Wow. It’s only been a year since John Boehner traded his own scalp for the ability to fund the government. It seems longer.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I have probably told you this story before, but Boehner resigned the day before my mom died.
She was under sedation, but the nurse encouraged us to talk to her, saying she could hear us but probably couldn’t respond.
I should add, by the way, that my Mom LOVED Pope Francis. In fact she loved Francis so much, she started going to church again for the first time since before she married my dad.
So I told her all about how the Pope -whose visit she had been looking forward to- had gone to DC. How he had shamed the Republicans publicly. How Boehner had been crying.
“And then mom, I woke up this morning and guess what? Boner RESIGNED. The Pope shamed the GOP and Boner quit.”
It was enough to make my mother, who died the very next day, smile through the sedation. So while tomorrow is a sad anniversary today is a great one. And some day I’m going to meet John Boehner and I will tell him that story.
And if Trump gets elected the next four years or more will be an absolute eternity. Hell on earth for any sane patriotic American.
Over at WaMo, Steven Waldman examines his childish naivete.
Booman did he ACTUALLY believe those fantasies or is this simply a way to stir up discussion?
Maybe you missed the point?
Probably. He’s not reaching undecideds. You do those things not because they pay off but because it’s the right thing to do. Bad guys winning is how the world works.
This community has become a sewer thru no fault of your own, Martin. I’m astonished by the lack of moral clarity coming from many of the very community members who most condescendingly lecture others and claim their own moral superiority. I had found disagreements with some of these Frog Ponders before, but I had no idea that they were capable of losing their bearings so thoroughly. I’ll never look at them the same again.
I recall you summarizing a recent post that “Trump is testing all our systems.” Some in this community of supposed progressives and liberals are failing their own test. These are the ones who can’t even figure out the right person to vote for in the Presidential election, the clearest choice of our lifetimes, and they busy themselves here with obsessive posts quite clearly meant to depress progressive/liberal voter turnout.
I’m extremely grateful that I have the opportunity to get out and organize volunteers and voters full-time. I’m heartened to see others who have mentioned their own campaign activity here. We’ll keep it up, and we’ll win. Election Night will be sweet.
Then we’ll keep on organizing each and every day after Election Day, because that’s the way shit gets done. So glad the haters do not understand this. That’s why we will overcome their cynicism, slowly or quickly, their choice.
Kids, forgive me for going OT, but I’m so excited! My husband, son and I attended a Hillary rally here this morning in Dayton, Ohio as a GOTV event. We got to see cast members from the West Wing: Allison Janney, Richard Schiff, Josh Molina, Dule Hill, and Bradley Whitford, coming here to recruit volunteers to canvass the area. They all spoke about the importance of getting people to vote, especially here in Ohio, a swing state. It was great!
They were awesome, it was great to see them in person, and I’m glad they took time to do this. Ohio is really a teeter-totter this time and we simply cannot tip towards Trump.
Good Job.
I love good news. This is truly going to be an election that comes down to whose base shows up at the polls. My state may be hopeless, but in the swing states, the GOTV stuff really matter.
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Isn’t crony capitalism grand?
I suppose the following doesn’t merit attention here:
The Hill – Obama vetoes 9/11 bill. Must protect KSA from any lawsuits by Americans. So much for letting the legal system handle such matters.
Congress will likely override but it DOES breech a longstanding state of affairs in suing states so its understandable why he’d veto even if I dont agree with it.