Both the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates broke from their campaign routines to address the issue.
Donald J. Trump, in Colorado Springs, rushed to describe the explosion as a bomb well before the authorities had made any determinations about what had happened and while the situation was still in flux.
“I must tell you that just before I got off the plane, a bomb went off in New York and nobody knows exactly what’s going on,” he said. “But boy, we are living in a time — we better get very tough, folks.”
The Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, was informed of the episode after she gave a speech at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual awards dinner, her campaign said.
She seemed to scold Mr. Trump for his quick assessment.
“I think it’s always wiser to wait until you have information before making conclusions,” Mrs. Clinton said.
Now…which one of these responses is going to win the attention of more voters? Especially after it was definitely proven to be a bomb (accompanied by a similar bomb a few blocks north that did not detonate) and not some sort of random, accidental explosion.
Hillary Clinton…always a day late and a dollar short in term of the politics of things.
Donald Trump…Man Of Action!!!
Hillary Clinton…Overly Cautious!!!
That’s how it’s going to work out. Bet on it.
And that’s how it’s going to work out in the debates, too.
The media better find a closer for Trump, and soon. Real evidence of either criminality or truly noxious scandal of some sort.
If not?
UH oh!!!
Partisan howls of outrage from the centrists?
You allowed the primary to be jiggered in her favor.
She’s on you.
Trump is the Symptom, Clinton is the Disease
There it is in a nutshell. The rest of the article sounds like it was written weeks or even months ago…the author is certain in his belief that the PermaGov’s media-supported pro-HRC Big Fix will hold up, but now that idea looks more shaky with every day…but he certainly pins the situation nicely with that one phrase.
There it is, by golly!!!
There it is.
Oh, stop it. You’re just advancing the meme that ordinary conventions don’t apply to Trump and that’s A-Okay. In instances like this, he could get ahead of the information — it was a bomb — and if it turned out to be a gas explosion (which does happen), no skin off his nose. If it turned out to be a bomb, he scores points even though who is unidentified and what could/should be done about violent random acts is never addressed by him with anything other than vague platitudes like “get tough.” Does that mean more cops with more armor? (Probably for his supporters that are fine with police violence, as long as it’s against POC.)
Odds are that a disturbed or misguided individual(s) planted the NY and NJ bombs. OTOH, wouldn’t rule out that the individual wasn’t engaged in a low-rent false flag. Could be a Trumpster crazy.
Precisely.He never loses…rarely, any way…and she just keeps limping along. i am not “advancing” that meme…if anything, I am bemoaning the truth of it.
Have you seen the vid of HRC being interviewed about what happened?
She’s not looking or acting very well. She really isn’t. Her reflexes are way, way off. Like she’s thinking through a veil.
Do you think HRC could pull off an equivalent coup?
I don’t.
McCarthy wasn’t very good at what he did. Trump is great at it.
Of all the available cast of characters, only Elizabeth Warren would have a chance at that as far as I am concerned. People still believe that she is honest.
These are appalling things you are doing now. Don’t fucking put it off on Trump, you’re launching despicable rumor-mongering about Clinton.
You have choices of how you will proceed from here. Consider this community and the people who are in it. Pouring poisonous bullshit into political discourse is not what BooMan or this community want to do.
Go look at the video.
See for yourself. I linked to that vid above.
I’ve tried to be the Paul Revere giving early warning about the true danger of Trump on this site since early July, 2015 and I’ve mostly gotten mealy-mouthed accusations of being pro-Trump from people like you for my efforts. That plus some cowardly downrating. And here you are again.
I’m going to lay it down plainly for you, centerfielder.
If the Dems do not replace Hillary Clinton with someone who has the physical and emotional wherewithal to stand up to the Trump storm (and of course if there are no “unexpected” events of the worst kind), Trump will be our next president.
And it will be on your heads…if they can even be found, as deeply buried in the quicksands of PermaGov/DemRat propaganda as they most certainly are.
Others are fully capable of laying things down plainly around here.
Paul Revere? Try Benedict Arnold. You’re no friend of ours.
I am no friend of yours. For sure!!!
As Tonto answered the Lone Ranger when pinned down by hostile Native Americans:
Who “we,” PermaGov centrist?
Nice comments in that video thread, AG.
When you lie down with dogs…
Dogs are sometimes correct about certain things, Booman. If you see some of the things that they see, it does not mean that you have lain down with them, it just means that you have really good eyesight
HRC was recently ill. That is a fact, by all standards of observation. Is it a short time thing? Is it serious? If so, how serious? is it connected with her other health problems? If so, how? She is not being particularly…forthcoming…about that kind of information.
I reflexively…on huge amounts of previous evidence…do not believe anything that any national politicians says on matters like this. All I trust is my eyes, my ears and my mind. HRC is halting, slow, weak-voiced and facially dull in that video. She has fallen numerous times before, and at least once received some serious injuries from falling. Although great pains are taken to camouflage her body…expensive pants suits, etc…she is way out of shape at the very least. I’m guessing she’s 30 to 40 pounds heavier than her frame can easily handle.
I think that she is on the cusp of not being able to continue the campaign but is gutting through it by sheer willpower, and I further think that Trump knows it and is rubbing his hands with glee at the thought that he will be able to take advantage of her weakness in the debates.
I also think that the fixers are seeing the same things that I am seeing and actively making plans should a change become necessary. That’s just a guess, but in their place…and they are not all stupid people or they would not be in the positions that they occupy…in their place that is what I would be doing.
Is this lying down with dogs?
It’s simply clearsightedness.
That’s beneath you, Booman.
She looks tired. She’s on an airplane somewhere or other, she’s been campaigning all day, she’s been ill recently, that interview is happening late at night. You’d look tired, too. You’d look tired under similar circumstances if someone shoved a camera in your face on a street corner there in New York City.
“It’s simply clearsightedness.
“That’s beneath you, Booman.”
I’m of the opinion that common courtesy goes a long way towards greasing the wheels of society. Disagree without being disagreeable, that sort of thing.
I wonder what would happen if you started your own blog and commenters started insulting you.
I’d deal with it.
I had a “blog”…a webisite that was wide open to discussion…about certain musical matters, matters where I am both a recognized expert and somewhat of a rebel as well. I made a point there not to kick anyone off unless they were quite plainly spamming…porn sites, etc. If people got really obnoxious…and a number did…I simply sent them and their posts to a part of the site I called “The Alley,” where they could rant to their own satisfaction and anyone on the site could go and beat up on them any way they wanted.
It was very effective. No one got censored or banished; a number of the Alleyites grew the fuck up and the rest of the site was pretty calm.
Like dat.
You asked; I answered.
Like dat, too.
P.S. By the way…who insulted who? Booman intimated that I had “lain down with dogs” because I think that Clinton’s health is an issue. I did not respond with insults; instead I made some pretty good sense about my own observations without any recall to whatever the “alt.right” might be saying. I actually respect Booman a great deal. He seems very depressed…with good reason…over how things are turning out in this election, and I cut him as much slack as he has cut me over the years. But after knowing that I am not and never have been “allied” with Trump or the hard right in general (Real, small government Libertarians not being included in the hard right herd as far as I am concerned), I thought that “laying down with dogs” was a little much and I called him on it.
Sue me.
P.S. I do keep trying…
Trump knew it was a bomb because… He knew! In advance!