Priscianus jr wrote a comment on Booman’s recent article How Sanders Folks Were Manipulated:

…the stupid behavior of the Bernie or Bust people, and good behavior of most everybody else, including the reception of Sanders, will have the ultimate effect of showing the world that the vast majority of Sanders supporters are…an organic, bona fide component of the Democratic Party.

Which is what you wanted all along, right?

I wrote a comment on that. It grew. Here it is as a stand-alone post.


Priscianus jr, I question that conclusion regarding what Booman wants, and by extension the real aims of the entire DNC, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the financial powers that run them. They most definitely want the Sanders supporters’ votes, but they oppose the stated aims of that group of people. Any acceptance of those aims in the platform is merely a vote-gathering tactic, and you can bet your bottom dollar that the day HRC accepts the presidency will be the day that those “socialist-ness” boards of said platform will be ripped up and essentially non-personed.


HRC is a true believer in the neoliberal policies that were first put into play during Clinton I’s administration…multinational financial powers centered in the NATO countries maintaining control of the world’s economy by any means at their disposal (including endless wars if necessary), trade agreements that level the playing field of the world’s workers’ pay-per-hour to a survivalist mean no matter how that affects the citizens of the so-called “developed” countries, control of the (assumed to be less intelligent by the controllers) masses by financial means, etc, etc. etc.

But if Tip O’Neill’s “All politics is local” aphorism is true, “local” can mean individual countries just as easily as it does states, counties, towns and so on. And…the workers of the U.S. are beginning to smell a multinational rat behind all of the machinations of the Democrats. Thus the success of the Trump campaign.


We’ve heard it before. Now we are hearing it again. Only this time it has helped to produced a candidate with a much better chance of winning in Trump and a weaker candidate than FDR in HRC.

This is a growing, worldwide phenomenon. Brexit was the first really effective strike against economic globalism. I fear that Trump will be the second. Had the Democratic Party rejected HRC for a real “third way” candidate like Bernie Sanders, who knows what might have happened. But of course…it didn’t. It used its media power to (barely) stop his campaign in favor of the now well-established policies of Barack Obama, who was quite accurately tarred with the “neoliberal” epithet before most people had any idea what it meant.

Barack Obama was described in 1996 by Dr. Adolph Reed Jr. as  “a smooth Harvard lawyer with impeccable credentials and vacuous-to-repressive neoliberal politics.”

Well…we certainly know what it means, now, don’t we.

And that’s just for starters.

The Dems are in the process of blowing it, and the Trump alternative is probably just as bad or worse.

Too bad.

Fasten your seatbelts. Either way it’s gonna be a rough, rough ride.

Bet on it.