No goals for me this week. It didn’t help that I was our goalkeeper for part of the first half. But, also, it was 95 degrees and sunny with very little breeze. I kind of wilted after running around in that for an hour. No major injuries, though, so I’ll take it.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The effects have been top-notch throughout the last three movies. The make-up in particular is outstanding this time.
That said, the action is difficult to read. And the most cringe-inducing stupidity of the first Abrams effort returns in an even obnoxious manner.
I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your sports updates. They give me heart every time, even if you wilt!
Nice to see the organizing heroes who saved the Northern California coast get some props in the LA Times.
I just spent the last week on holiday in Gualala, right in the Coast region these organizers successfully defended. It was odd to be in heaven (the North Coast, my favorite nature spot in the world) and hell (the RNC Convention) at the same time.
I learned things from this story, Martin. Thanks for sharing it. And make sure to wear your strong sunblock before going out there on the pitch, and keep on getting that H2O as well.
For the fearless that have a few minutes to spare to watch an oddly constructed documentary, there’s a window of a few hours to catch Full Movie: “Clinton Cash” on Youtube. More likely to put viewers to sleep than produce the outrage the movie maker intended. Odd because the information presented isn’t inherently boring or irrelevant. (Nor is it new for those that are already reasonably well informed.)
btw — Russia-US-Nuclear Fuel-privatized deals aren’t new. NPR Megatons To Megawatts: Russian Warheads Fuel U.S. Power Plants. The Russian government ownership stake in Uranium One is only unique in that it owns a US uranium mine. As HRC was involved in approving this holding, it’s a bit disingenuous when she demonizes Russia. (The Clinton Foundation through Bill’s bff Frank Giustra indirectly (cough, cough) did very well through Uranium One deals.)
The Guardian — Clinton campaign blames Russia for leaked DNC emails about Sanders . Why the outrage over Russia (or whoever actually broke into the DNC server and released the emails to Wikileaks) if the DNC management and employees were doing nothing wrong? Exactly the same MO Dem officials employed to deflect attention from the content of the material Snowden made available to the public.
Can I hope that we will still find out the real story about Sanders team and the DNC data system?
Good god, you really are awful. The thing I find most bothersome is you know better than what you’re writing here, but you’re actively choosing to be irresponsible.
Political organizations need to be able to maintain data security. If the Sanders campaign had been hacked, embarrassing things would have been revealed. But you take this rhetorical tack because attacking Clinton and the DNC is more important to you than anything else. And here we learn in an explicit way that trashing your strawmen and strawwomen is more important to you than common decency or proper perspective.
A conspiracy theorist like you would find much to be curious about in the apparent fact that the Russian government didn’t hack the Sanders campaign, or the RNC, or the Trump campaign, and see to it that their shit was splashed all over the place with the most exquisite timing. But you’re not curious about that, because you have lost your bearings.
Please share the contents of your hard drive with us today, Marie3. What’s your problem- do you have something to hide?
What CT did I offer wrt to the DNC computer system and the allegation that Sanders IT team were stealing HRC files? None. To state that one isn’t satisfied that the full story has been publicly reported and disclosed is what health curious minds that also possess an ability to recognize propaganda and cover-ups do.
After all your months of denying that nothing untoward was being done at the DNC to defeat Sanders, how do you now rationalize the ousting of DWS as DNC chair?
Shooting the messenger is a stupid MO. And I don’t care if it was the flying spaghetti monster that hacked the DNC server and released authentic records that the court of public opinion views as damning.
If there were anything of any consequence or interest on my harddrive, the NSA would already have it.
OK, so you’re going to act hideously all day then.
I’ll refrain from pointing out the numerous problems with your positions here. Knock yourself out.
Trouble having difficulty dealing with facts and reality again?
Buzzfeed – Before Hacking, The DNC Mocked A Report Questioning Its Cybersecurity
Never claimed to be above gloating when documentation surfaces that confirm my stated and unstated suspicions. Not my best quality. But no worse than those that persist in being willingly ignorant, particularly about extremely weighty matters such as death and destruction.
LOL…introducing the community to “Clinton Cash”? No thanks, I’ve already been introduced:
Marie3, you’re associating yourself with vile people who want political outcomes which are the polar opposites of the outcomes you want in every way. Yet you proceed, because nothing is more important to you than bringing down Hillary Clinton.
You’ve got much to offer, but your considerable skills are being misused now, because you’ve thoroughly lost your bearings.
You applauded the depositions of Clinton staffers a few weeks ago performed by Freedom Watch attorneys. Here’s the recent lawsuit moved by the head of Freedom Watch:
It’s quite a read. Here’s the intro:
In this class action compliant, Plaintiffs Larry Klayman and police officers and other law
enforcement persons of all races and ethnicities Jews, and Caucasians (collectively “Plaintiffs”)
sue Defendants Louis Farrakhan, President Barack Hussein Obama, Reverend Al Sharpton,
former Attorney General Eric Holder, and leaders of the so called “Black Lives Matter”
movement, Rashad Turner, Opal Tometi, Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Deray McKesson (collectively “Defendants”) in their individual and official capacities where applicable, and in
support allege as follows:
1. This is a class action complaint for damages and equitable relief arising out of the threats,
severe bodily injury and/or deaths, future deaths, emotional harm, and imminent fears of
death and/or serious bodily harm resulting from Black Lives Matter leaders, former
Attorney General Eric Holder, President Barack Hussein Obama, Minister Louis
Farrakhan and Reverend Al Sharpton. Those Defendants have repeatedly incited their
supporters and others to engage in threats of and attacks to cause serious bodily injury or
death upon police officers, Jews, and Caucasians. Thus, Defendants, each and every one
of them, jointly and severally, conspiring and/or acting in concert either expressly or
otherwise, are inciting and causing serious bodily injury or death to police officers and
other law enforcement persons of all races and ethnicities, Jews, and Caucasians.”…
These are the type of people you are working with now, Marie3. Please reconsider what you’re doing.
Wasn’t a recommendation — merely an FYI for those that might want to know what their enemy it up to. (I do skim a small sample of rightwing crap. Don’t comment much on it because that would require actually reading it and the quality is too low grade for me to bother doing that. Plenty of other center and left of center bloggers do that work.)
Whatever makes you believe that I’m not fully informed as to who and what JW is?
You and I disagree on the matter of HRC’s personal server that she used exclusively for her email communications while serving in a high government office.
Why does it bother you so much that I read and have an opinion on the depositions taken in the HRC email lawsuit? These were taken on the order of the judge assigned to the case and from what I’ve read, this judge has been handling this matter in an exemplary manner. If he weren’t doing so or were behaving like a rightwing hack, I wouldn’t have bothered to read those depositions. I also would have stopped reading any of those deposition if the JW attorneys weren’t conducting the questioning in a very professional manner.
Thus, when anyone puts in the time and effort to evaluate the participants and quality of their work in a very specific case that is of interest to that person, what makes you think that your ubiquitous copying and pasting abstracts from whatever you think furthers your not well read, studied nor considered position and attack (besmirch in this instance) those that beg to differ.
This conversation is now over. My patience with your uncontrollable urge to attack my comments and engage in a battle with me has once again been exhausted. Go play with your Hillbots.
Bringing back memories of the ’60s in St. Louis County: summer soccer the skins vs shirts. Always hoped I would be selected in the skins team.
The comments on this DailyKos diary caught my interest:
Maybe I just haven’t read DailyKos in such a long time that they struck me as unexpected, but.
Ding dong: DWS is out.
Whoa — that escalated quickly. Not that it matters because DWS completed her assignment — contributing to formally securing the nomination for HCR
There are bigger alleged villains to fry now: the Putin-Trump-Assange troika. The connections may be overblown or convenient but I admit that for better or worse it works on me because I already felt Wikileaks was trashed and Snowden’s value was dubious.
Why should I care who perpetrated the hacks and leaks when the documents and content are authentic? Each of us are entitled to our own opinion as to the meaningfulness of the content. A nothingburger for you wrt to Snowden’s leaks and extraordinary for Daniel Ellsberg (who does know a thing or two about government secrecy and leaks).
It’s not as if USG and WJC’s hands are clean when it comes to covert interference with foreign elections. How do you think that out of control old drunk Yeltsin got a second term?
I’m not saying you or anyone else has to care at all and did not mean to imply that. The stuff you and others do for research is out of my league and I’m fine with that.
I’m just saying that I do care about the perpetrator AND the content. My goal is a Trump loss. Call it a short-term fix or band-aid or whatever you like–because HRC has her own Russian problem–but it matters to me if a walking bomb like Trump a Putin stooge using info from a sleaze like Assange who at this point is just another Putin stooge.
Assange who at this point is just another Putin stooge.
Proof? Have politicos tired of attempting to demonize Rafael Correa and Bolivia or did they drop that because Americans lacked the necessary decades of propaganda that made Bolivia another evil empire in their minds?
Maybe it’s different for those that lived through and were conscious during the Cointelpro and Watergate era. We saw and recognized some of it in real time. Made reasonable conjectures as to what we probably weren’t privy to. The truth, as revealed later (some of it decades later and some of it may remain hidden today), was far worse than sober, rational minds had been able to entertain.
It would be surprising if Putin didn’t harbor ill will towards this country and would be delighted to see a buffoon like Trump become POTUS. However, reports of his global evil power to harm the USA are highly exaggerated and more the stuff of comic-book storylines than reality. Trump is a monster of our own making, but liberal OMG, GOP-x is a monster (which he is) takes on a “sky if falling” quality for those that have been treated to this since at least 1964, and in-between presidential election cycles Democratic politicians, major donors, etc. do plenty of biz with the monsters and adopt portions or all of the monsters’ proposals. (Patriot Act?) So, I’ve become very jaded.
OK look, I’m not denying that Trump is our monster and our monster to fix. American conservatism terrifies me, and that’s always gonna be a bigger problem than anything else.
I’m also not in this to challenge anyone’s expertise or experience or whatever in the “what’s new in Deep State” game. I’m a suburban creative class yuppie. I’m well aware of peoples’ perceptions of how dubious and locked down and useless and mockable that is. I know I’ll be up against the wall if either American political extreme wins.
I’m almost 40 but am not ignorant of Cointelpro and Watergate, thanks. I’m also not ignorant of the particularly unique American paranoid fear of thieves worrying about being betrayed by other thieves.
I’m also well aware of anyone’s penchant for comical exaggeration. I saw a lot of that from Sanders fans and Clinton fans and it was uniformly ugly and useless–just like HRC vs Obama, just like Nader v Gore, just like everyone v WJC, and on and on and on. So I’ve become very jaded when I see bogus behavior from Dems or bogus behavior from Greens or “progressives” or whatever.
I work in marketing. I know I will go to hell. I also know how this stuff works and who’s down here with me, so forgive me if the latest shiny object I’ve discovered is already common knowledge or commonly refuted in whatever circle.
I’m trying really hard to not turn into a middle-aged crank about anything. I’d rather not be consumed by any sky-is-falling rhetoric. So I truly appreciate your patience with this, but I’m just gonna have to go through a Wikileaks-is-trash and Snowden-is-a-tool phase to get to whatever other side exists.
Is it just me or has this smoking gun evidence of institutional corruption in the DNC been generally met with deafening silence from the lefty blogs? (Present company included.)
The only mention I’ve found so far has been John Cole at Balloon Juice, whose fealty to the Party inspired this strawman:
If you were a cultural anthropologist observing a reclusive tribe in Papua New Guinea that was genuinely surprised to discover that water is wet, your response to them would be about the same as my response to you.
Your meaning eludes me. But if it was “Of course the DNC is corrupt and works to suppress progressive interests; only a fool would have ever thought otherwise”, I can only aspire to your level of sang froid about it.
It’s almost like – gasp – the Democratic party was working on behalf of the Democratic candidate for the duration of the Democratic primary.
Sanders, while a much better choice for President than Clinton, has never been a member of the Democratic party, unlike Clinton. Sure, sure, at some point 40 years ago she supported Republicans, but she did eventually become a Democratic party member and stuff.
Would you be shell-shocked if it turned out that Republican party members were working on behalf of Jeb( ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ) and looking to shut out Trump?
The Democratic party is a centrist political party, at best. Anyone who thinks it is a vehicle for progressives is deluding themselves and anyone they speak out loud to.
Start working within it to change it, or bitch about it and vote for the Jill Stein/Mickey Mouse ticket. Whatever allows you to express your outrage and moral superiority without having to get icky and invest in the system, I guess.
When I told people that Sanders had no chance, in part, because he had virtually no support from anyone with any power or influence within the party, including almost the entire Progressive caucus, I certainly included the DNC as part of that.
That (a few) DNC members were comfortable enough with the institutional consensus in favor of Clinton (as well as the 100% accurate assurance of her inevitability) that they were willing to share anti-Sanders stuff on internal email?
Color me as already knowing that and not much caring.
Of course, the Sanders folks have the right to be incensed about it, which is why I haven’t said it’s no big deal. But I don’t see how it matters at this point.
If you want to run an insurgent campaign you need to win over people at the DNC, not attack them. If you can’t win them over and you attack them, then accept that they’re an obstacle you’ll have to overcome.
Regardless, it’s the rearview mirror and I do not care.
To call these emails evidence of institutional corruption? Here are the emails that have made a splash in the media
Finally it should be noted that the first debate actually had the largest viewing audience of any D debate ever which directly contradicts Sanders claim (in the referenced politico article) that “they were “scheduled — pretty clearly, to my mind, at a time when there would be minimal viewing audience– et cetera, et cetera.”
All of that said I am fine with DWS being out. Frankly she should have been gone back in 2014.