I don’t know what it says that it took this to get the PCCC and DFA to withdraw their support from Alan Grayson. I’ve warned people for years and years about the character of this man.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Two words [name] – Ira Einhorn
Apparently Grayson went after a politico reporter at the DNC today for asking questions about the allegations.
well, they haven’t found a mummified body in a trunk next his bed yet, so he’s probably ok [I assume as Philadelphians you and Booman know this story]
I believe it was in the closet.
yes, I think you’re right. but you know what is truly awful and I really should not have let myself think about this today, I think someone showed me that apartment once, or where it was.
Will Grayson beat me up? Or will he be a pawn of Wall Street, where cutting into what’s left of the bottom 80%’s will cause a lot of wife-beating, Friday night shooting and general misery for the majority of Americans?
But if we really want to smear candidates, I’m ready to play too:
[Grayson accused Murphy of flip-flopping on the passenger rail project when it snubbed a bid from builder Thomas P. Murphy Jr., owner of Coastal Construction Group.
[Murphy “switched his vote on All Aboard Florida and tried to destroy the program — the only Democrat in the entire country who voted to destroy the All Aboard Florida program — because his father tried to get in a bid to build it and was unsuccessful,” Grayson said May 15. “So he went from being in favor of the program to being against the program. That’s certainly using your congressional influence. He tried to kill the entire program — the only Democrat to do so — because his father didn’t get a contract out of it.”]
And that took me a half-second of googling. We can go into the Murphy family indictments if you wish.
But it raises a point. Would you vote for LBJ because of Civil Rights or vote for Goldwater because he wasn’t the womanizer that LBJ was alleged to have been?
Is alleged personal misconduct a bigger factor than what the man stands for?
Did Grayson not give you the time of day? And is this your fallback status to oppose progressives who have been smeared and choosing neoliberal Wall Street whores?
Well, there were a few pretty rotten people I’ve voted for in my lifetime because of their opposition being worse.
But since it is okay to smear a candidate by using an ex-wife’s accusations (which may or may not be true) is it okay to attack a politician if he or she, eh, is Jewish, or got an abortion?
By the way, DownWithTyranny! runs another story about Murphy and his neoliberal kinda almost (but he wasn’t indicted) criminal behavior.
I know you feel the need to whack Grayson every couple of weeks but you never seem to get around to telling us all the great things that Murphy has done. Oversight?
It reminds me of a block party we had a few weeks ago. We even had a state representative eating and drinking with us. Everyone was talking about how awful Trump is. Not one person said a thing about Clinton. If you want Murphy to win can’t you at least scrounge up something good he did?
This is just pathetic, Bob. There are police reports showing that Grayson abused his wife — but maybe we should support him because he’d take on Wall Street.
That’s despicable, and you should be ashamed.
Hi DiTourno. I’m a long time lurker, first time poster. I’ve been a fan of Booman for years. And after all these years, the one thing I’ve noticed about Bob is that instead of backing a person with decent character, Bob would rather back a person who’d side with Bob on issues, regardless of how horrible of a person they are, because that person’s character doesn’t affect him, only his policies does. If that doesn’t reveal what kind of person Bob is among many other examples, I don’t know what does.
Thanks, Someguy. I’m a pragmatist, so I’m willing to overlook character flaws to help elect a candidate who supports my issues. But domestic violence isn’t a character flaw — it’s a serious crime. I can’t believe anyone would be willing to overlook that.
Maybe you ought to read Robert Caro’s biographies of LBJ before you draw those lines.
Or do you think just any old guy at the time would have acted domestically as LBJ did?
>> There are police reports showing that Grayson abused his wife
No. There are reports showing she made an accusation, which was never prosecuted.
I do not accept that by defending the concept of innocent until proven guilty I am defending wife beating.
I read booman’s linked article carefully, looking for evidence in support of booman’s repeated animus towards Grayson and, especially, for the allegation of abuse. (Like you I presume, I learned in 8th-grade civics [or whatever] that in our legal system, the accused is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, with the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt on the accuser/prosecution. [But hint: forget all that bullshit if you ever end up innocent in traffic court.])
I found none.
I found a lot of “he said/she said” accusations and counter-accusations.
I found several documentations of Grayson’s ex contradicting herself in her statements.
I found at least one case of a statement she made being shown false.
I saw evidence (i.e., annulment granted) that she was still married to someone else when she “married” Grayson.
I saw her daughter’s accusation of abuse at the hands of the mother, Grayson’s ex; the daughter’s repudiation of her mother’s accusations against Grayson; and her comments regarding her mother’s stability.
I saw that he was never charged/prosecuted (much less convicted!) on the basis of any of the ex’s allegations.
All this that I saw struck me as a pretty thin basis for booman’s attack.
But for a claim that
I sure hope I never end up falsely accused in court with DiTourno on the jury!!! (Based on all this, not so sure I want booman on it either!)
And my innate default (based on the usual power relationship) is leaning toward believing a woman accusing a man of abuse (e.g., Clarence Thomas, Cosby)!
Still, evidence matters.
No, there are four police reports, as the article clearly says, and links to. I’m not sure how you would miss that. They also document bruises and cuts.
But it was never prosecuted, which of course means she was lying, right?
I have no doubt that if Grayson were a Blue Dog or a Republican, you would also give him the benefit of the doubt.
here’s a song for listening while reading the police reports.
that’s why I mentioned Ira Einhorn; because he was prominent in supporting Earth Day [he claimed to have founded it in Phila] everyone rallied around him, he couldn’t have done it
I mean my comment to be along the lines of what you wrote, the song gives the background on situations when the situation so contradicts the apparent public image
i’m not going to proclaim someone a criminal when there’s no trial or conviction.
What you wrote that was disputed was NOT whether police reports exist. In fact, that was specifically acknowledged by esquimaux!
It was whether those police reports “show” what you claimed.
They don’t.
No, absence of prosecution doesn’t (necessarily) mean she’s lying. Any more than uncorroborated (in fact, specifically denied and disputed by relevant parties) accusations mean Grayson did what the ex (contradicting herself in the process) accused him of.
(Note: I’m not saying he didn’t! I’m not saying he did! [I am saying there strongly appears to be “reasonable doubt” — presumably why he wasn’t prosecuted!] I don’t know! Neither do you! Neither does booman! Neither do those uprating comments finding him “guilty until proven innocent”!)
I’m sorry to learn that you (and evidently others here) apparently were out sick that entire month (or whatever) in primary school when how our legal system is supposed to function was a core part of the curriculum.
By logical extension of your position, the wingnuts were right to impeach Big Dog Clinton over consensual blowjobs between adults — and what’s more, the Senate should have convicted and removed him! (Except, in Clinton’s case, that the allegations were true was “proven” beyond reasonable doubt. So the “case” for denying him elected office on “character” grounds was actually stronger.)
It’s been enlightening (by which I mean “kinda scary”) to see the readiness of some otherwise seemingly smart and decent folks, including apparently our esteemed host, to run with “guilty until proven innocent” in this thread.
I used to work at a non profit domestic violence counseling org. These comments nauseate me.
Grayson has been the subject of these allegations for quite some time.
Why qualify it with “alleged”? — the guy bragged about his extramarital conquests. And even Lady Bird acknowledged the situation, per a mainstream bio of her.
As to the vote, Barry was obviously reckless wrt FP in addition to being anti-CR, so voting for him would have been out of the question. And knowing what i do now about Lyndon, and assuming I’d been a tiny bit skeptical about that Gulf of Tonkin big lie, I probably would have left that part of that ballot blank. Sort of the same dilemma I’m facing now in 2016: do I vote for the person I’d normally favor even as she shows some disturbing cold warrior inclinations and the previous FP track record of recklessness, or opt for the knucklehead would-be dictator whose thin-skinned demeanor could get us equally screwed when he decides he doesn’t like the way another country is behaving.
As for Grayson, charges of physically assaulting his spouse go beyond the womanizing sin. But I haven’t delved into the substance yet so cannot say whether there seems to be some there there.
you were right all along about him.
all along.
Wait a minute!!!
Guilty until proven innocent!!!???
Did any of you read the article? Is it always “guilty until proven innocent” for you leftinesses? Or is it just PC rules that say the female is always innocent in a domestic dispute? This female doesn’t sound so innocent to me!!!
A few quotes from the article linked above will suffice. They should suffice, anyway, although I seriously doubt that they will for some of you.
And here is the most telling quote of all:
Our DNC-affiliated Peace President has endorsed Grayson’s opponent. Grayson has been a staunch fighter against Wall Street and the neoliberal centrist Dems. Whaddayou, kiddin’ me or what!!! This guy has made some powerful enemies.
Pathetic Wall-Street Democrats Love [ex-Republican] Murphy – Are Terrified Of Alan Grayson
And now this “bombshell?” With the centrist neolibs among us dancing on Grayson’s grave in partisan delight?
What a coincidence!!!
Give me a break.
Politics really does suck!!!
I have no clue as to whether Grayson is a wife-beater, the victim of a very bad marriage or anything in between.
Neither do you all, only I admit it.
Booman has a personal dislike for Grayson. Who knows why? Maybe Grayson called Booman a craven, neoliberal, centrist tool of Wall Street. Or maybe Grayson made a pass at Booman’s wife. Who knows? I don’t know. i don’t know anything except his positions in the House, his stated positions running for the Senate and his list of enemies…a list that reads like a recommendation as far as this radical is concerned.
I await the (corporate-owned media) verdict.
What bullshit!!!
P.S. I witnessed a “domestic disturbance” in a NYC public park where I was working a couple of weeks ago. A man about 6’3″ tall, 260 lbs or so was being repeatedly attacked by a woman not more that 5’3″ tall amidst much shrieking and screaming from the woman. He just kept backing up, trying to fend her off, but she wasn’t having any of it. I don’t know what started the incident but I watched for about 4 minutes without alerting the park security because I knew damned well that he would be blamed even though he was using no force whatsoever. Eventually I did call because I was afraid he was going to lose it and put her down. The park cop came to where I was…a nice guy, he likes to hang out and listen to the music we’re playing…and I gave him the lowdown on what I had seen. Forewarned…and as I said, a nice guy overall…he handled it very well and no one got busted.
What would have happened if any of you had been in his place? Betcha I know. Betcha you know, too.
Actually it seems that these reports of abuse are in the context of a very nasty divorce. All sorts of untrue allegations get throuwn around in these situations. It is not really clear if there was abuse, and if it was by Grayson or by his wife. There apparently was no medical evidence of cuts or broken bones, as far as I can tell. Better to wait and see what is factual than rely on these early allegations.
That’s absolutely false. These are police reports that go back 20 years, and there absolutely is evidence of cuts and bruises.
You might want to actually read the article before you comment. That would seem obvious if you’re going to dismiss evidence of domestic violence.
I read the article and didn’t see anything about physical evidence, but I went back now and realized I misread it, sorry. Should have read it more carefully.