As a pretty strong supporter of Sanders, I was more than aware of the way the blogs (including this one) ignored Bernie until they couldn’t, and then were absurdly patronizing once they HAD to actually write about him.

I was part of a group at DKOS of longstanding members who were happy when Caucus99 and the reddit Sanders sites became active.

And how sad it has become.  Caucus99 has descended into posting articles from Peggy Noonan.  The Reddit page is full of conspiracy nonsense.

The writer of the daily Sanders pieces has developed his own cite, and it is very good.

Blogs were never very important to Sanders people who long ago left – if they were ever there – for Facebook groups.

Still, with one exception, the Sanders campaign hasn’t left a serious blog presence.  Perhaps that is because places like The Nation stepped in early to fill the void, and there was really no need.

But is sad to see where some of the best people I know in blogsphere have landed.