so much after the campaign. Pence is also perfect because he’s very rightwing, equally acceptable to Christian nuts and libertarians and reformicons, a manipulable zero with appropriately quivering jowls.
Just a thought.
Wow… normally I have nothing but disdain for conspiracy theories, but yours actually sounds halfway plausible. Except that I wonder how Trump pulls out without losing face.
So, I still have to consider this much less likely than the alternative: that Pence is simply one of the very few people who would be willing to accept a place on Trump’s ticket. Which in itself would surprise me. I mean, even Joni Freakin’ Ernst wasn’t crazy enough for that gig.
Let me see:
Are there more?
Might the Trump communications operation be more clever than it’s given credit for keeping the focus on Trump and the Trump campaign.
Pence is a play to the religious right, which is a huge weakness for Trump that has produced laughable endorsements of preachers who have shown their souls to be marked “Sold” as people long suspected.
It’s not your opinion that matters in this; it is the response of oodles of right-wing religious voters who just might be convinced that Trump is the second coming of Jesus and his tiny fingers on the nuclear button will bring the promised judgement.
It will, just not the judgement they are imagining. But with the universe being what it is, I could be wrong.
Also they know they can’t win the presidency, but want a nominee who will not harm the prospects of keeping Congress.
The counterargument would be that all of the other available options also suck, perhaps even worse, so why not Pence?
Remember when Trump got the “baby Christian” endorsement from James Dobson? You think that endorsement came for free? I mean, it could have cost just money, but Trump is way too much of a tightwad for that.
Trey Gowdy has opposition for SC-04.
Chris Fedalei
He’s 26 years old. Hopefully in that short a time he’s not collected any skeletons in his oppo closet.
The district is now 25% minority; that’s something of a base if he can turn them out. And whatever voters he can get by portraying Trey Gowdy as the loser he is and tied to Trump. And Trump’s fiscal irresponsibility.
If there’s a wave, this guy has possibilities.
Good luck to him and I’ve already sent $$$.
But I’m not holding my breath.
Stop thinking about the general election man! This Republican primary is going all the way to November 8th!
Pence has no charisma, no following, no influence outside Indiana, no personality and nothing whatever to recommend him as VP or anything else. However, since Trump wrapped up the nomination, I’ve seen absolutely no evidence whatsoever for thinking that the Trump camp contains any political savvy at all. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Judge Curiel, abortion, the Wall, Brexit, Pochantas, Gov Ramirez, Orlando, … and the shit just keeps on rolling. The only possible ray of political intelligence could be that no one would believe a swing to the center from Trump anyway, so why bother.
You want to shore up the Xtian fundies? Try an elected state official who is also a preacher in Ohio, Wisconsin, Colorado, Pennsylvania. Somewhere they might actually be of a positive use to you. Lord knows there are enough of them.
You want to reassure the rabid non-Xtian right? Pick a politician from Florida … there’s bound to be someone who fits the bill.
Pence? Are we SURE that Trump is not a Clinton plant???
I live in Chicagoland…the GOP of Indiana would love to get Pence out of the state. His approval rating is falling below 50% and he is currently tied with the dem gov. candidate for reelection. Pence has followed the GOP play book…cut corp. taxes, right to work law, anti LGBT laws, drug testing for welfare/SNAP and the rest of the GOP ideology. Result, falling wages and a HIV and heroin problem. He cut spending so he can brag about a $2 billion budget surplus which he does not spend because he does not believe in government (spending).
Pence’s lack of charisma is a selling point for Trump. Trump wants a running that makes The Donald look yuge by comparison. And Antman said no.
What weak support? He crushed in South Carolina precisely because he has their support.
I wouldn’t discount Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III so quickly. His name represents two of the South’s biggest heroes and the Repubs need a Southern on the ticket for VP this time. Look what happened to John McCain and Mitt Romney. Alaska? Wisconsin? The curse of the Lost Cause got both of them. LOL
“homosexual’s” aren’t “discreet”.
My best guess would be that those still closeted and seeking to remain so are in fact very models of discretion . . . or at least strive to be so.
What a maroon! (Pence, not booman, just in case that’s not transparently obvious to anyone.)
Makes sense. Trump has trouble on the right with some evangelicals. He has problems with the base GOP – so this will probably help.
I cannot really see how Trump actually wins in anything other than a 3 or 4 way split which is unlikely to happen. But it secures the base and maybe allows him to consolidate the vote on the right and means he doesn’t go below 45.
Heeeeeeee’s back!!!!!
Evan Bayh has announced a rematch with Dan Coats.
Lord, help us all. He was recently spotted at a conference of vulture capitalist at the Milken Institute, where the great idea is that elders should accustom themselves to lifetime work. Social Security is still in the effing bipartisn bullseye.
But…he will get rid of McConnell as majority leader. His dad really needs to have a heart-to-heart talk with him.
He’s a h*** of a lot better than Coates, and the guy he’s replacing, Baron Hill, is a Blue Dog too. So, this is a good thing.
Nothing but Blue dogs left in the Democratic Party.
In Indiana, it’s been that way for thirty years.
Were it only a matter of being a Blue Dog. Indiana needs someone who will represent their interests, not someone who shills for vulture capitalists on Wall Street and private insurance companies.
Could someone put Evan Bayh in the position of having his sustenance depend on his Social Security alone.
Probably do less damage in the Senate than he could pillaging the remainder of Indiana commons as a deficit hawk Democrat, fgs.
They won’t find it in the Democratic Party.
Tell that to my senator, Jeff Merkley.
Even the best have their moments. Was shocked today to see that Sen Sherrod Brown had become an enthusiastic supporter of the DARK Act. Guess he figures consumers without smart phones don’t need to know if GMOs are in their food. I know he comes from Ohio, but I thought all that corn went to ethanol.
And Bayh is assured of winning, how? Do Indiana Democrats care that the last two races Bayh have been involved with have meant nothing? He bailed last time after the primary, and he’s big-footing the process this year. How are they going to get Bayh on the ballot?
Gary Johnson looking better and better.
Yes, he’s up to miserable.
If by better and better you mean an old style Republican wolf in sheep’s clothing smoking a joint while saying he’ll eliminate Social Security, close the department of education, shut down Medicare, is against any kind of government health assistance and thinks he can cut 43% of the federal budget overnight without any affect on the economy, then he’s the greatest!
Jill Stein thinks she can eliminate 2/3 of the Defense budget without any effect on the economy.
LOL Guns to plowshares?
Better and better meaning he has actually governance experience without being (AFAIK) a Christian jihadist.
And sorry, but I see no practical difference between his economical policy (full laissez-faire) and HRC’s (full laissez-faire if you cross my palm with silver).
I assume you are speaking strictly about some form of
economic policy? Some VERY restricted form of economic policy? Because, seriously, anyone who can’t tell the difference between HRC and Gary Johnson is either lying, trolling, a complete Hillary hater or is a fucking idiot.
Gary Johnson vs HRC
I’ll take the combo plate, please.
You just don’t get it, though.
Let me explain.
Neoliberal neoconservative, something something Goldman Sachs, something something dead babies.
Libertarians are to Left of HRC on social issues. Optional social security is to the Right of HRC, but letting corporations do as they please is pretty much the same. Expect her to resurrect Bush’s private account SS in another name. Like how Romneycare became Obamacare.
I answered you, DerFarm, because you are a long term Frogponder. I think (maybe wrongly) that you are too intelligent to think that Wall Street has showered her with money, both campaign AND personal, without expecting a quid pro quo. Those guys would whore out their mothers for a quarter if they could sell options on it.
Somebody in the Trump camp is fixated on a Midwest strategy. Ignore the dumpster fire of a campaign and keep on pretended Ohio + Iowa are the keys for 270. All you need to know about the value of this pick: Pence is happily hitting the eject button on some rotten re-elect numbers, in the most GOP state in the region. Kaisch hates Trump, and the Koch’s folded, so Walker and Rauner are off the table. That leaves wack packers like Ernst and Pence.
Emperor Trump’s teeny appendage is flapping in the breeze.
Ernst is not dumb enough to accept, already taken her name out.
>>Ernst is not dumb enough to accept
and that says a lot, since she IS really fucking dumb.
That’s why Pence is the perfect fit
Nails, hammer, head.
Midwest strategy. Sounds like something someone who wants to be thought politically intelligent would push on people who are politically stupid.
Kinda like, Newt Gingrich was once described as “a dumb person’s idea of a smart person.”