Reuters/Ipsos, Clinton +6
CBS; Clinton +7
ABC; Clinton +8
CNN; Clinton +9
90% of Sanders supporters have come home and will vote for Hillary.
I heard alarm bells ringing when Hillary was either tied or losing the Trump. Simple question, where are you now??
Even Fox has Hillary Clinton up by 10. We’ll see how things look once we get past Labor Day. But at this point, it is safe to say that whatever bump Trump got from his convention has diminished, and at worst, Clinton is back her baseline lead or slightly above.
More good news for Hillary. New MSNBC poll has her up 9% a New Hampshire poll has her up 15%, a new Pennsylvania poll has her up 9%. A McClatchy/Marist poll has her up 15% nationally. A new poll in Michigan has her up 8%. She is up 4% in GEORGIA and is tied in Arizona. Nate Silver at says she has a 92.8% chance to win the White House. Right now, things are looking great for Hillary.