This behavior from Democrats in the House drives me nuts.
Economic Policy Institute: Schrader bill would gut the Department of Labor’s new overtime rule
Why exactly, Oregonians, can this jerk get away with it?
Why vote for parties that stab you in the back just because you are afraid of being stabbed in the front. Isn’t that the conundrum of the moment? Isn’t that what is going to lead to the collapse of politics as a governing mechanism in the US?
This is what the voters are being herded up to continue to support. Hobson’s choice doesn’t get to the cruelty of the elites who are doing this.
Brand New Congress has an interesting tool to rein in these guys. Primary them and if BNC loses, run against them as an indie and hope in two yrs they can run a decent Dem.
A couple successes at THAT might put some voter discipline on the board.
That is just TOO egregious.
Grassroots liberals get cold feet even when they have a longer term strategy because the Democratic Party always pulls out the “very scary Republican that must be defeated to avoid Armageddon” line regardless of how odious the Democratic candidate is.
Tim Kaine? Really?
Could work as House discipline. Two yrs in a 400+ body is not a biggie.
Senate, it would depend. But we sure are better off without the likes of Lieberman.
Lieberman was re-elected to another six year term; so, it’s not really a success model. And it’s very difficult to hold together grassroots political efforts over multiple election cycles without some success.
There has been method in the Tea Party movement. Not among the yokels and most (all?) of their candidates regardless of whether they won or lost. Step 1 – identify those already in office that share the same values. Step 2 — take a few scalps. Step 3 – hold those winners together as an identifiable faction that doesn’t succumb to the pressures of TPTB. Rinse. Repeat. Obviously since the teabag agenda borders on insanity, a winning nominee like Trump was inevitable at some point and will likely lead to its demise in the not too distant future.
Maybe liberals should begin the process of collecting and analyzing all the data from the elections beginning with 1992. Target where a scalp can be had and limit the effort and number of sacrificial goats, a few are necessary and sometimes a challenger gets lucky. Had that been done before the 2016 election cycle began, “happy hunting grounds” would have been confirmed while there was still time to field a solid liberal Democratic candidate that had a not implausible chance to win. Outside the south and inner cities, the Democratic primary revealed a lot more data. Now the enthusiasm need to be channeled towards the sitting ducks.
Odd if one doesn’t recognize that traditionally on the west coast, labor was always a weak force in OR politics. It was a factor in why OR turned “blue” much later than CA and WA. Of course labor in CA today is a weaker force than it once was as it is for the Democratic Party as a whole.
We’re all entrepreneurs now; doncha know? With “good guys” like David Plouffe leading the way at Uber.
We’re all just commodities, doncha know?
“Consumers” in acceptable political-speak.
You ask:
Because so many people are really sheeple. They do what the media tell them to do. This problem is regressing somewhat in the general population because of the digtally-forced collapse of the major media, but there areprobably still enough squares around…I can’t think of a better word…to keep this Permanent Government fix farce on its feet long enough for a tottering last or maybe next-to-last performance. It is fitting that the tottering will probably be done at the top of the pile.
At the top of the stairs, too.
I am sorry for her, in a way. She was probably strong enough to do the job in 2008, but she lost. Now? Just look at what 8 years as president has done to a fairly serious fitness guy about 20 years younger.
More Hillary baggage.
It could happen.
It could easily happen.
I’m going to give HRC a pass on her 2011 trip and fall onto the airplane. Focusing on what may have been nothing other than a perfectly common incident is what makes both the left and right look unhinged and detracts and distracts from real incidents that should be focused on.
Anyone that hasn’t noticed that HRC has some balance issues since her late 2012 reported fall and concussion hasn’t been paying attention. Is it cause for concern? I don’t know. But her campaign has been shielding her from photos of her going up stairs; so, they at least recognize that the optics don’t favor her. For all we know, she could be fine negotiating stairs if she wore flats instead of heels; but the optics for that appear to have been rejected as well.
(How many noticed that as she got to the stairs of the stage for her first appearance with her new VP that she waited for him to catch up with her and take her hand and assist her up the stairs? They both made it look as if it were nothing out of the ordinary, but it was. And Kaine is now colluding in hiding whatever it is that she and her campaign don’t want the public to see.)
The public never saw the extent of FDR’s paralysis either. Because the public is weak at evaluating physical shortcomings in political candidates and quick to reject those that have some impairments that are irrelevant to doing the job. A big step forward on this matter with the new governor of Texas; although his mind is not such a healthy organ.
You write:
Yes, everybody trips sometimes. What worried me about it that vid was the fact that after she went down she apparently could not get up again without serious support from others. That’s a serious sign of at the very least overweight and/or poor balance.
From what I see so far?
I’d rather not.
He’s a lightweight playing a supporting role…no pun intended…in a heavyweight fight. As president, DC would eat him alive.
Or a slight injury from the fall. I once went down on a tennis court (when I was young). The guys sitting on the benches yelled out, “Just get up!” After a moment, I yelled back, “I can’t.” A rather nasty ankle sprain as it turned out.
One doesn’t need to obsess over minutia to make a valid point. Stick to the more obvious and graphic that don’t lend themselves to innocent and plausible explanations. Too much dross and people tune that along meaningful and real information out as nothing but the ravings of Chicken Little. It’s how the Clintons have survived and thrived for decades. (And Trump is replicating that loser strategy in spades.)
airplane fall looks like she tripped on something between the stairs and the plane.
problems getting up has to do with exercise.
In a blue-blue state NOT circa 1960 but circa 2016!
Rejecting MOM was one of the more astute moves by Democratic primary voters.
Hell, they cavity search Texas women; race not a factor, either.
What was MOM?
…on the side of the road
Martin O’Malley.
Texas is a red state.
An insane red state.
The Intercept – 8/11/16 – FEC Commissioner Citing The Intercept Calls for New Ban on Foreign Money in Politics.
Big hurdles to get an FEC rule change and even with it, won’t actually ban foreign money and not much hope that FEC enforcement of whatever it does ban would improve.
Billmon response tweet:
Doug Henwood:
Carl Beijer – Why is Clinton using Trump to promote Republicans?
and Corey Robin – How Clinton Enables the Republican Party
Duh guys. Connect the last two dots.