Oh, look, we finally found the Whitey Tape:
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Will this finally be the scandal even the media can’t ignore?
They’re all over it – it’s pushed Hurricane Matthew off of all of the major news sites as the lead story.
Of course, the GOP propaganda channel is leading with a poll showing Clinton only leading by two (if you take the most optimistic numbers of 4 choices). Second and third stories are the Wikileaks dump of some Democratic emails with no actual scandal and and this Trump story. The fake hurricane that NOAA “scientists” are exaggerating in order to support the global warming hoax is fourth.
No, this one is extreme. The most extreme leak of a Presidential candidate very possibly of all time. Any candidate but Trump would be forced out at this point. As it is, you’re going to see all of the Senators and Congresscritters who rushed to endorse him two weeks ago when the polls got close distancing themselves from him as soon as possible. You’re going to see PAC money shift. You’re going to see Pence disappear from the trail (he already send his press contingent away as soon as it came out and cancelled the rest of his appearances).
And even more, it’s going to get worse. Give Clinton credit – her campaign is being run with an incredible degree of preparation, thoroughness, attention to detail, and perfect timing. Of course they coordinated this leak and of course they did the tax return last week. And they’ll have more all the way up to election day.
Absolutely beautiful how this leak was timed simultaneously with the Wikileaks dump, which no one cares about now. You can think it coincidence – nope, too much has happened at the right time in this campaign for me to think so.
I’m not sure this particular event will be as big as you think, but I agree wholeheartedly with your theme. This is probably the tip of the iceberg that sinks him.
Bigger stuff to come.
Bet on it.
“Bet on it.”
OMG Nalbar, pls no.
If CNN and MSNBC are anything to go by (and I don’t maintain they are), this is the nuke. GOPers are freaking out like loons.
Most significant, perhaps: No sign of Scottie Nell Hughes, Kayleigh McEnany, Boris Epshteyn, Katrina Pierson. CNN did get Corey Lewandowski on the phone, who said Trump’s remarks were “indefensible,” but rather desperately reminded everyone that we are “choosing a leader, not a Sunday School teacher.” Whatever, dude!
Scottie Neal Hughes just wrapped up a panel segment on CNN. She complained about Ana Navarro repeatedly saying “pussy”.
“My daughter is watching.”
You can’t make this stuff up.
AP story from earlier this week quotes people who worked on The Apprentice as saying that often there were a dozen cameras rolling when Trump made lewd remarks, so yes, there’s alot more tape available
Yeah, the timing is just superb; and speaks to good intelligence work.
One of the things that put me off Hillary and over to Obama in 2008 was the difference in how their campaigns were run: His, a model of carefully considered strategies and tactics, smartly run and tightly disciplined; hers…. well, Mark Penn; need I say more? I thought it was a good signpost to how well their administrations would be run.
Hillary’s 2016 campaign is giving me high hopes for competency in her coming administration. Not that there haven’t been missteps so far; not that there won’t be more in the White House; but missteps are never entirely possible to avert, and Hillary for President 2.0 is running very well, all things considered.
At the end of the day the presidency is an administrative position. Good hires are the most important thing you can do (especially when some of those hires receive lifetime appointments and have the final word on the law).
The Presidency hires for the executive branch and appoints the judicial branch. While the legislative branch is inherently more powerful in re: passing laws, having control of the White House can literally set the nation’s policy for decades.
That conversation was with Billy Bush. The son of the brother of Bush 1. This will be the second bomb dropped by the Bush family.
That is so fine.
The Empire Strikes Back.
Billy Bush is shown to be a fucking pig in this recording. Enables and joins in on the sexual proprietary talk, procures a hug from the actress for Trump and himself, the whole nine yards. Humiliating all around.
At my worst private moments I would never engage in banter like this. Totally unacceptable, totally unsurprising.
The Parties are not the same.
Question: “When you’re not talking about politics, what do you and your father talk about?”
Bush: “Pussy.”
To David Fink of the Hartford Courant, at the 1988 Republican Convention, Salon, 9th April 2000
Well, there you go.
Here is an enjoyable update on this news story:
Billy Bush Says He’s Ashamed by Lewd Talk With Donald Trump
OCT. 7, 2016
…Mr. Bush issued a statement on Friday evening, writing: “Obviously I’m embarrassed and ashamed. It’s no excuse, but this happened 11 years ago — I was younger, less mature, and acted foolishly in playing along.”
Mr. Bush’s behavior in the Trump video, which was published on Friday afternoon by The Washington Post, prompted an immediate online backlash. Mr. Bush’s Facebook page was flooded with hundreds of outraged comments, many from women, a group that “Today” counts as a crucial part of its audience.
“Just saw the video with you and Donald Trump,” wrote a Facebook user named Gina Preziosi, beneath a picture of Mr. Bush handing out strips of bacon to a group of “Today” viewers. “You’re as scummy as he is.”
“WOW,” wrote a woman named Lavern Smith. “You’re such a pig.”…
…his go-along, get-along style proved a liability this summer. Mr. Bush appeared to score a journalistic coup when he interviewed Mr. Lochte, the Olympic swimmer, in Rio de Janeiro, shortly after Mr. Lochte claimed to have been the victim of an attempted armed robbery.
Mr. Lochte later admitted he had made up his account. When Mr. Bush said on live television that Mr. Lochte had merely “embellished,” (fellow Today Show host Al) Roker, visibly frustrated, saying, “He lied.”
actually applied to Pig Bush!!! . . . find its way into this story?
I know everyone thinks what Trump said was terrible, but let’s not forget that Clinton once fainted.
What was the first bomb dropped by the Bush family?
I will always believe the questions about Mrs. Trump’s visa (was she here legally) came from the Bush clan. It did not have legs as they sent her into hiding.
Go ahead America, elect this moron; I dare you.
May all his sucker constituents be shamed back into their unreconstructed bolt-holes for a generation by the humiliation of this bunko-artist.
He’s not running for president, he’s running for King of the Creepy Clowns. The orange hair suddenly makes sense.
Nicely phrased. You hit all the main points of his candidacy and his followers in two sentences. Well done.
On the other hand, please don’t.
We’re going to live with a huge population of shitheads until the end of time. The only way to keep going in this world is to keep them at bay.
Exactly, sometimes the shitheads win if you give them any chance at all. Look at Colombia.
Knowing his record for saying terrible things, I don’t think that this matters to his campaign. Women already loathe him, men are in awe of him, and whatever outrageous thing he says just goes right into the mix.
I said this over at Balloon Juice: this video was from a pre-interview in 2005. His loyal fans will say it was taken out of context, it was a private conversation, he’s changed, he’s just kidding, can’t you take a joke?
The people who support him don’t care that he’s a pig. He’s proven that over and over he can say the crudest, cruellest, and most ignorant things ever, and it won’t cause him any blowback from his people. He is Teflon.
Do I want it to make a difference? Of course! But I’ve lost faith in the American public and this campaign. He’s a monster and he keeps right on going.
No, you’re wrong.
You may be numb, and you might not see this in it’s true light.
It IS worse than anything he has said yet. It’s just astonishingly rude and obscene and it sort of goes on and on. And it’s not just written down, IT’S ON TAPE. It is going to have a devastating impact – people like Pence and the ‘values voters’ will not be able to laugh this off, it’s just too disgusting.
Like most devastating narratives it plays directly into what we already think we know about the candidate.
Here was his non-apology today:
“This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago,” Trump said in the statement. “Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course — not even close. I apologize if anyone was offended”
I think I predicted a few of those sentences. And believe me, I would love to believe this will throw the election to Hillary. The bad part is that it was part of the Friday news dump and that Hurricane Matthew is rightfully taking most of the headlines.
Will it hurt Trump? I sure hope so. But Trump has already shaken off some pretty terrible things about Mexicans, women, Hillary, soldiers killed in combat, Gold Star parents…sound familiar?
Let’s hope Hillary and her team are already working this into the conversation for the Town Hall event Sunday. Make him squirm!
His surrogates have been trying to bring his bad numbers with women down, this type of news makes that impossible.
Shaken off? He’s down 6 – 10 nationally.
Clinton Leads By Double-Digits In New National Poll
Poll: Clinton up 6 points nationally
you’re deluded. “values voters” are the biggest hypocrites in America. They can laugh off absolutely anything, including murder, if a Republican does it.
No, this is actually big. He’s bragging about sexual assault here.
One big clue: A dearth of Trumpalos on the air explaining it away. No Kayleigh, no Scottie Nell, no Boris, no Katrina. Corey called into CNN, and you could hear the sweat pouring off him.
This is major. And, I suspect, the beginning of a torrent.
Agreed. Also they’re trying to play it off as if “everyone does that.” Keep digging, guys. I’ll even hand you the shovel.
They also started talking ‘illegals’ again, and how they are coming to vote.
This gang must all wear slip ons, no way they can tie their shoes.
Fortunately, “his people” remain a minority of the general electorate (though a frighteningly, appallingly large minority).
Where this has maximum impact is with those who aren’t really “his people” but were planning/leaning to voting for him out of Hillary-hate, party loyalty, etc.
Yes, there are people who have made up their minds. But right at this point the people voting for third party and undecided are moving from those positions and picking between Clinton and Trump.
Trump has been stuck at roughly 43 %. He needs to expand that, and he has had trouble doing it. It’s just this stuff that prevents that.
Also, two weeks ago it was Machado, last week it was his 1995 tax return. And now, right before the debate, it’s this. He’s going to be desperate and upset when they meet.
It matters, and it’s unlikely it coincidence.
One a week from now to November, works for me.
Many were complaining about all the free media Trump has been getting. It goes both ways. It’s still American. They love the raise, but what they really love is the fall.
Once a week, to capture the crowd.
Knowing his record for saying terrible things, I don’t think that this matters to his campaign.
I don’t know. Might depend on how much of the report people hear/read. [I can’t get over why anyone, much less a woman, would agree to having Trump take her furniture shopping.]
How do men respond to a man talking like super-stud who concedes, “I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it.“?
I’m The Reporter Who Busted Schwarzenegger For Groping Women…
The Trump fans are already all over Youtube saying “it’s just locker-room banter.” Maybe this isn’t going to matter in the long run, but it doesn’t help. There’s barely a month to the election and every day that goes by without Trump moving up in the polls is a day lost. He doesn’t have very many days left. In fact, in retrospect it’s going to be clear that Trump lost the election for good in the first debate when 100 million American voters saw him in all his insane angry belligerent glory. No matter what his supporters or the media say, they can’t un-ring that bell.
off steam” ( = all Abu Ghraib was according to Rusty Limbaugh).
Winners don’t spend their days playing defense. This is going to suck 90% of the oxygen out of the news cycle for Trump
To quote my buddy Joe, “This is a big fucking deal”.
And when we finally got some of the financial speech excerpts too, about the best outcome for HRC on that.
Which will be, in essence: blah blah blah, innocuous terms about banking and financing being innovative and providing the necessary credit and risk for Americans to buy houses, cars, and start businesses, blah blah blah.
I’d give the same boilerplate speech for $250,000.00, because every 1/4 million dollars not being used to inflate bubbles is a productive 1/4 million dollars.
SpeechTranscriptsTM are essentially the same as Barack HUSSEIN Obama CollegeTranscriptsTM. Just an issue to bring up to spread FUD.
To me they represented bog standard dem economic line. Which utterly justifies a negative reaction. She is happy to continue on with the failed neo liberal policies steel hand of the market with a velvet glove. I think that is a huge mistake. Our economic problems cannot be addressed that way unless the problem is rich people being not rich enough.
One can only hope Bernie has taught her a few things since.
I’m not surprised but am still disturbed.
How Democrats handle this can be payback for “the hunting of the President” as well as moving forward a cultural and political norm.
No one is disputing the authenticity. Trump has already admitted it’s genuine.
As for keeping Trump on the ballot, what do you think all the little Trumpalos would do if the GOP yanked him? Vote for Pence and “a player to be named later”?
Nah. This is getting good…
As for your first point, I see that the Bush family involvement gives it enough credibility for Reince to convene some old men to discuss what to do if Trump is not on the ticket.
Your second point predicates my continued warning that Dmeocrats need to tie downticket Republicans to the Trump disaster any way they can — especially if they endorsed him without vetting him. The word “laziness” comes to mind.
This could be a Bush clan “Hail Mary” to try to save the Republican Party after getting on-the-ground signals that a collapse is coming.
It is only good if it:
Just seeing Republicans (and especially Trump Republicans) humiliated is not sufficient.
Yes, I think tying the Republicans to Trump is necessary. But judging by the other post from Booman about Republican congressmen and senators distancing themselves from Trump and the Clinton campaign embracing that, I’m not seeing that happening at the moment.
That goes to my general sense that the Clinton camp does not want a Congress that breaks gridlock and can actually move in a more progressive direction.
That’s all very unlikely. This moment may seal the election, but only by moving a couple % points. Republicans will evade then memory-hole it all (McConnell is ALREADY acting as if Trump doesn’t exist, and getting away with it), press will go along, etc.
McConnell, if in the majority, will refuse to vote for any Hillary appointee to the Supreme court. This remarkable contempt for the functioning of government will be barely noticed. They’ll do two years of total obstruction, run another astro-turf tea-party mid-term, declare total victory afterwards, etc.
In four years they’ll try to thread the needle once again with a platform based on same old, evergreen, white-grievance and “serious” austerity nonsense (massive tax-cuts for the .1%, destruction of abortion rights and women’s health, immigrant and Muslim bigotry, etc.). And they drag out the same, generations-old Clinton hate. The only difference is they won’t have a world-historical asshole they don’t have the guts to repudiate. It’ll be some insufferable and loathsome red-state elder. At absolute worst they’ll get 46% of the popular vote.
Donald Trump – “GRAB THEM BY THE…”
Corey Lewd…was on CNN spinning this and said “Trump speaks from the heart…like folks around the dinner table”
I’m sorry, but WHAT THE HELL kind of dinner tables do these folk eat around???
Donald Trump is a sexual predator…the worst kind… a rich one who feels he can get away with just bout anything and his `SUPPORTERS” will support him none the less…it’s up to the rest of us to make sure it DOESN’T happen
Also, BTW…
@NYDailyNews 3m3 minutes ago
`EXACTLY WHAT HE DID TO ME’: Make-up artist who sued Trump for attempted rape not shocked by latest sexist comments http://nydn.us/2ebdEA5
Wait till he finds out that Putin hates Pussy Riot
Cute, but it lacks actual content as to what exactly Pussy Riot is, thinks, and why Putin suppressed them.
Trump likely would love Putin then.
Trump has managed to ignore Putin’s meaning in calling him “yarkii”; for the purposes of the joke I imagined him ignoring the nuances of the latter’s attitude towards Pussy Riot. But thanks for the heads up.
Anecdotal, but… well-to-do surburban Texan women in my Facebook feed are saying today they’ll vote for Hillary and support Republicans downballot. If their husbands ever fold it’s the apocalypse.
I have two operative theories about this election
I think trump has made more mistakes than i can count. And yet even after all that in an optimistic reading of the polls he is down only 4
I think number 1 is right
But the case for number 2 leads me to bad thoughts about my country and about the idea trump could actually win
We forget, i think how unpopular Clinton is. Though her numbers are a little better
How could anyone forget with so many reminders?
Some people will start lying to poll-takers or it will get harder to poll.
We also forget how much Clinton’s unpopularity has been the result of a gullible media driven by Matt Drudge over a quarter of a century. How many people have been that much in the public eye for a quarter of a century besides Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton? If the media ever decides to report the truth all at once, it will be greeting with scepticism that is the residue of that 25 years of Drudge-Limbaugh-Conservative Shock Jock propaganda.
A Congress and some successes can make her become more credible if the modern conservative movement and its well-heeled backers are destroyed by the election and early action to take money out of politics and rein in corporations executives.
Things change. Her unpopularity is not the product of some physical law.
“Events, Dear Boy, Events” said Harold McMillian. They will define her Presidency. The first year recession – which looks like a probability. Foreign Policy.
Whatever the cause of her unpopularity and you can’t analyze this election without considering.
No matter how much some Clinton people would like to ignore it.
I’m still holding fast to my Clinton +3 to +5% prediction. Three weeks is a long time, and that has been the steady state of this election.
However, these very public revelations will definitely put my hypothesis to the test.
I hope that downticket Dems understand that this just became a national election in that every single Republican who does not quickly renounce Trump loudly and publicly needs to be a called out as tied to Trump.
Payback for the treatment of Max Cleland is in order as a response to this.
Starting with a huge ad tying Liz Cheney to Trump.
You are spot-on.
And for all the Republicans who do quickly denounce Trump there needs to a strategy in place to still hold them accountable for endorsing Trump in the first place. (After all, anyone with a pulse and a brain is not one bit surprised by this latest revelation.)
And this
Biggest loser: Ted Cruz, who waited so long to endorse Trump, finally capitulated, and this.
Maybe a huge ad to set up for the 2020 campaign.
When Trump’s talkin’, he’s losing.
Just gotta keep him talking for another month, and he’s done.
Not sure how Trump rebounds from this; beyond the outright confession of predation he reveals a creepy sense of entitlement and unhesitating abuse of power, even grasping, for personal gratification. Jabba the Hutt level stuff.
And his attitude is, like, c’mon admit you’d have done the same if you could. Most Americans should have a hard time rationalising this, it overturns their own carefully fluffed self-image.
Another thing I love about this is from now on whenever you’re around guys who talk this kind of sh1t about women (although this banter is beyond anything I’m familiar with), you can just say “Shut up, dude, You sound like Donald Trump.”
It’s sort of like the Ray Rice tape.
We all knew Trump was exactly like this. Trump’s a pig. He’s always been a pig. But the recording serves to wake up people who either weren’t paying close attention or pretended the accusations were all overblown.
Well, except few knew that Ray Rice was abusive before the tapes came out. Pretty much every article about him through 2013 is pure fluff.
We knew he knocked his wife out before the tape was made public.
“Whitey Tape”. Brilliant, Booman.
NBC sat on this. So, the person sent it to Fahrenholdt, who got it out there without blinking. Bravo for him.
Or her
This from Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, after the first debate:
“I love the fact that he restrained himself tonight and he was a gentleman toward her,” she told a knot of reporters. “He definitely could’ve gone where a lot of America was thinking he should or could go, which is to talk about her husband and women, and he did not. He restrained himself, and you know what? Restraint is a virtue, and it is certainly a Presidential virtue, and I think many voters today, particularly women, probably saw that and respected that a great deal.“
[My emphasis]
What is devastating about this tape is that it includes the before and after – the Bush-Trump discussion before they meet her and then their conduct when they meet her; hence their conduct when they meet her we see in the light of how they’ve discussed her immediately before; the tape opens the door to seeing every single Trump interaction with a woman in the light of an imagined analogous conversation- this before-and-after also differentiates the tape from “locker room banter”.
Sure looks like he screwed the pooch this time.
Except for the “But Bill Clinton….” crowd.
But, but…….. Bill Clinton right? And celebrity.
(link courtesy digby)
Watching the bit of Trump’s videotaped “apology” where he pivoted to attacking the Clintons and I’m thinking given how furious he obviously is at being forced to eat crow, (a) he’s going to go full-bore at her in the town hall, multiple times, no matter what the subject matter, on Bill’s infidelities, and (b) it’s going to blow up in his face BIGLY.
I suppose it would be too much to hope for an all-out expletive-laced meltdown, but I think he’s skating right up to the edge of one. I sure wouldn’t want to be one of his lackeys right now — I mean, even more than I usually wouldn’t.
I’ve never seen an ‘apology’ where the person was so obviously very, VERY angry.
Even if he chickens out, or gets talked out of going ‘Clinton’, he will be so angry he’s bound to go off the rails. He HAS to cancel…..but that probably means he won’t.
When Strongman Trump’s talkin’, he’s losin’.
Biden says what the whacko said amounts to sexual assault. So why not go get him,like Bill Cosby.
It took fifty allegations before any DAs could find one that would stick to Cosby (mostly due to the statute of limitations).