It’s a shame that we can’t reanimate Howard Cosell to broadcast the upcoming debate between Hillary Clinton and Fielding Mellish Donald Trump. It can’t get any more San Marcos Banana Republic than this:
Gennifer Flowers, the former model who had an extramarital affair with Bill Clinton in the 1980s, says she’ll accept an invitation from Donald Trump to sit in the front row of Monday’s presidential debate, according to an assistant.
Trump was probably joking when he threatened to invite a woman who’s claim to fame is that she fucked Hillary’s husband thirty years ago, but the home wrecker went ahead and accepted the invitation anyway.
An assistant to Flowers told BuzzFeed News in the past she had declined such invitations, not wanting to be a “sideshow,” but said she would forward the invite to Flowers.
In an email to BuzzFeed News, Judy Stell, her personal assistant then confirmed she would be attending.
“Ms. Flowers has agreed to join Donald at the debate,” she said.
So, does Clinton respond by inviting Marla Maples?
Maybe we can have Lester Holt referee a mud wrestling match between Flowers and Maples, and that can decide the election.
I honestly don’t know WTF he’s thinking with this.
It makes him look churlish (and to younger voters, just plain WEIRD). It’s not going to rattle Clinton.
I just don’t get the point. “Hey America, Hillary’s husband fucked some other lady 30 years ago nyah nyah nyah so vote for me instead”?
It’s just so fucking puerile and stupid. Americans have real shit to worry about and Judge Smalls is bringing Gennifer fucking Flowers to a political debate. Maybe he can throw poo as well?
I hope he fucking freaks out. I hope HRC gets under his skin so bad he calls her a bitch or a cunt on national television.
You know why he did this, right? Because Clinton gave Mark Cuban(Yes, the NBA Mavericks owner) a front row seat at the debate. Is it childish? Yes!! Just commenting about why all this trolling is going on.
Didn’t Flowers accuse Clinton of raping her? Looks like it is coming around a second time. Will Trump allude to that at the debate or some other time in the near future?
No. It was by mutual consent and Flowers has always stood by her claim that the affair went on for several years. It was on-going when Mario Cuomo was governor of NY; so, WJC’s claim of one time in ’77 isn’t true.
I believe that it is indeterminate, and the only fact that the two can agree upon is what outsiders can know to be true. When I see other politicians held to a similar standard I will take these charges more seriously.
So far, politicians are expected to have discreet affairs and scandals reflect political power instead of a commitment to finding the truth. In fact, straight arrow politicians (Gore, Carter) are seen as weak. Lacking “animal spirits”.
So, you were an observer present at other alleged trysts?
Who gives a shit?
He looks like the senior citizen he is. No one cares.
“”Hey America, Hillary’s husband fucked some other lady 30 years ago nyah nyah nyah so vote for me instead”?”
Yes, that’s the point. We’re talking Donald Trump here.
1.) He’s doing it to get under the Clintons’ skin. That’s kind of Trump’s thing. You might remember him employing this tactic to great success during the 2016 GOP primary.
2.) Trump is cooperating heavily with Ailes’ clique to turn the debates into a Reality TV Show. I don’t think that Trump is going to come out looking good from this, but he doesn’t have to; he just has to hope that Clinton’s unfavorables rise/support fades enough so that he can squeak to 270+ EC votes. Meaning that a debate that doesn’t change the trajectory of the status quo is a plus.
I’ll add that it’s REALLY uncreative. The best he can do is trot out someone from THIRTY years ago?
That’s just SAD. No one cares any longer about who Grampa Clinton was banging back in the day.
I hope Trump refers to Flowers as “my celebrity guest”, like it’s “Love Boat”. Now THAT was a show, let me tell you.
Yes, it’s not inspired razzle dazzle. But considering the age of his supporters, they’ll get it and appreciate it.
I would love to see him do this, but I expect his handlers (e.g. Kellyanne) know better than to let him.
As expected, the adults in the campaign quashed this gambit – per the Sunday morning shows, Kellyanne and Mike Pence.
The big question is, will the media take the bait and go all Jerry Springer with shit like this? I know a large segment of the public will love the “in your face” moment of it all. I think it will be hard as hell for the media to resist snatching this shiny object that Trump will be dangling in front of them.
With the lack of seriousness we have seen from much of the media up to this point, I wish I could say they would call this for the childish thing that it is.
Well that is the whole idea of it right? And in a way Trump doesn’t have to say a word. Just needs to respond to the “news” that comes out about it. Maybe even at the debate, like ” Does anyone wonder what happened to Miss Flowers back then?”
So Flowers is in the front row. And Bill CLinton is.
Yea if you don’t think the press is going to be all over this your crazy.
I think the subtext Trump is trying to communicate is a strong woman does’t stay with a guy who humiliated her like Bill did.
It’s sick and twisted in all sorts or ways.
It’s also a complete mind fuck.
If that was the subtext he was going for, he needed Lewinsky.
Flowers is a reminder of the first big public lie they told a national audience. And half or more of the electorate now knows that it was a lie. Trump is never subtle and knows the value of symbols to discomfort his opponents.
Perhaps even worse would be Kathleen Willey.
No because Willey remains in the he said/she said arena. Flowers may be greatly exaggerating her affair with WJC, but he has acknowledge that it did happen.
>>half or more of the electorate now knows that it was a lie
now evaluate the fraction that cares. no way is that as big as half.
That’s always a tricky thing to evaluate. I recall having lunch with a business associate– non-religious, middle aged white guy — during Clinton’s impeachment. He brought up the issue and proceeded to trash Clinton over having an affair with Lewinsky. My jaw dropped at the intensity of his caring about this matter because over the years he’d been open with me about his own relationships. First marriage — wasn’t faithful for five minutes. Second marriage fell apart because he got caught having an affair. A couple of messy relationships before he found and married his third wife.
People care about other people’s sex lives, relationships and divorces far more than most acknowledge. It’s what keeps the tabloids in business and even those that merely read the headlines at the grocery store check-out counter form opinions.
Do tell!
Explain to me this. How is it that Gennifer Flowers has a personal assistant and from what income is said personal assistant being paid?
Has she made the $500,000 she made from Star and Penthouse and subsequent acting gigs go that far?
And what exactly has been her long-term relationship with Judicial Watch?
Seems like as much a go-to as Jerome Corsi.
The Clinton move would be to invite someone who lost their shirt because of Donald Trump’s failure to pay his bills. Or maybe a peanut gallery full of them.
Shows how extensive (and durable!) the Wingnut Welfare system really is. One of the smaller carry-ons as far as Clinton baggage goes, I guess.
Invite Omarosa.
No way. Make a public invitation to one of The Donald’s Russian business partners. Make him tell another lie.
Nominate a reality show candidate . . . get a reality show debate. Should’a had Jerry Springer moderate.
Witty title, as usual.
Josh Marshall is reporting that Flowers is being invited by Der Trumper in “retaliation” for HRC inviting billionaire sport team mogul Mark Cuban—who is apparently some kind of thorn in Trump’s side. Who fucking knows (or cares).
So this meaningless 90s (80s?) creature agrees (via an assistant!) to show up. How many viewers are going to remember who the hell she is/was? And is this now something that will need to be addressed by the crackerjack Lib’rul Media as part of informing the shmoes about the critical aspects of the debate?
I guess I’m kind of surprised one of Bill’s Ladies agreed to get into the mud wrestling ring after all these years. But why not, it’s not as if she’ll drag the proceedings “down” in any way, ha-ha. I assume they are assembling the cage around the stage as we speak…
Why, yes (funny you should ask)! Cokie’s Law commands it!
. . . Clinton in the 1980s . . . “
OK, maybe I just missed it (really, who could keep track of all the shit the VRWC flings constantly?), but is this a fact, as Buzzfeed presents it (i.e., definitively verified)? As in Big Dog Clinton admitted it at some point? Or there is definitive evidence that would, at minimum, meet the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard of proof in court?
Or is it just an unconfirmed allegation?
An unverified allegation from the same person to whom Chris Fucking Mathews gave an entire show to spout her insane conspiracy theories attributing multiple, serial murders to the Clintons. (Anybody else seeing a “witness” credibility problem here?)
Cuz if just the latter, buzzfeed should be ashamed. And if the latter, booman doesn’t look so great either uncritically promoting such an unconfirmed rumor. Nor those in this thread seeming to unquestioningly accept it as fact.
Everyone seems in a rush to skip Cokie-like, right past the most fundamental question, i.e., “is it true?”
But as I said, maybe it happened, and I just missed it. If so, documentation appreciated.
Best I could find was Wikipedia reference to Bill Clinton memoir saying he had a one-night stand with Flowers in 1977. In 1977, Clinton was 31, a newly elected attorney general, and gearing up for a run for governor in 1978. Young enough and naive enough to be a sucker for a honey pot sting before starting his political rise, a step that could be held over him forever to force compliance with someone’s wishes.
It would be interesting to figure who that someone was. They likely were not aiming to end segregation, because that seems why Clinton got hit with this in 1992. Suspect some Democrat who turned Republican before 1992. And likely some Democrat who either lost or lost privileges to Clinton at that.
For her part, in 1977 Gennifer Flowers was 27. About the same age as Monica Lewinsky in the 1990s. Wonder what older women (or men?) were playing the Linda Tripp/Lucianne Goldberg role in setting her up with the new Arkansas Attorney General.
The biggest rap on the Clintons out of this is that they have stayed together.
But it seems that Trump wants to brand Hillary Clinton as a cuckold. That’s a new approach to shaming a powerful woman. Shows what messed up political thinking and misogynistic power politics is going on within the Trump campaign staff.
cites NYT confirming he admitted it in both deposition and autobiography.
interestingly, seemed to be an actual relationship, and upon actual analysis, as opposed to mud throwing, disproves the ‘sex addict” label often tossed around. in that vein, someone once pointed out that the Monica L. incident occurred right after his mother died and presumably he would be emotionally vulnerable.
This wouldn’t be a problem if the Democrats had just nominated Bernie Sanders. Of course, in that case, the Trumpenfuehrer would be inviting Bernie’s former socialist homosexual lover. Or someone who’d swear he saw Bernie piss on a US flag. Or burn his draft card.
Inviting Jennifer Flowers to the debate is American trash culture at its best-worst. Rupert Murdoch understood how easily exploitable trash culture is in the 70’s when he began his British newspaper acquisitions. He took staid papers, and turned them into tabloid trash rags because he knew that British workers sitting on toilet commodes on Monday mornings wanted some tits and ass to get their dreary work week going. Remember the formula: tabloid style massive screaming headlines, appeals to knee jerk nationalism, and a topless big boobed woman on page three. She became known as “The Page Three Girl” throughout Britain.
His lucrative sociology experiment was successful and sustainable. It has a proven forty year track record, and he used to dominate all aspects of it. Donald Trump, notorious for welching and grifting co-opted the whole ethos with nary a nod to Murdoch. How does one copyright protect trash culture? It gurgles to the surface in countless backwater swamps in the flyover. Trump is out to tap trailer park America like a ginormous fracking operation, and he’s doing it very well. His shell gas ends up in our sinks and toilets, and we mistake it for political discourse.
If he brings the affairs up,
“My HUSBAND and I have been together 40+ years, and when you are MARRIED 40+ years, stuff happens. I am still with him, because in the end I believed him redeemable. Donald has been found irredeemable by two separate wives”.
Then go back to policy.
You cannot be serious.
The trolling-counter trolling is pretty funny imo.
No, I think it’s something else. On the chance that there is some health issue there, he’s creating the context to induce a seizure.