A few months ago I was saying that I doubted HRC could win in Virginia.  That was based on my experiences in SW and Southside Va.  I knew the growth of the DC suburbs, Richmond and Norfolk area would help the Democratic nominee, but was unsure if that would be enough to overcome the absolute animosity of Republicans in the rest of the state.  Also I was unsure of the college turn out for HRC.

Well, I didn’t take into account the complete lunacy of Trump on national television.  I mean, sure he is nuts but come on!   It seems to be enough to overcome the resistance to HRC with all of the Norfolk military and retirees, the moderate Republicans in Richmond’s suburbs, and the college voters in the western part of the state.  Add the popularity of HRC in the DC area and she will carry the state.  She will not carry the deep Appalachian area of Far SW and Southside agricultural districts; but the population of those areas are a fraction of NOVA.

But even the Washington Post, through surveys, point out its Trump’s unpopularity as opposed to Hillary’s appeal that if fueling the Va polling spread.  So they are voting AGAINST TRUMP not FOR Hillary. Which I think is the reason for her lead nationwide.

And there is still widespread distain for Hillary.  I was walking into a Southside diner to have lunch and heard a man almost shout at his companion about HRC corruption and selling the State Dept.  Sure its hate radio nonsense, but its constant and influencing voters. Tone it down 10 notches and you have the basic unease about Hillary many, many feel.


How Va turned purple/blue in a decade-


Polling on Trump/HRC-
