Drudge Report as related by Digby on Sept. 29:
Seconds after the presidential debate ended, Hillary Clinton couldn’t get off the stage fast enough. She went through the proper motions of thanking the moderator and waving at the few fans she had in the audience before her handler whisked her out of the room and down a private tunnel to her car without realizing that a surveillance camera caught what she tried to hide.
Many viewers speculated that Hillary was heavily medicated while on stage to get her through the public event and hide her illness that’s been a plague on her campaign. With the perpetual grin that she displayed but is not usually known to have, slow blinking as she tried to talk, and even a few seconds of appearing as her brain “short-circuited,” she all but had a seizure to prove what many conservatives have been saying for months. Perhaps the medication was starting to wear off after 90-minutes, which was why she was swept away quicker than her counterpart.
Hillary made a beeline to her medically equipped ride through a special tunnel which she thought was private. The ailing Democratic candidate likely wouldn’t have made it to the vehicle had it not been for a special tool, which a security camera caught, exposing what she thought she had disguised well on stage with drugs and prepared answers that she simply had to recite. Secret Service lit the way for Hillary using pointer lights on the ground specifically designed for those with Parkinson’s disease.
The use of these exact lights was discussed by Dr. Ted Noel days before the debate, as seen in this video here. Another thing the camera caught was Donald Trump exiting through the exact same tunnel after Hillary, but no special lights were used to guide him.
With this side-by-side comparison, along with the facts about these pointers, it’s these things against Hillary’s word that she’s healthy. Americans have the right to know if a candidate isn’t equipped for the job. We’ve had eight years of failed leadership, and we don’t need another liar in the White House who can’t even walk without help, let alone run a country. Her desire to be president is to fulfill a personal need for control and power, and that’s not what this country needs after Barack Obama.
Stuff posted on this blog ought not be channeling the tone of Drudge’s article. Please.
Being critical of HRC’s policy proposals is one thing. In fact, there’s nothing wrong with that. Spreading crazy conspiracy theories is quite another, and like you would love to see that end here. Some of the crap about HRC’s health was at best mockworthy (and was eventually mocked) and at worst adds more fuel to the fire for those actually wanting to see Trump installed in the White House.
Let me explain this in a very simple way. Some of us here at the Pond post on a different level than most. It’s on a ‘thought plane’ so high most don’t grasp the points we are trying to make. They are like a person trying to change a lightbulb in the ceiling without a ladder. No matter how they try, how hard they leap, the socket is out of reach.
We are ‘post coherent’. Because even if you attain our level of understanding on the issues, we have moved on to another level of understanding.
We are ‘post evidence’. Only the ones on the lower plane need to provide evidence, because all their posts are, by definition, assertions. Ours are, by definition, facts.
We are ‘post civility’. We are not slut shaming or being racists or misogynists, we are simply putting the facts out, it’s not our problem if those on a lesser plane don’t understand how higher plane thinking works.
We are ‘post understanding’. We will let you know what we mean, when convenient. And if we feel particularly generous, we will explain YOUR posts to you, so you can understand your own thoughts.
There must be some layered levels of sarcasm in your remarks, because although you use “we”, I have not seen your comments as post-evidence, post coherent and so on.
nalbar’s engaging in strong sarcasm here.
Yet nonetheless there’s enough actual evidence to ask Trump for a drug test before the next debate. Isn’t that ironic. Or does he have pneumonia as well?
What is clear is that Drudge has successfully peddled half-truths and outright lies for a couple of decades.
In a cynical way, Hillary’s health could be an asset — as Tim Kaine looks like the most decent of the four on the ticket.
What’s become more and more common at the Pond is posters going right off the leaked Trump memo last week. If you look at the health diary dates, they aligned with the right wing sudden shift on Clinton’s health, even before she fainted.
The whole deal with Putin at the Pond? It’s exactly what Trump surrogates were saying on TV.
Then came Machado. The same time Trump surrogates started slut shaming her, diaries and posts here started doing the same.
Now it is Bill Clinton’s affairs. The memo is,
Diminish what Trump did, then mention Bill Clinton’s affairs. Even if couched in ‘I’m not defending Trump, but Bill….’, the idea is to change the subject, or disrupt the criticism of Trump. You can see this tactics effectiveness on this site.
The trick doing this on a progressive site like the Pond is to be clever in your political alignment, because you need to keep your credibility.
It’s quite common here. But just like how the surrogates on TV are struggling as Trump becomes more and more indefensible, the defenses here become more and more obvious.
I’m beginning to wonder how many of us will even be talking to each other once this year’s election results are tallied. There are still some pissed off people who were very passionately behind Bernie Sanders earlier this year. Heck, his run brought me back to the Democratic Party for the first time in ages. I did not expect him to do as well as he did. The HRC derangement syndrome that has set in since the convention is something to behold. My candidate lost. Move on. Trump is a disaster and a convincing argument can be made that he is a fascist. The third party candidates that can actually get some polling percentages are clearly not ready for prime time. The Libertarians at least managed to field a ticket where the candidates had been elected to public offices (unfortunately, they are very ignorant about international affairs, and the party platform is the antithesis of everything Sanders devoted his life to).
We’re reduced to “Clinton’s as bad as Trump” rhetoric no matter how thin the evidence. False equivalence has won the day. A shame. There could be a constructive set of discussions about how to move left or left-ish reforms forward in the coming years and decades. In this toxic atmosphere, I have my doubts that will be particularly doable. So it goes.
Some Sanders ‘supporters’ on this site were only ‘supporters’ to do damage to Clinton.
Yeah. I’m getting that impression as well. I will say that the more they keep at it, the more they’re pushing me into the Clinton camp and the more aggressive about it I’ll get. I was content to simply passively vote for her this November. Now I have a yard sign. The HRC derangement syndrome keeps up, I may well be phone banking before this is over.
Zing! I also just got a Clinton yard sign for much the same reason.
OK…sorry about confusion above.
I was especially troubled by the diaries a couple of weeks ago about Hillary Clinton’s health. Several did everything but call for a sort of Democratic Party coup d’etat to replace HRC as the presidential candidate. But about 2 to 3 days after those diaries appeared here, there was Hillary Clinton back campaigning, and shortly afterwards there she was on the stage at the debate, extremely well prepared and able to provoke Trump into a meltdown. Did the folks who had written the diaries here insinuating that HRC was a basket case rescind their claims? Of course not.
There are some illnesses that would be disqualifying because the are progressive, and involve loss of cognitive abilities.
But simply being ill or disabled would not, should not disqualify a candidate to a person who claims to be a liberal.
Of course that is why Parkinson’s was added to the mix.
And MS. That seemed to also get mentioned around the campfire.
To do so would require acknowledging that they were wrong. Can’t have that, of course.
And an absolute life affirming need to be RIGHT.
Respond to every perceived slight on this site, complain (and post a diary with statistics!) about silly things like downgrades, loudly claim to be above reproach.
Sound like someone running for President?
Solid landing point to this 9:38:01 post, nalbar.