Samantha Power Blames Everything on Russia – Defends US Attack On Syrian Troops
[Comments posted on Information Clearing House]
Samantha Power walks out of Security Council meeting as Ambassaor Churkin spoke over US bombing of Syrian army in Deir Ez-zor.
According to Churkin, when he began to share with the audience his concerns over Syria (a US strike in Deir ez-Zor on SAR troops), Samantha Power did not listen. Instead, she walked out to talk to the press, where she began to spit out nonsense about Russian-bombed hospitals and a breach of agreements – saying the moderates are bombed. Clearly, the woman had a hangover, had nothing to say, but did not have the energy to listen to criticism. So she exploded.
“And when she returned after my speech (I must say, her assistant did say, that Americans are trying to investigate what happened) said that she was not interested, so to speak, in listening what I had to say and that it’s all a “stunt” and so on”, – said Churkin.
US Envoy Slams Russian `Stunt’ of Calling Emergency UN Security Council Meeting | Anti-War |
The calamitous fallout from today’s US airstrikes in Deir Ezzor, a blunder which killed at least 83 Syrian troops [with scores more wounded as IS took advantage to retake advantageous position – Oui], continues to mount, as not only did it amount to a major US violation of the ceasefire, not only may it end up handing the entire oil-rich Deir Ezzor Province to ISIS, but it is also creating a major diplomatic blowup with Russia.
Russia responded to the bombing by calling an emergency UN Security Council meeting, leading US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power to publicly blow up, furiously slamming the meeting as “a magician’s trick” and “a stunt,” insisting the Syrian government is fully to blame for what’s happening in Syria, and the meeting is a “diversion from what is happening on the ground.”
Power continued to rave against Russia, insisting the Russians were trying to score “cheap points” by making so much of the US killing scores of Syrian soldiers who were defending the Deir Ezzor airport from ISIS, and saying that the only way forward was for Russia to stop criticizing the US and instead start demanding the Syrian government participate in the ceasefire.
While Power came out of the meeting looking like an absolute monster to most, she did succeed in derailing the meeting on US airstrikes bolstering ISIS, as her Russian counterpart, Vitaly Churkin, stormed out of the meeting, saying he has “never seen such American heavy-handedness” on the international stage. Churkin added that Russia continues to have serious concerns about the incident, and that he personally views the timing of the US attack as “suspicious.”
An earlier comment – Ugly Propaganda by Samantha Power at UN
posted in my diary – Ambassador Samantha Power Sets A New Tone | Sept. 27, 2013 |
○ US ‘Diplomacy’ Dead-Ended In UN Security Council
○ Making An Enemy – Demonizing Putin Endangers America’s Security
I have to admit to a bit of a feeling of …if only the Papa, the Tsar knew. This does not sound like Obama to be so transparently heavy handed. But S. Powers is his creature. So…..
No way we did not know the airport was in Syrian Army control. That is laughable.
Even better, I am reading that the planes were NATO, not just US. Thanks, America.
Today Syrian jets are bombing aid(?) convoys. (Or resupply for rebel convoys? It is the practice.) How long before we are waging frank war against Syrian Army? Shooting down their warplanes?
Russia wants the entire agreement published. We don’t.
Our clever trick of using US embeds to deter Russian attacks on Turkish invasion force in Northern Syria backfired when CIA-vetted forces chased our guys out of town.
And all Powers can do is have a tantrum. Well, they blew up the cease fire and their fingerprints are all over it.
looks to me like someone sabotaging the cease fire [before Peace breaks out]. I assume Kerry and Obama are good and angry about it. better not to make the agreement known, however, as would open the door to even more sabotage by those who don’t want it.
Sometimes IS / Al Qaeda / Al Nusra needs the support from Erdogan’s Turkey, Netanyahu’s Israel or US Military and the Pentagon. The recent bombardment by US allied forces of a crucial Syrian Army military post at Deir Ezzor is a harsh example. What agreement for cessation of hostilities? F*ck the dialogue, or the diplomats in Geneva: Lavrov and Kerry. NATO is a loose military entity.
From my new diary …
○ US Creating a Sunni Principality in Syria
Two gangster gangs in a dispute over territory.
Nothing more and nothing less.
Just bigger.
And…”We of course regret the loss of life” says she with a gently affirmative shake of the head.
Business as usual.
Killing business.
Where is this all headed?
Like dat, eventually.
Our own monstrous Man o’ War jellyfish.
I can see the day fast approaching where we…the survivors, anyway…look back with fondness on those good ol’ Keystone Kops/Bumbling Terr’ist years.
Let us pray not.
This “bumbling terrorist” injured 27 or so people.
How many have died in the latest chapter of the ongoing “Crusade Against the ‘Others’ ” in Syria? Estimates go as high as 400,000.
And here we are, forced into voting for one or the other presidential candidate, neither of whom has any problem whatsoever with enforcing U.S. hegemony by killing masses of people.
Or not voting at all, I suppose.
Scylla, Charybdis or helplessness.
A nice set of choices, eh?
Have a nice day.
During search of BooMan archives, came across an earlier diary. Just a reminder … exceptionalism!
○ Bill of Rice ¶ AQ Prisoners Moved to North Africa
The captured terrorists of the 21st century do not fit easily into traditional systems of criminal or military justice, which were designed for different needs. We have to adapt. Other governments are now also facing this challenge.
We consider the captured members of al-Qaida and its affiliates to be unlawful combatants who may be held, in accordance with the law of war, to keep them from killing innocents. We must treat them in accordance with our laws, which reflect the values of the American people. We must question them to gather potentially significant, life-saving, intelligence. We must bring terrorists to justice wherever possible.
Rendition is a vital tool in combating transnational terrorism. Its use is not unique to the United States, or to the current administration. Last year, then Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet recalled that our earlier counterterrorism successes included “the rendition of many dozens of terrorists prior to September 11, 2001.”
○ Remarks Upon Her Departure for Europe [cached]
Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Andrews Air Force Base
December 5, 2005