More and more people are saying “Thanks, Obama.”
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Just as soon as he is gone, you can count on the punditry of people like David Brooks to wax on about how we all miss the mature and steady leadership of that Barack Obama, and if only we could be civilized as we were when he was in office, and why can’t we have politicians like that any more.
They will all start pretending and forgetting that they started shitting on this guy from the second he was elected.
Yeah, the whole “nice guy, wonderful family, poor leader” routine will be forgotten very quickly.
It’s amazing how the prospect of whom might follow him puts things in perspective.
If somehow Hair Trumpenfuhrer gets elected (unlikely, but always a prospect), I am sure that those “Miss Me Yet?” memes with Obama’s face instead of W’s will circulate over the Internet tubes rather quickly.
In fact, here’s one already:
I already miss him
Assuming Clinton wins (which I still consider the most likely scenario), the White House will be in good hands. And unlike his predecessor, I have the hunch that Obama is going to remain very prominent as a public figure. In what sense, I don’t know. But I somehow expect we have not heard the last of him.
hope you’re right
Replacing Scalia on the USSC would be worth a Clinton presidency by itself.
looks good.
Like many, I was poised to vote for John Edwards until his life unraveled of his own doing and his chances of winning vanished. So I began to listen to the Chicago “organizer” and was amazed by his ability to present his vision and persuade others to join the cause. I voted for him gladly both times and wish we could elect him again.
Nope, he’s not perfect and I am weary of the bashing he’s taken from both sides. I cannot imagine how he and Michelle have managed to stay strong against the relentless attacks, but they have done so with dignity and honor. I’m proud of my President and will continue to support him in his causes and what he does going forward.
We were lucky to have him.
I was one of those people who watched his speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention, and really knew little to nothing about him at that time. But I still vividly remember telling my wife that night when I came to bed, “Some day, this guy is going to be the President”.
I think as our history continues to unfold over the coming decades, it will be realized what an amazing period this has been, and what a unique and gifted family we have had the pleasure and good fortune to have in the White House.
Boo, but he’s a terrible neolib warmonger who hadn’t done anything on climate change and sold out healthcare to the corporations! Vote Stein because there’s no difference between the Democrats and Trump. Plus, like for real, Trump will be better on trade.