Wow! Dallas Morning News wrote an editorial yeaterday: “Trump Is No Republican.”

Today’s headline: “Clinton Is No Democrat.” Just look at the list of Republican endorsement she has gathered, some of the most robust sponsors of agression in the Middle East! Death squads, torture, impunity, disregard for International law …

Morrell and Negroponte Endorse HRC for President
Happy Day for HRC – Gains Support from Neocons

Google planned to help Syrian rebels bring down Assad regime, leaked Hillary Clinton emails claim | The Independent – March 2016 |

An interactive tool created by Google was designed to encourage Syrian rebels and help bring down the Assad regime, Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails have reportedly revealed.

By tracking and mapping defections within the Syrian leadership, it was reportedly designed to encourage more people to defect and ‘give confidence’ to the rebel opposition.

It was allegedly described as a “pretty cool idea” by senior Clinton adviser Jake Sullivan, and Google said it had enlisted the help of Al Jazeera to broadcast the tool in Syria.

    From: Hillary Clinton
    To: Monica Hanley
    Date: 2012-08-03 06:51
    Subject: SYRIA

    UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05795577
    Date: 01/07/2016  

    From: H <>  
    Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2012 1:51 PM
    To: ‘monica.hanley
    Subject: Fw: Syria  

    Attachments: Defection Tracker.pdf  

    Pis print.  

    From: Sullivan, Jacob J [mailto:SullivanJJ© ]
    Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 06:20 PM  
    To: H
    Subject: FVV: Syria  

    FYI — this is a pretty cool idea.  

    From: Jared Cohen [mailto
    Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 1:21 PM
    To: Burns, William J; Sullivan, Jacob J; alec.ross  

    Subject: Syria  

    Deputy Secretary Burns, Jake, Alec,  

    Please keep close hold, but my team is planning to launch a tool on Sunday that will publicly track and map the defections in Syria and which parts of the government they are coming from.

    Our logic behind this is that while many people are tracking the atrocities, nobody is visually representing and mapping the defections, which we  believe are important in encouraging more to defect and giving confidence to the opposition.

    Given how hard it is to get information into Syria right now, we are partnering with Al-Jazeera who will take primary ownership  over the tool we have built, track the data, verify it, and broadcast it back into Syria.

    I’ve attached a few visuals that show what the tool will look like.

    Please keep this very close hold and let me know if there is anything eke you think we need to account for or think about before we launch. We believe this can have an important  impact.  

    Thanks, Jared  

    Jared Cohen I Director of r’t “:    *Tel

[Source: WikiLeaks publication]

Trump earns endorsement of 88 retired generals, admirals

Continued below the fold …

Israel partners with Al Nusra on Golan Heights to fight Iran’s backed Syria

Israel is focused not on ISIS and Sunni groups, but on the Shia groups in Syria. Israel’s airstrikes have hit Assad’s Shia-backed regime and Hezbollah, not ISIS or al-Nusra. Correspondence between the then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and political advisor Jacob Sullivan about Israel’s aims in the region tried to rationalise why Israel ignores ISIS.

In 2012 at the start of the conflict, Sullivan said that there was “a positive side to the civil war in Syria.” This so-called `positive side’ to a war that has cost some 400,000 lives was that, “if the Assad regime topples, Iran would lose its only ally in the Middle East and would be isolated.” This would please Israel, which under the Netanyahu government has fixated on the perceived Iranian threat. A war which destabilizes Iran’s ally, Assad, would benefit Israeli interests.

Trump earns endorsement of 88 retired generals, admirals | politico |

Donald Trump earned the endorsement of 88 retired generals and admirals in an open letter released Tuesday, as the Republican nominee looks to solidify support in the military community against Hillary Clinton in November.

The Republican nominee’s campaign unveiled the letter, organized by Major Gen. Sidney Shachnow, a 40-year Army veteran and Holocaust survivor, and Rear Admiral Charles Williams, ahead of a speech on veterans affairs in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Shachnow declared that Trump “has the temperament to commander-in-chief,” while Williams called the Republican nominee “more trusted” than Clinton.

In the letter, the retired military leaders warned of the “potentially extremely perilous” combination of budget cuts and policy choices will “emboldened” enemies of the country as a result of those actions.

Sidney Shachnow is one of 88 retired generals endorsing Trump for president to keep America safe! Shachnov is a Holocaust survivor and a respected Green Beret warrior from the Vietnam War, fighting the communists and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. He retired as a general from the US Army in 1992. As a child he was rescued from a Nazi death camp near his birth place in Lithuania by the Communist forces from the East. Remarkable how the opportunity to survive in life by the Americans in the military changed his perspective to endorse Donald Trump above a “Democrat” Hillary Clinton.

Kovno (Lithuania) concentration camp – part 1/2

    In the history literature of the German occupation regime in the Soviet Union, the Lithuanian city of Kaunas  (Russian Kovno, German Kauen) is mostly mentioned if it comes to the transition to the genocide of the Jews. With the German arrival came in late June 1941 pogroms and mass shootings. From Kaunas with the death squads stationed there, commenced the killing of Jews from mid-August 1941, regardless of age and gender, and with the rapid ghettoising it  refers to the momentous transformation of the ‘Nazi Jewish policy’ (NS-Judenpolitik) to simply exterminate the Jews. By the end of 1941 the Security Police (Sipo) and Security Service (SD), considered the ‘Jewish question’ in Lithuania after the murder of close to 140,000 Jewish men, women and children as ‘solved’.

    About two weeks after the start of the German attack on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 in the reported ‘Event Messages USSR’ (Ereignismeldungen) the leaders of Sipo and SD of the Task Force (EK) 3,  group A, showed plans to:  Re-vamp the uncoordinated pogroms in Kaunas, and stated that SS-Standartenführer (Colonel) Karl Jäger will establish a ‘Jewish concentration camp’ in Fort VII (which was part of a chain of defence systems around the city centre). In this camp Jewish men, women and children would be housed separately and mass executions were to be carried out. Another ‘Jewish concentration camp’ was planned in the Ninth Fort. By the time the ‘Event Message’ appeared in Berlin, Jäger had already completed his projects. Up to this point primarily Lithuania’s  with the endorsement or initiative of German authorities had violently assaulted their Jewish neighbours. The first large combined ‘Action’ took place on 6 July 1941 in Kaunas, headed by the EK, which cost the lives of more than 2,500 mostly male Jews .

    Although there was little social integration between the Jewish and Lithuanian populations of pre-war Kaunas, outbreaks of explicit anti-Semitism were rare. However, the arrival of German troops on June 23, 1941 unleashed an unexpectedly ferocious wave of popular violence. On June 25, Lithuanian gangs ran riot in Viliampole killing an estimated 1,000 civilians and decapitating chief rabbi Zalman Ossovsky. Two days later in central Kaunas, a group of over fifty Jews was driven onto the forecourt of the Lietükis garage and clubbed to death by the locals, with German soldiers looking on. Gruesome footage of the incident has subsequently been used in several Holocaust documentaries. On July 10, all the city’s Jews were herded into the newly established Ghetto in Viliampole (Viljampo). Many were relieved by the move, thinking this would protect them from violence of the Lithuanian hooligans. However, regular ‘actions’, in which arbitrary chosen groups of Jews were rounded up and shot by the Germans, and became commonplace as the autumn of 1941 wore on. The enthusiasm of the local Lithuanian population for ant-Semitic excesses continued to astound even the Germans. Colonel Jäger of Einsatzgruppe A, the organisation charged with implementing mass killings throughout north-eastern Europe, notoriously reported that Kaunas, ‘where trained Lithuanian volunteers are available in sufficient numbers, it is comparatively speaking a shooting paradise’


Estonia Celebrates Annual Waffen SS Division Heroes
Kiev, Ukraine in 2016: OUN Heroes, ‘The Jews Had It Coming’