On the occasion of Paul Manafort resigning from the Trump campaign amid revelations that he violated federal law by failing to disclose lobbying on behalf of a foreign client, let’s have some music.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Maybe Imelda will let him hide out at her palace in the Philippines.
Thus driving the “Gosh, I’m sorry, I’ll never hit you again” apology to afterthought status on the media before it even gets 24 hours’ worth of coverage. What? They couldn’t wait another day or two for this? Wait till Monday so the Sunday bloviators could solemnly celebrate how presidential Trump is becoming?
Doesn’t anyone in that “campaign” know how to play this game?
I remember that from MTV’s Liquid Television.
Who’s going to write Manafort’s checks now?
Oh… right.
The Trump campaign is the gift that keeps on giving. If you tried to bake all of this into a Hollywood script no one would buy it since it would be seen as too unbelievable.
And we still have 12 days left in August!
Probably not. As long as Manafort was in the GOP elite club, he was safe. Holding onto those “get out of jail free” cards and not one has done is how “justice” is administered for elites. The AP has already reported on the other players:
See, Podesta and Mercury can claim that they didn’t know the money was coming from Yanukovych and/or his political party. They were just working on behalf of a country when the President was Yanukovych.
That’s obviously a world of difference. Sort of like the huge difference we saw in early 1999 when the extra-marital affairs of politicians were exposed.
it occurs to me that these <cough> actions <cough> to influence the u.s. gov might be construed as seditious in nature.
wonder how that get out of jail free card would work in that case….
l guess l can safely say: never gonna happen.
I wonder who Putin will put in Trump’s campaign now?
Dmitry Peskov?