I don’t have anything against Melania Trump and I dislike it when spouses become political piñatas. To a certain unavoidable extent, however, potential First Ladies have to undergo some scrutiny. Mainly, this is because First Ladies are used as political assets to help the candidate win votes. Of course, Bill Clinton is in a different category for several reasons, including being the first man to audition for the role, being highly political, and having a two-term record as president to scrutinize.
Yesterday was supposed to be Melania’s big night at the convention when she would be introduced to the American public and, hopefully, the American public would fall in love with her and relish the idea of her being the First Lady for the next four years. It was really a disservice to her to give her a speech that was significantly plagiarized from Michelle Obama’s convention speech from eight years ago. The country’s first impression is now spoiled, and we all know how important first impressions are for how we feel about people.
It might be somewhat overlooked, but the actual content of the plagiarized component was a highly personal explanation of how Melania’s parents instilled values into her that she still carries to this day. So, that’s a second level of fraud on top of the first. And it’s more difficult to disown the mistake because prior to delivering the speech she claimed to journalist Matt Lauer that “I read once over it, that’s all, because I wrote it … with (as) little help as possible.”
So, she’s stuck in one kind of a lie or another.
I’m not sure how much it helps that no one believes that she’s responsible for cribbing Michelle’s speech when she claimed to have written her speech with as little help as possible. When your defense is that you lied, you are already in a big hole.
The sad thing is that she delivered the only non-appalling speech of the night. I’ll give you a brief rundown of how the night went.
Things got started when Duck Dynasty star Willie Robertson took the stage. As a reminder, Daniel Luzer discovered that the whole Duck Dynasty franchise is a fraud. He wrote about it in a January 2014 piece for the Washington Monthly: Duck Decoy: How the entertainment industry made the Duck Dynasty family into rednecks. Here’s a picture of Phil Robertson’s four sons, before they were transformed into the characters they play on television.
After we were treated to Willie Robertson’s act, we got Scott Baio of Happy Days fame. His speech was overshadowed by his refusal afterwards to apologize for Tweeting out a picture Hillary Clinton standing in front of the letters C-U-N-T.
After that came the Benghazi! segment, when Patricia Smith (a mother of a victim of the attacks) and Sean Smith and Mark Geist (survivors of the attacks) blamed Hillary Clinton for the tragedy while repeating lies that have been debunked or unproven after 17 separate Republican investigations. The latter two gentlemen spent so much time on the stage cracking jokes (about tampons, for example) that they moved the last speech of the night out of primetime and off of network television.
Reality-show actor Antonio Sabato, Jr. took the stage next for some reason that no one understands. But, like Scott Baio, all anyone is talking about is what he said afterwards when he revealed that in his heart he believes that President Obama is a Muslim.
I doubt that Don King, Mike Tyson, Bobby Knight and Mike Ditka could have done any worse, but none of them are actually on the schedule despite the promises made by Donald Trump. In Don King’s case, he didn’t appear because the RNC put its foot down and pointed out that Don King had once stomped someone to death.
The program moved on to “the illegal alien” segment with appearances by Mary Ann Mendoza, Sabine Durden and Jamiel Shaw who all recalled being victims of crimes committed by undocumented Mexicans. Yet, however much sympathy they might have aroused, they seemed unaware of the unprecedented number of people that have been deported by the Obama administration. The overall impression they left was one of hostility, fear-mongering and factually challenged intolerance.
A series of forgettable speeches followed, with the best delivered by Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke who, despite being a black man, managed to smear the Black Lives Matter movement and cheer the lack of any accountability for the killing of Freddie Gray in Baltimore.
Then came Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III. I think it’s a problem to have such a high-profile racist speaking at the convention at all, but it was especially hopeless because Sessions delivered a flat and halting speech to scattered and unenthusiastic applause. He is not an orator.
The actual oration came from Rudy Giuliani who was inexplicably scheduled immediately before Melania. I likened this to having Nine Inch Nails open for Tiny Tim, and there was no way that Melania could match the manic excitement produced by Rudy. And, while it’s true that Giuliani delivered a high energy impassioned speech, so did Pat Buchanan at the 1992 Republican convention in Houston. The effect of the two speeches was about the same if the goal was to reach moderate or undecided voters.
The Melania speech went well enough in real time. To introduce her, Trump came out pro-wrestling style to Queen’s “We are the Champions.” And she looked nice and had a good and confident presence. Considering that English is not her first language and that she was using a teleprompter, she did a competent job of delivering her speech.
Of course, Queen doesn’t want Trump playing their music and all anyone is talking about today is the plagiarism.
An unauthorised use at the Republican Convention against our wishes – Queen
— Queen (@QueenWillRock) July 19, 2016
To finish out the night, Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn gave a terrible speech as people filed out. It was so poorly received that Flynn repeatedly tried to get the remaining audience to engage in U-S-A and Trump chants, to no avail.
By the time that Joni Ernst took the stage there was hardly anyone in the hall to listen and the networks had moved on. It was a mercy that she didn’t mention hog-castration, but who would have known if she had?
The end of the night had ended little better than the day had begun when Never Trumpers were steamrolled in a procedural fight over the convention rules and their stink dominated the pre-primetime news coverage with a visual demonstration of the party’s disunity.
Trump promised the country a fabulous spectacle and the best convention ever, but the first day was a gigantic failure from beginning to end. It did very, very little to unite the party or reassure doubters that he knows what he is doing. It did a lot to turn off the unconverted.
And then Rep. Steve King explained the rationale for his white supremacy just to put a little cherry on top of a bad day for the Republicans.
Not only plagiarism in the case of Melania’s speech, but perhaps a bit of Rickrolling?
Honestly not getting how this would be rickrolling. Where’s the prank and the prankster? Doubt that Melania’s speechwriters even consciously borrowed those lyrics, and wouldn’t know a rickroll from a bagel.
Chalk it up to being just another manic Monday for the Trump campaign.
it’s the classic original
Definition of rickroll. It’s the performance and not the lyrics in the stupid song that is used for a rickroll. So, still not seeing it. Not to say the Melania and/or her speechwriters hadn’t heard and liked the lyrics and borrowed them, but that’s more plagiarism.
what if her speech was sabotaged from within?
Considered that. But who among the Trump staff would even be aware that such a prank existed? And then why play it on Melania who would remain oblivious to being played. How many geeks would recognize that someone attempted a rickroll by having someone read a speech that included two lines from a song made into a video that was made into a prank?
Maybe they have moles inside. Or contracted out speech work to Cruzistas or Bush loyalists.
The Rickroll certainly comes across to me as a snide little sabotage that the Trumps being pranked would be too clueless to pick up on, while providing much snicker-fuel for more observant and culturally with it folks. Not as blatant as the Michelle plagiarism but smugly amusing to the hired gun who produced it, and who may be sick of prostituting his/her talents to churn out this sort of bilge.
Trump to Melania speechwriters: “Make it the best ever. Find the good stuff that worked for other wives and spiff it up. Add something cultural that young people will identify with.”
…why is no one remarking on what a piece of centrist bromide that section was. Typical Republican meme of boot strapping. No wonder is was well received.
And now in the morning Manafort goes on CBS and claims there was no plagiarism, essentially guaranteeing continued coverage and playing of Melania’s speech against Michelle’s all day and into the night.
After the VP roll out, that ridiculous logo fiasco, Manfort’s calling out Kasich on the morning of the first day and all the rest, you have to wonder who’s running this clown car. There was talk on MSNBC this morning of Melania being at war with Manafort and Trump’s kids over the choice of Pence. Simultaneously Manafort and his people were using back channels to blame Melania for the screw up with the speech. If he gets himself fired, who’s going to take over this dumpster fire of a campaign?
of course it’s not plagiarism; because white ppl taking from black ppl is not [see, recording industry]
No surprise there.
The Republican Party: Has-Beens and Wannabees. Not to mention liars and cheats. Lovely.
So, speaking as Captain Obvious here, apparently it doesn’t matter a bit that this grotesque clusterfuck will probably not hurt them. The loyal and the angry and the denialists will still vote for Trump no matter what he says or does.
The Emperor has no clothes, no integrity, no honor and no brains. Yet he will get votes. sigh.
I’m surprised you aren’t mentioning the invocation. That was disgusting too. I know plagiarism isn’t good but that was probably the least offensive thing that happened last night. Last night could have been a Bund rally. Have some music:
Let the fun begin
Corey Lewandowski suggested on CNN that the person who who must be held accountable, and even resign, is his former foe on Donald Trump’s staff: campaign chair Paul Manafort.
“I think Paul needs to take a deep look inside, and understand what the process was, make sure the protocols were in place,” Lewandowski said. “Make sure that there is a check and balance of every speech that’s going to go forward and whoever signed off, was the final sign off, that allowed this to go forward should be held accountable.”
“I think if it was Paul Manafort, he would do the right thing and resign,” he added.
And now, in hindsight, maybe CNN’s hiring him will yield dividends.
if not it’s already yielding more entertainment than usual there. This is straight from the pro wrestling side of the Trump campaign: get on the mic and call out your opponent!
pays dividends only if people watch instead of just laughing when we hear about it later.
How could it have gone wrong when they had top drawer talent like Scott Baio, Anthony Sabato Jr. and Batboy headlining?
Giuliani’s speech brought this to mind:
Molly Ivins’ quip about it “being better in the original German” was never quite so apt.
On a related note, I hear that Melania Trump is so embarrassed that she’s going back to using her maiden name. From now on, she’s Eva Braun.
Oh, I thought it was Hillary Rodham. Stupid me. Get off the Nazi kitsch.
Surprisingly no one was shot, but it had to have been a rotten detail to pull that one off.
Trump screwed everything up!!! The GOP is screwed!!! They are headed for permanent minority status.!!!
Meanwhile Trump trails by about 3.5 according to my work, and the odds makers give him about a 25% of actually winning.
It is getting late for this to turn into 1972.
His ceiling appears to be 42%. Voters not currently able to admit to themselves that they will vote for Clinton will gradually drift toward her. I expect the final margin to be considerably wider than 3.5%.
Had dinner with some Sanders supporters – one is voting Green – but lives in NY so it doesn’t matter.
I remember the line from Nader supporters: Gore couldn’t even beat Bush! It was a BS line, Bush was objectively a pretty good candidate.
But this time I didn’t have much of an answer. If she actually loses to Trump it will be one of the great failures in politics I have ever seen.
No excuses – she should kill Trump.
If I were in a betting pool I would go with 47 – 42 with the remaining 11% divided among the minor-party candidates. And sadly I don’t think Trump will have much in the way of negative coattails for Senate races- non-insane Republican voters will split their tickets.
I would be really disappointed if that was the case. Third parties tend to fade late. But when you look at the cross tabs for independents and the young you see tremendous resistance to both candidates.
Gore did beat Bush.
But there are two branches on the line here, if not three. I can see a lot of Republicans voting for him because 1) they hate Clinton more; and/or 2) they can’t bear the thought of losing the Supreme Court for a generation.
We will never have another 1972.
Also this.
To plagiarize the one and only Molly Ivins, Giuliani’s speech sounded better in the original Italian.
at the Convention https:/www.statnews.com/2016/07/19/norovirus-republican-convention-cleveland?s_campaign=fb
I’m shocked people need reminding that this is only the first day of an eight-day — four days each from two different divisions of the same parent corporation — Deep State Enterprises — as it puts on the quadrennial trade fair for the permagov.
yecch. don’t remind us. This one has started just as badly as expected and isn’t likely to get better.
but the only reason I’m paying attention anyway is to see who falls on their face.
Hillary’s coronation will be professionally managed and feature much less chance of entertainment.
You can’t make this shit up
and to think I was planning to watch the Olympics instead
(over my strenuous opposition!) Zinke also speechified last night. The local NPR affiliate even seems to confirm that with some brief excerpts (including unsurprisingly, repetition of the debunked
Zombie Lie that there was a “stand-down” order during Benghazi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
Nobody else seems to have noticed!
Go figure.
It’s my thesis that Ryan saw this as a brilliant chance to enhance his national profile and “national security” cred, based on nothing but his experience as a Navy Seal.
Very gratified to see any such dreams flushed in what booman (who likewise betrays no awareness whatsoever of Zinke’s participation last night) characterizes as “a gigantic failure from beginning to end” (since that subsumes Zinke’s “performance” into the failure).
yes, and also laughed that Booman didn’t mention Zinke!!!
Like this:
Am I gonna hafta pay somehow some day for all this schadenfreude I’m experiencing, do you suppose?
no, I don’t think so; you probably pre-paid a few years ago.
Come to think of it, I probably banked enough reverse-schadenfreude between Theft of the 2000 Election and the Iraq War Crime in 2003 (and after) that I probably couldn’t exhaust that credit in a lifetime!
let’s hope you [we all] get a chance to try though!
yes, actually, very nice phrasing “even more people”
or “no”?
(kidding, in case not obvious)
to me the phrasing reads like a scientist seeing a nebula through a telescope and a given star might thing to itself that the scientist recognized it (and maybe all the time it’s receding as well)
that’s about the “more people” but as far as the credit goes, I’m saying hope there’s much more schadenfreude ahead because it’s already pre paid!
What makes Melania-gate so damning isn’t the fact that the speech was plagiarized, so much as the visceral power of the line-by-line comparison videos that every channel is showing. Trump has characterized the Obamas as “the other” – as foreigners – as terrorists – and yet Michelle delivers those words with a heartfelt sincerity that sounds more “American” than anyone who has ever addressed a political convention. Even more than her husband, Michelle Obama sounds like a real person. Melania sounds like a trophy wife reading from a teleprompter with a thick accent. I mean, she’s obviously very intelligent – I’d kill to be able to speak Spanish as well as she speaks English – but there’s no way that you feel the emotion behind the words, and then when they cut directly to Michelle’s version – it’s just beyond brutal – it’s damning.
This ties in directly to Steve King’s insane earlier gaffe about non-whites not contributing to culture. Michelle Obama’s English sounds like the “real English” – the English that Americans speak and feel and sing – and that English was created by African Americans. Most of the things about our culture that marks us as different and admirable compared to Europe was provided by African Americans – especially the language. In European history, English composers were infamous for not being able to write operas and other vocal music that could compete with the Italians and French composers – and the language itself was to blame. Where the hell does Steve King think US English came from? English was a supremely unsingable, unmusical, awkward, gutteral language. American blacks turned it into the default most musical language on the planet. To make English more singable than Italian was an epic, transcendent stroke of cultural genius. English music didn’t come to life until The Beatles and they did what they did by copying Little Richard and Smokey Robinson and white Americans in turn copied The Beatles. Every word, every pronunciation, every piece of slang that comes out of our American mouths was stylistically originated by black Americans. Melania helped Steve King dodge a bullet because his statement was possibly the most ignorant statement ever made by … well, no, now I’m thinking about Sarah Palin … oh well /rant
King is probably thinking more about the industrual revolution and technology development. You can have an interestingbduscussion about the enlightenment too, but King probably regrets that.
Also I think its a mistake you did not mention Elvis.
yes, I’m pretty sure that’s what he had in mind, but … that’s like a microlayer of invention and shows how ignorant he is – there’s cities, cultivation of maize, invention of rubber, [possibly cotten] from ancient Mesoamericans, writing, cities, irrigation etc invented by ancient Mesopotamians, etc etc etc
Well I look at it this way, white Euros are basically responsible for climate change that could destroy us all so I call it even.
nice one
Well, Elvis is well-documented as having based his style on black artists, so his huge influence (but not as huge as Berry, Little Richard and Smokey’s) on the Beatles already takes the Afro-North American source into account. Buffalo Springfield was influenced by The Beatles, who were influenced by Elvis – all white, but go back one step and you find the source.
To put it another way, the Beatles had as many white role models as black (Buddy Holly, Everly Brothers) but the entire genre of rock and roll is black – only issue is which parts were stolen from US blacks and which from Cuban blacks. Country & Western is also arguably black-derived in many ways. If you’re looking for pure white Beatles influences, you can’t even use the corny Broadway show tunes which owe much of their existence to ragtime around the turn of the century. Probably Rock Island Line and the skiffle craze could be credibly credited to Steve King’s ancestors. No … even that has blues inflections! Yikes! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI4nRD-DRpk)
When analyzing US/UK pop, the only question is whether it was derived from Afro-North American music or Afro-Caribbean music. Now THERE is a fascinating discussion. Those two cultures were INSANELY different and had very little crossover until about 1940. When Dizzy formed his band with Chano Pozo, the US blacks couldn’t play straight time and the Cubans couldn’t swing or play blues notes. But a few years later and everyone, including whites, had assimilated the innovations of both cultures. Meanwhile Steve King’s grandfather was still trying to learn to snap his fingers on 2&4 (I’m picturing Steve Martin in The Jerk here).
And the Irish? Certainly was cross-pollination of dance down in the islands. Why not music, too?
Perhaps she did write it herself.
Surprisingly, Republicans, the business party, seem to have never heard of music copyright.
Maybe they don’t read those bills that the lobbyists write for them.
the royalties.
Thus no copyright violation, any more than if a radio station plays a Queen or Stones song (both of which have objected to Trump’s “unauthorized” use) without explicit permission from them to use it. As long as they pay.
This is why, I suspect, these groups publicly object, but have no basis for more, e.g., legal action over copyright infringement.
Radio stations sign contracts beforehand with copyright holders. There is no standard royalty and a copyright holder does not have to grant permission if they don’t want to.
there is no lawsuit because the cost is much higher than the gain. The Republican party can well afford the $5000 fine for music piracy.
Declaration as fact absent supporting evidence doesn’t assuage skepticism.
Maybe you’re an expert in such matters!
I have no particular reason to think so, though. For example, it’s my understanding (and who knows? I COULD be right . . . it could happen!) that royalties get paid through a very few organizations (ASCAP, RIAA I think are two?) rather than direct contracts between individual radio stations and individual copyright holders.
Check with Arthur Gilroy, he’s in the music business.
something you can’t, in fact, back up.
Good to know.