Google News lead, 11:10AM EDT, 7/30/17:
I don’t know who is doing this or what info they are stealing, but I do know this:
They are managing to paint HRC and the entire Dem Party as incompetent New Age digital dabblers.
Which of course they are.
Russia? Wikileaks itself? Anonymous? Maybe. My own guess? Forces within the U.S. government and/or corporate structure that are looking to gain a leg up on the next preznit.
Digital blackmail.
P.S. Certainly not Trump. As Marie3 so accurately stated in her recent post Here a Hack, There a Hack:
…oh forget it, Trump is operating his campaign with a Pachinko machine.
They’d have to hack Trump’s brain to get any relevant information. And if they managed to do so they’d probably only get back the following message from the computer that they used with that hack:
Bet on it.
They’d never broadcast that finding, though. Not unless they wanted him to gain even more followers. His non-digital front is a large part of the reason that he is winning. The Luddite vote. Do not underestimate its size. Many, many people…even people who are computer literate…are growing tired of the low-level digital bureaucracy types that are really running a great deal of the U.S. culture now. Impersonality raised to new, cruelly frigid levels. That revulsion is an important part of Trump’s success.
Later…gotta go pound on a piece of brass to make my living. No didgiocy there.
Bet on that as well.
Impersonal blog rants about the impersonality of the digital world?
Feel free.
I do.