I am not a connoisseur of the Dallas Morning News. In the internet age, I have read some of their articles from time to time, and I’ve mostly been impressed by the quality of their reporting. They run good features and there doesn’t seem to be much slant or bias. Their editorial page, however, hasn’t much caught my attention. But they say that they haven’t endorsed a Democrat for the presidency since “before World War Two,” which I take to mean 1940 at the latest. And there’s a reason for that:
The [Democratic] party’s over-reliance on government and regulation to remedy the country’s ills is at odds with our belief in private-sector ingenuity and innovation. Our values are more about individual liberty, free markets and a strong national defense.
This might seem obvious, since Dallas is a traditionally conservative town and the Republicans are a conservative party, but remember that Texas voted for the Democrat in 1944, 1948, 1960, 1964, 1968, and 1976. The folks at the Dallas Morning News stuck with the Republican Party in good times and bad, when it was the consensus view of their readers and when it was a minority view in their community and state.
They were there in 1964 when their town was still in the shadow of Dealey Plaza and a Texan was on the Democratic ticket, and in 1996 when Bob Dole was getting thumped, and they were there when Barack Obama was being twice elected. They’ve been loyal soldiers for a very long time.
But, it’s over.
There is only one serious candidate on the presidential ballot in November. We recommend Hillary Clinton…
…Resume vs. resume, judgment vs. judgment, this election is no contest…
…After nearly four decades in the public spotlight, 25 of them on the national stage, Clinton is a known quantity. For all her warts, she is the candidate more likely to keep our nation safe, to protect American ideals and to work across the aisle to uphold the vital domestic institutions that rely on a competent, experienced president.
Hillary Clinton has spent years in the trenches doing the hard work needed to prepare herself to lead our nation. In this race, at this time, she deserves your vote.
I’m sure they didn’t make this decision lightly, and they make sure to provide themselves some cover.
It’s no accident that hundreds of Republican foreign policy hands back Clinton. She also has the support of dozens of top advisers from previous Republican administrations, including Henry Paulson, John Negroponte, Richard Armitage and Brent Scowcroft. Also on this list is Jim Glassman, the founding executive director of the George W. Bush Institute in Dallas.
I was a little surprised to see how aggressively they went after some of Clinton’s critics, calling them ‘hyenas.’
Clinton has remained dogged by questions about her honesty, her willingness to shade the truth. Her use of a private email server while secretary of state is a clear example of poor judgment. She should take additional steps to divorce allegations of influence peddling from the Clinton Foundation. And she must be more forthright with the public by holding news conferences, as opposed to relying on a shield of carefully scripted appearances and speeches.
Those are real shortcomings. But they pale in comparison to the litany of evils some opponents accuse her of. Treason? Murder? Her being cleared of crimes by investigation after investigation has no effect on these political hyenas; they refuse to see anything but conspiracies and cover-ups.
In other words, this isn’t a begrudging endorsement. It’s much more full-throated than I would expect from a rock-ribbed Republican institution that has come to grips with the unacceptability of their party’s nominee. They even give Clinton’s props for her time in the Senate.
Though conservatives like to paint her as nakedly partisan, on Capitol Hill she gained respect from Republicans for working across the aisle: Two-thirds of her bills had GOP co-sponsors and included common ground with some of Congress’ most conservative lawmakers.
Obviously, there’s another half of this endorsement I haven’t cited that details their reasons for rejecting Trump. They don’t go lightly on him, accusing him of exploiting “xenophobia, racism and misogyny” to bring out the worst in people, “an astounding absence of preparedness,” and “a dangerous lack of judgment and impulse control.” They also hit Trump for inexperience, for having no record of public service, a lack of seriousness, and an unwillingness to delve into issues.”
Strikingly, they don’t litigate what Trumpism means or would mean for the Republican Party, settling for a simple assertion that Trump’s “values are hostile to conservatism.”
So, what this endorsement really is is an explanation for why conservatives should prefer Clinton to Trump, and it’s not because they’ll get policies they enthusiastically support when proposed by Rick Perry or George W. Bush. It’s because “there is only one serious candidate on the presidential ballot in November.”
It’s actually about a refusal to demonize their opponent when their own champion is clearly a dangerous joke.
It’s a patriotic act to actually put your country first and not mince words about it. The Dallas Morning News hasn’t changed. They’re still at odds with the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton when it comes to their reliance on private-sector “ingenuity” to address all of our society’s ills. But, for their organization, some things are more important than policy differences.
Will this endorsement be more influential than most?
I think it will, because it comes from a source with a track record and credibility on the right.
And maybe it’s a leading indicator that Texas is turning purple faster than people think.
It really is amazing to me to hear Republicans (my aunt for example) say they’re voting for Hillary as if it’s the obvious choice. It’s almost as if they don’t really believe, or at least don’t take seriously, half the scandal stuff their side has been pushing for a quarter of a century. It also is quite the juxtaposition to we on the left, who’ll flip over every aspect of her life, up, down, and sideways, to come to some sort of hesitant, kind of conclusion about what we are going to do. As if doing anything to help Trump is even remotely intelligent, particularly when he would be appointing court justices, running federal agencies, and making foreign policy decisions.
But…but…but there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between Trump and Clinton.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Well, you have to come up with SOME rationalization for why you’re the One True Liberal and superior to the impure sheeple who get suckered into voting for the [gasp] democrat.
Because we all know having Rudy Giuliani as Attorney General would be awesome, right? Or Steve Bannon, he of Breitbart fame, as the president’s Chief of Staff? Trump’s son wants to head the Department of the Interior; what better choice could there be? And I think we all look forward to Sarah Palin running our Parks department, right?
I.e., the National Park Service, which administers National Parks, National Monuments, and a hodgepodge of a few other designations, is an agency within the Department of the Interior.
So how much scarier does that make having either Trump Spawn or Palin as the fox “guarding” (aka raiding) that particular henhouse?
Good old boy, Ken Salazar…
question (per digby), by all appearances gloating over the trunk he has just severed from the elephant he has just senselessly slaughtered:
This sick fuck is being seriously named as a potential head of the Department of the Interior (which includes the National Park Service and the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, primary implementer of the Endangered Species Act within the inland U.S.)???
SCOTUS justices aren’t the only reason Trump should never under any circumstances be allowed by the American people anywhere near the Oval Office.
Even on a visit.
Er, that is an ele tail.
Google Dan Ashe if you think trophy hunters do not have a BIG voice already.
are you braindead?
The Belo Corporation apparently understands that its financial future depends on an increasingly Latino readership.
It already owns a Spanish-language newspaper in Dallas.
It also owns the paper in Denton; watch how that editorial board rolls.
Yeah, when the corporate overlords told the editorial page to write a dishonest editorial supporting Hillary, they did so meekly and immediately. Additionally, they corporate overlords said that because they were worried that Latinos would stop reading the Spanish language newspaper.
Plausible? NFW.
I don’t think the editors of the Dallas Morning News had to be told. The owners just had to avoid pushing Trump on them.
From appearances on national news, the editors of the Dallas Morning News have never been meek.
Latinos read English too and there is a large cross-over audience for publications.
Sometimes interests do not need to be stated out loud within a corporation. But stating them as part of an analysis can make seemingly baffling events clearer.
And the “hyenas” label was a good rhetorical touch for a newspaper that during the first Clinton administration scrupulously followed Cokie’s law.
Read Tarheel’s response.
Especially these parts:
That’s how things work in the media, DT. That’s how they work in the entire corporate world, including healthcare and education. Smart employees know what is expected of them by their bosses and toe the unspoken line very well.
Or…they get fired.
What dreamworld do you live in!!!???
The “baffled by events” dreamworld, on the plentiful evidence of your many posts.
Wake the fuck up.
Arthur, I have a general rule of thumb: anyone who says “wake the fuck up” is completely full of shit. You have again proven that rule true.
The idea that journalists writing on an editorial page would turn on a dime and write a completely dishonest editorial supporting a candidate they don’t like because they think their corporate overlords might think it would help with Latino readers on another paper just shows you don’t know one goddamn thing about journalism.
But you also don’t know one goddamn thing about politics, either. Your yammering about “permagov” and “nonarchism” — not to mention the bizarre typography and random images — sho you’re a garden variety flake.
Given a choice between concrete evidence and the voices in your head, you’ll always go with the latter.
I also have a general rule:
Anyone who supports immoral political stances…and I consider at the very least HRC’s pro-war enate votes and actions while Sec State as immoral because I believe that any violence of any kind that is undertaken for any reason other than self-defense is immoral…anyone who supports immoral political stances of any kind needs to wake the fuck up to the concept of karma.
What goes around comes around…an absolutely unavoidable natural law on the evidence of all of human history.
So what you’re saying is that you never have and never will cast a vote in your entire life.
I also like the fact that you think doing absolutely nothing constitutes some kind of moral stance.
Not surprisingly, you completely misunderstand the notion of karma.
You write:
“…you completely misunderstand the notion of karma.”
I do?
Enlighten me, O centrist wiseperson.
As one who believes “violence is as American as apple pie”, I can’t agree with your wider argument, but I do agree with your comment on corporate (AND government, I’ve worked approximately 25 years in each) life. Also on the immorality of her Iraq war vote, but on a different basis. it is very clear to me and others at 5the time, that her vote was so she wouldn’t be called a wimp or a McGovern in a future Presidential run. That’s tantamount to murder, if not treason, for political gain. Much like Reagan’s bargaining with Iran to keep Carter from having a hostage deal.
Will this endorsement be more influential than most?
I doubt it. We’ll see though. Most GOPers think all media has a liberal bias. After all, they claim the NYT has a liberal bias despite Judy Miller and spiking that story that could have made John Kerry president and so much more.
I think it will, because it comes from a source with a track record and credibility on the right.
Says who? Who did this paper endorse in the primary? Did it endorse their home state chump, “Tailgunner” Ted Cruz? It sounds like this paper is just another GOP mouthpiece that’s pissed Trump is using an air-horn instead of a dog whistle.
Did they endorse Jeb! ? That would seem to be their style.
The Dallas Morning News likely is ambivalent about even dogwhistles although they will repeat both air-horn blasts and dog whistles.
Well, it’s always possible they think having Rudy Giuliani as Attorney General would not be great for the free press, or freedom at all. In fact, they could honestly believe Trump would be bad for the country. Eh, but I’m voting Stein.
They endorsed Kasich in the primary:
They did endorse Greg Abbott two years ago:
A take down of that op-ed here:
Can’t seem to find their editorial board position(s) on Ted Cruz when he ran for Senate. Ugh!!
Interestingly they endorsed one for each party; Hillary and Kasich.
And Kasich got 4.25% of the vote in Texas during the GOP primary. On Super Tuesday. So this wasn’t late in the process.
It was Feb 12 , 2016.
If Texas is in play, it really is over. We’ve got a ways to go before that happens, but this is certainly a positive and unexpected development.
Texas is not in play.
It will be soon (4year? 8?) but it isn’t now. When TX gets into play it will be heralded by close encounters at the local level with Democrats. There is a strong local dem presence thru out TX. The R presence is stronger everywhere except Austin and (sometimes) Houston.
Want to know the key to Texas being in play? When one of the Castro brothers finally run for statewide office. Whether it be Governor or to replace Cornyn or “Tailgunner” Ted Cruz. Both are stunted in their political ambitions until they can win statewide.
Booman, I am not sure if you really understand…or appreciate the success of…Trump’s attitude toward the media in general. He is running against the established media. That is the cornerstone of his success, and it is genius level politics.
Here is what he had to say today:
He is so confident in his tactical approach that he is actually baiting the media!!!
B’rer Rabbit vs. B’rer Fox
And kneejerk, bottom line corporatists that they are, they continue to oblige him.
I’ve been trying to to tell y’all leftinesses about this for 14 months now.
It’s gonna get worse. HRC is beginning to lose this election. Only a real triumph…not a pre-planned, media-annouced one…in the debates can save her now.
P.S. Matt Lauer’s not in HRC’s pocket?
Yeah. I know…the HRC campaign explained it away. What they said may even be true. But…they deleted the page anyway. More cowardice on their part. Meanwhile, Trump goes on about his business like a bull in a china shop.
And…it’s working.
It has been working since late June of last year.
Like dat.
Deal wid it.
This is simply more evidence of an existing, functioning, centrist Permanent Government, Booman. Almost all traces of so-called “partisanship” have been erased in order to maintain the PermaGov fix that has been in place for 50+ years. Had Bernie Sanders somehow beaten HRC in the primaries and consistently backed up his rhetoric with action to the point of being a real threat to win, while Jeb Bush (Bush III, don’t forget) had won the RatPub race, I suspect that we would be seeing the opposite in the media…a real shift to Bush over the “dangerous,” ‘foolish,” “radical,” “too old” Sanders even from heretofore “DemRat” rags. No boat-rocking allowed.
The only thing is…thee media have lost their mojo with a shocking number of people. Even I am surprised at how quickly the balance has shifted from credulous acceptance to real anger. This is a testament to the essential honesty and morality of the U.S. population, really. They’re not particularly smart, most of them…that’s what the middle of the IQ curve means, of course…but when they eventually realize that they are being served a bill of goods, they truly do not like it.
If Trump continues to succeed in his B’rer Rabbit act, he’s going to be very hard to stop.
Oh yeah, Trump’s been brilliant. One might think that being non-endorsed by one of the most conservative newspapers in the country would be bad for him, but in fact it is all part of his cunning plan.
What tripe!
(Meant as a response to AG.)
For my next act, let me light myself on fire.
everything is good news for
John McCainDonald TrumpYou mean to say that the fact that he is now hot and heavy on HRC’s heels after being dismissed by almost the whole of the mass media construct and also by most of the powers-that-be on both sides of the imaginary aisle as a flake, a fool, a clown and an imposter since June of last year is sme sort of…of what?
Just a mistake?
An unexplainable coincidence?
Get real.
This does not necessarily make him an acceptable candidate for the presidency, but as far as political instincts go he is basically unmatched in living history in the U.S. Only Bobby Kennedy understood how to hustle the media as well as does Trump.
I’m going to entertain your argument here because I think you’re missing something with your praise Trump’s political instincts.
Right now HRC is running almost a purely anti-Trump campaign. It’s not really focused on the economy or foreign policy or other issues. Those are side issues in this election.
He’s almost entirely responsible for her strategy because all she’s had to do so far is make an argument against Trump’s fit for the Presidency based on Trump’s own statements and behavior.
You’re not a political genius if you’re handing your opponent the key arguments against you.
This doesn’t mean he can’t win but you should acknowledge that his positive political instincts are tempered by his political stupidity.
I believe that his “positive political instincts” are tempered more by massive egocentricity than by political stupidity, myself.
You write:
You are if you realize that they won’t work.
Listen up…you are right. He has controlled the direction of this contest. He is on permanent offense and she is on permanent defense. She not only has to defend against his attacks on her…attacks that will only escalate in the next months…but she has to also defend against her own mistake-riddled history. She’s been backpedaling. Even the decidedly pro-Clinton rag WAPO has been noticing it.
And Trump’s team has been successful in this branding. Why? How? Read the headline. She has given them this tactic. For what reason(s)? Damned if I know. A well-known repugnance for public campaigning? Saving her energy for the long haul? Overconfidence? Thinking that…as have so many leftinesses…Trump will eventually implode without her having to dirty her hands? Damned if I know, but there it is. You figure out why. It’s past my pay grade.
I studied martial arts for a while. One thing that I learned is that if you control the direction of the fight you are most likely going to be the winner. Another thing that I learned is that if you convince your opponent that you have a weakness that is not really a weakness, just a trick, you are going to win almost all of the time.
We shall see what’s up, soon enough.
Won’t we.
Two historical footnotes and an observation:
The Dallas newspaper has been on the wrong side of endorsements for many presidential elections in it’s 75 years history! Texas voted blue from 1872 through the 1976 election with exceptions in 1928, 1952, 1956 and 1972. Texas turned red in 1980 until the present day.
Even in 1964, the Dallas newspaper withheld it’s endorsement for Republican Barry Goldwater, but refused to endorse native son Lyndon Johnson because of his interest in social issues for the Lone Star state of Texas.
○ Texas since World War II
Therefore an easy conclusion, the editorial board chose the candidate which better represented the Republican core conservative values, homeland security issues and tough foreign policy to kick ass to our adversaries. Especially after its editorial: “Trump Is No Republican.”
As a Democrat, I don’t care less what Dallas thinks of US politics and the choice for President. LMAO for its endorsement of HRC … I wouldn’t wear that endorsement as a badge of honor fot progressives.
Posted earlier in my reply diary, an interpretation of the endorsement –
○ Clinton Is No Democrat – Dallas Morning News