An utter ridiculous piece written by Jeffrey Goldberg for The Atlantic

[Most links added in articles are mine – Oui]

Getting Bill Out of the House | The Atlantic |

If Hillary Clinton takes office, her best adviser in mediating Israel and Palestine’s century-old conflict might be the man who came closest to doing it before.

Bill Clinton was a president singularly taken by the idea that making peace between Palestinians and Israelis was possible. He devoted a disproportionate amount of time and political capital to the search for a solution to the conflict. Even before the man he describes as his hero, Yitzhak Rabin, the Israeli general turned prime minister, was assassinated in 1995, Clinton believed that he had been called to this cause. Uniting the children of Isaac and Ishmael, the warring sons of Abraham, was, for a Southern Baptist, too tempting a challenge to ignore. In 2000, he managed to bring the two sides close–infuriatingly close, in retrospect–to a final status agreement.

Clinton failed as SoS to create opening for peace talks relying on her selected advisors

People who know him say he remains preoccupied with the issue today. “This is unfinished business for him,” Clinton’s former Middle East negotiator, Dennis Ross [both Bill as Hillary later placed trust in a biased negotiator – Oui], told me. In particular, Clinton is said to be troubled that he could not achieve for the martyred Rabin what Rabin had tried to achieve himself.

Sometimes, however, life provides second chances.

Assigning Bill this task could also take care of another potential problem for Hillary: a pressing need to get him out of the house.

I am writing this article in the courtyard of East Jerusalem’s American Colony Hotel, one of the loveliest places on Earth, and an epicenter of intrigue during the glory days of the peace process, in the 1990s. Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, set himself up here during his lengthy, unsuccessful term as a Middle East peace negotiator starting in 2007. There’s no reason the U.S. government couldn’t rent much of the place out for Bill Clinton. I think he would enjoy it very much, and my guess is that Hillary, and in particular her top aides, might enjoy having him here as well.

One salient assumption is that the Bill Clinton of today remains the Bill Clinton of 16 years ago. Clinton has just turned 70, and he has seemed, from time to time on the campaign trail, wan and unfocused. Peace negotiations require, as a prerequisite, large reservoirs of stamina. So his capacities are worth questioning.

Any new American effort to end this conflict must be conceived of as a regional strategy, and as a bottom-up, rather than top-down, process. Today, many Arab states find themselves in tacit alignment with Israel against Iran, and against Islamic State-style extremism. A revived push would have to take advantage of this new order, and use the Arabs to lever the Palestinians into negotiations.

Once again, nothing in his article is devoted to the Palestinian side of the issue! Just one great diatribe of nonsense from the US wielding its power to make the Missle East in its image. We’ve had enough!

Palestinian lives don’t matter to US media
Israel’s threats against BDS activists in Europe
Dutch MPs’ silent protest during Netanyahu’s visit to The Hague

Goldberg positioning himself for a job in the Clinton administration | Mondoweiss |

This is rich. Having perfectly positioned himself throughout the Obama administration as the official journalist of the organized Jewish community- and gaining access to the Oval Office on that basis on repeated occasions — Jeffrey Goldberg is lining his ducks up for a Clinton administration. In an Atlantic article, he nominates Bill Clinton as the savior of the two-state solution.

The status-mongerer even dangles a Nobel Prize, saying that Bill Clinton can get a Nobel finally if he only gets on the issue. “Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, and Barack Obama–all… are recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. Exclusion from this group cannot please such a competitive man.”

In another signal that Goldberg has access to the Israel lobby and all its money and influence, the only person Goldberg quotes is Dennis Ross, the battleaxe of the peace process, who tells Goldberg that it’s unfinished business for Clinton. Dennis Ross apparently wants to become a secretary of state. Though he slipped up by asserting in a NY synagogue that American Jews “need to be advocates” for Israel and not for Palestinians. No wonder they called Ross Israel’s lawyer.

Read also my recent diary …

Apple iPhone, Israel’s Unit 8200 and Spying on Human Rights Advocates