Is it any wonder that people are half-inclined to stomp the Establishment to death without a single regard for the consequences?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
A lot of these lobbyists, whether you like it or not, represent real Americans.
Or so I’ve been told.
Heck yeah! The .00001% are “real Murkins,” too. Just because they own over 90% of all the wealth and control Congress… I mean, uh, er… uh, um.
Yeah, ye olde K Street revolvling door in action.
We all knew that Boehner was NOT going to his “just” deserts. Nay verily he was getting kicked up stairs to some of the filthy lucre on K Street. That’s why he was so happy when he quit. In his shoes, who wouldn’t be?
Sucks. But no surprise.
Shovel enough cash to your patrons for long enough, and they’ll let you skim some off the top afterwards.
Orange John has a liver to support in the style to which it has become accustomed.
Typical. Outrageous and disgusting of course. Not at all surprising. I get aggravated but then try to remind myself about the psychological research showing how money does not correlate at all with happiness once one gets above essential living expenses. For those of us with enough to have safe, decent housing, a good diet, reasonable clothing, access to medical care and just a bit of spending money, happiness correlates with a sense of purpose. When it comes to sense of purpose, people like JB know they’re morally bankrupt pond scum. He’ll soon be just another one of those rich guys sitting beneath a pile of dirt in the cemetery. In the deeper sense of the term, we are wealthier than Boehner. We have meaningful lives.
I’d love to stomp the national security establishment to death. They kill people every day but few seem to care. It’s amazing that we let any of them get away with this.
Unfortunately, the democrats are not the party of reform either. It’s quite hopeless.
Well yes, I assume the intelligence guys basically ignore or blackmail everyone or they go up and say: Beautiful daughters you got there. Must love watching them grow up Mr. President.