These days i am a lapsed agnostic.

I used to not know, but now i don’t give a WTF.

Honestly, had enough of the argument, and i’m sure it will all turn out just fine, regardless of who turns out to be the supreme being, including nobody.

However, if you ask me, or even if you don’t, it’s the soup:

  • given the physics we know, or think we know, how do we explain the expansion of the known universe, which is flying apart?
  • where is it all going, and why?
  • nobody knows, maybe nobody ever knows
  • the multiverse idea makes the most sense
  • universes pop up all the time, then fade away, like bubbles in a pot of soup
  • so either (a) universes come and go all the time, or (b) somehow one universe (ours) came along and immediately began to disappear
  • (a) is a lot easier to swallow than (b)
  • it’s a lot easier to explain many bubbles in a pot of soup than it is to explain only one
  • this simultaneously answers two big questions
  • what existed before the big bang, and what is the role of a supreme being in all this ?
  • the answer to both questions is the same
  • it’s the soup

I considered option (c), but threw it out

  • (c) special universes come along, favorites of the goddess, but she didn’t really work at it, so too bad, they do not persist. Sorry about all the lifeforms, the goddess loves y’all anyway. Except all you people not screwing according to the rules … joy of sex …  ha! … fires of hell.

Now you may say … DeanWS said

You make a lot of good points. But the multiverse, like everything else from String theory, is not science. There is no evidence that any other universe(s) exist, and most importantly they are not falsifiable.

OK sure, but regardless of details beyond understanding, it’s still either (a) or (b) … n’cest pas ?