This is just a casual observation, but I’m pretty sure that the Clinton campaign is sitting on top of a dossier of Trump atrocities that details every single imprudent thing he’s done and said since he claimed his feet didn’t work well enough to fight the Viet Cong. They probably have it mapped out so that they can release the best tidbits in drips and drabs, obviously saving the best stuff for the Fall, or whenever they badly need to get the focus off themselves. I’m sure it’s all very detailed and meticulous, and the only debate has been over how to fit it all in and which pieces are going on the cutting room floor.
The thing is, I just don’t think they’ll ever get to most of it. When Trump isn’t attacking fire marshals and the parents of fallen soldiers, he’s kicking babies out of his rallies. When is there ever going to be time to make him explain that Andrew Dice Clay was only making a joke when he thanked him for the whores at his 44th birthday party?
AREN’T doing any and all of that!
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.’ And God granted it.
– Voltaire
a way with words (and photoshopped images!).
S/He was definitely on a roll there.
needs nore Yul Brynner
He married two prostitutes…he’s got a record of failure and malfeasance as long as your arm…even if you disregard the fraud and chicanary and take him at his word — giving him the benefit of the doubt — he’s still a symbol of vulgar greed, self-absorbtion and ignorant stupidity whom everyone has disliked for decades.
I mean, on our side we’ve got a President who was a community organizer, editor of the Harvard Law Review and a law professor at University of Chicago and a current candidate who was an attorney, a public affairs advocate, a U. S. Senator and Secretary of state. The contrasts are so profound that they’re ridiculous. But, here we are.
A big segment of Trump’s fans are anti-intellectuals who say they hate all politicians. Ergo, Trump’s their guy.
Telling them the cold stone truth about Trump, his business dealings, how he was born on third base with a silver spoon, how he ripped people off, how he has hired loads of undocumented workers & H1(b) visa workers makes no difference to this crowd. They see a guy who is “self made,” who isn’t a politician, and makes it A-OK to be a white supremacist/nationalist, and to hate all the “others” out there with impunity.
It’s what the GOP base has been heavily propagandized and trained for. They’re not turning back now due to logic and reality. That last sentence isn’t snark.
The unforced errors on his part are just as brutal as is his history, even without commentary from the tv folk.
To hear Obama’s condemnation this morning and now hearing that Trump is declaring he won’t be supporting McCain or Ryan, followed by Christie condemning the Khan reaction.
Just amazing.
They are only errors if there are rules.
So, you’re pretty sure that the Clinton campaign knows how to use Google and LexisNexis. This is how they outsmarted a little-known Senator from a little-known state, so I’m sure it’ll work like gangbusters up against a celebrity whose followers think that encyclopedias and fire codes are biased, and all of those voters who are on the fence because they have been alive long enough to vote but have never formed an opinion about either candidate, both of whom have been alive since that voter learned how to count to 100.
I meant “both of whom have been in the public eye since that voter learned how to count to 100.” I think I got a little incredulous tunnel syndrome.
because — while it won’t work with those Trump “followers” you mention (they’re immune to Reality) — those “followers” aren’t a majority.
That’s the operating assumption. But does anyone really know who is in that 40+% that doesn’t vote? Rove seems to believe that’s where his missing tens of millions of white voters are located. Not likely, but Trump seems to have bought into that notion.
Agree “not likely”.
Agree Trump seems to have bought into it (though also now seems to be displaying hints of self-doubt about it, e.g., suddenly dropped citing his poll numbers at every turn).
Trump explained all this months ago.
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”
So, maybe this is in those DC Madam records the SC said could not be released.
Reacting to the opponent instead of drawing attention to oneself by actually acting puts you in the position of returning volleys.
Focus needs to be on Clinton’s popularity, not Trump’s unpopularity at this point.
Where is the coverage from the campaign swing to Pennsylvania and Ohio?
Will we ever be able to climb out the gutter the Newt revolution put us in?
You want people to want to participate in the election, not duck and cover until it is over.
Oppo research is not a campaign, it’s a strategic surprise. Trump’s defense is taking any surprise about him out of the mix.
Time to go high again.
This is getting ridiculous. I’ve come to think, if Donald Trump wins in November, it will be on the strength of those “non-educated/working class whites” folks here tell me the Dems don’t cater to, or, an HRC campaign implosion. I’m at the point where I’m beginning to feel that he is the President they deserve.
The rest of us though…hell naw…Donald Trump and GOP will do nothing for folks like me…neither will they do anything for the same folks who elected them, but by the time buyer’s remorse sets in…Donald Trump could well have already messed up ALOT of stuff.
Trumpy the clown’s major problem is that he is no longer entertaining.
Aside from the racists (who actually I think is a minority of Trumpy the clown’s fan base), Trumpy gets support from people who want to see him stick it to the establishment in a way that gives them a good chuckle.
It’s nihilism touched with entertainment. Nothing better than seeing the hated architects of their middle class demise being insulted and removed from power. But unfortunately for him, popular one-note insult comics have a tendency to get stale and lose their appeal (see: Andrew Dice Clay, George W. Bush, Barney)
I think Trumpy jumped the shark with his insults of the Kahns. Now he will never ever be as entertaining as he once was, probably even to the idiocracy. But Trumpy can still do some damage. It might not take much for him to get back in the game. He might even be able to twist it all back around against the media and gain some ground. Like the say, a wounded clown is most dangerous when they are corned.
Entertaining only in the sense that he said outrageous crap that many were thinking and too cowed to speak, other Republicans were aghast that a Republican would rip off the GOP mask, and many Democrats were rather pleased that a Republican dared speak GOP truths. Easier for a Democrat to attack actual words than the nods-winks that Republicans have been using for decades.
But ultimately, institutional power always gets behind one of their own.