Trump recruiting election observers to stop crooked Hillary from rigging the election
Just curious what people think about Trump’s rhetoric, the freaky remarks by Roger Stone on “rigged” elections, and now this. I had a long chat with a colleague about this. He thinks my fears of Trump stirring up insurrectionary violence after his (likely) loss to Hillary are wildly exaggerated, and points to the Malheur/Bundy affair, when the perps called for “patriots” to join them, but few actually did.
Trump’s core base of supporters are collecting social security checks, judging by his rallies. I think at worst there could be isolated incidents of violence, which is bad enough, but not anything like an insurrection.
You mean you don’t believe that national elections in the U.S.are…and have been for about 50 years…”rigged?” Stone is a spooky piece of shit, but we have had elections rigged here in a number of ways ever since the assassination ’60s.
I believe that Nixon was “rigged” out of office because he wasn’t playing ball with the controllers. Woodward was…and remains…(as I laid out way back in 2005) a major intelligence media asset, and the whole “Deep Throat” story was full of holes right from the beginning.
Perot was most definitely “rigged” out of contention against two PermaGov-approved candidates, Bush I and Clinton I.
Gore’s loss was a fix from top to bottom…from Clinton I’s honeytrapping/impeachment effort through the rigged ballot boxes/digital vote counters right up to the Supreme Court and Gore’s craven capitulation.
So was Kerry’s. Howard Dean was media-rigged out first.
Obama got the nod over HRC because there were people who feared that once in office she would wage a personal vendetta against those who went after her husband in that quite transparent honeytrap Lewinsky thing. She had to prove over 8 years that she more loyal to the PermaGov than to her husband in order to get the not.
Ron Paul was effectively non-personed by the media. So was his son. Now they’re doing that on a grand scale with trump because their attempt at a Republican nomination fix fell completely flat and the only thing left that they can do…short of violence or blackmail… is non-person Trump on a scale the likes of which no supposedly “free” country has ever seen.
Go here and here for a glimpse of the effort at that level if you do not already understand it.
Do you really think that the same sorts of media companies that approved of the BushI/Cheney Blood For Oil war are now almost unanimously opposing Trump because he’s “crazy?”
Cheney was more dangerously crazy than 20 Trumps combined.
Get real.
It a fix.
Plain and simple.
If there is any value whatsoever in Trump’s candidacy it is this:
The American people…those with any sense whatsoever…are now seeing the fix quite plainly laid out right in front of their eyes.
And they do not like it.
AG, first, your two “here” links are both to people writing about “liberal media bias”. Second, what would have to occur for you to conclude that the fix is not in? Ron or Rand Paul nominated for president? Please clarify. Thanks.
I’m probably more prone to side with your colleague on this one. Some Trumpsters might try to attempt a small-time insurrection under the pretense of a revolution, but I doubt it would go much of anywhere. Maybe an armed standoff or two, with the participants ending up doing time once all is said and done. That’s not to dismiss the fact that there are going to be some very angry folks if Trump is not immediately installed as our Glorious Leader after the votes are tallied, and I expect that there will continue to be a subset of our population who will refuse to believe in the legitimacy of the outcome. Full scale uprisings? Improbable.
IMO, no systematic violence.
But the real danger is more insidious. He’s giving voice to the militias and anti government types like the Bundies and neonazis.
This is already a problem with a black president, but to then follow up with a woman president? Obviously both these demographics are not considered ‘leaders’ to the right wing militia types. It’s not his losing that will ‘feed the beast’, it will be her winning.
So I would expect to see more Bundy type actions, particularly if the Bundy’s get off with a slap of the wrist (it’s looks no more and more likely).