Would be VP, Sen Tim Kaine has been signing letters to regulators that…

“Kaine, by contrast, is setting himself up as a figure willing to do battle with the progressive wing of the party. He has championed the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal that both Sanders and Warren oppose, and he is now publicly siding with bank deregulation advocates at the height of Clinton’s veepstakes. …”


Kaine is part of the conservative Democratic tradition that he rode to the VA governorship on the back of Warner’s political machine from the DC suburbs (since defunct). He was lackluster as DNC chair and, like Warner, pro big business.  As Hillary is also big business friendly, if Kaine is chosen, then we will have the Moderate Republican Rockefeller/Romney admin we missed in 2012.  

The mood of the country, rightfully, is anti-Establishment and a Clinton/Kaine ticket would be as about as Establishment as possible.  Goes to show how important a Progressive caucus in a Democratic Senate is.