I’m on my way home from New Haven because I was a guest for a class at Yale today. It was a great experience and I’d gladly do it again, but it meant that I got my news today mainly through my phone or on Twitter. I’m guessing that the best thing you saw today was Michelle Obama’s speech.
What was the worst thing you saw today?
Trump’s speech.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…”
The Protocols of Zion parts or something even more appalling?
Those were horrible, but the bit where he attacked one of his accusers as being too ugly to sexually assault was at least as grotesque.
Hard to choose
Jaw dropping.
Boo, I couldn’t bear to watch even a moment of what he said, especially after just watching Michelle Obama’s amazing speech. Did he really go after international Jewish bankers or a reasonably discernible dogwhistle thereof? Truly? Please tell me, as awful as he is, we aren’t heading down that particular sewer?
Never mind; I Googled “Trump international bankers” and found what you guys are talking about.
Yup, down that sewer.
I do try not to wish actual physical destructive illness on other people but I’m losing this particular battle.
Well, his lead in Texas is down to four points or so. Does that make you feel any better?
Yes, actually. Maybe stuff like that is why they’ve pulled out of Virginia? Got to save at least some face?
I don’t think they have money. Pence had two canceled fund raisers this week because they could not get anybody to come. Some who have donated want their money back, and some bundlers are rufusing to continue raising money.
I have no such compunction. So if it helps your conscience I am glad to cover you as well…
Thank you. How about a rage-filled meltdown in the last debate climaxing with a stroke live on camera? Can you manage that for me?
There you go again, with the Ivy Leaguers and the Hoity Toities.
And Yale no less.
I didn’t mention to the students that I was raised on Yale Sucks t-shirts.
A forlorn attempt at credibility hereabouts!
You didn’t hear it from me but rae may be an Ivy League prof of some sort.
Nonsense, Booman. I’m a rock n roller and a holy roller.
Typical trumpian diversionary tactics…
Best things today: Michelle’s speech and Dylan’s Nobel. It’s an honor to witness their brilliance.
Worst thing? Falwell, Junior twisting himself in knots to rationalize his support for an insincere pedophile adulterous megalomaniac — though it’s wonderful to see his own students calling him out for hypocrisy.
It’s worth quoting Falwell here, in all his “glory”:
Liberty U Students Break With Falwell Jr: `We Want Nothing To Do With’ Trump
Published OCTOBER 13, 2016, 8:12 AM EDT
“…Claiming that Trump is “actively promoting the very things that we as Christians ought to oppose,” the statement from Liberty United Against Trump, which was obtained by The Washington Post, criticizes Falwell Jr. for tying the university’s name to a man who bragged about and is accused of sexually assaulting women.
“Any faculty or staff member at Liberty would be terminated for such comments, and yet when Donald Trump makes them, President Falwell rushes eagerly to his defense – taking the name `Liberty University” with him,” the statement reads.
“It is not enough to criticize these kinds of comments,” the students continued. “We must make clear to the world that while everyone is a sinner and everyone can be forgiven, a man who constantly and proudly speaks evil does not deserve our support for the nation’s highest office.”
Liberty University junior Dustin Wahl told the Post that he wrote the statement and that approximately 250 students, alumni and faculty signed on in support. According to Wahl, the statement was prompted by Trump’s boasts about groping women without their consent in a leaked 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape published Friday.
Falwell Jr. has continued to offer support for Trump after the tape’s publication, even after at least four women come out with stories alleging that he forcible groped or kissed them. Interviewed on CNN as those stories broke Wednesday night, Falwell Jr. said he still planned to vote for Trump even if the allegations were true.
“Donald Trump of five, ten years ago, even two or three years ago may have been a different person,” Falwell Jr. said. “The bigger point is he is going to appoint the right justices to the Supreme Court. He’s going to control immigration. He’s going to bring our country back to a position of strength again. And that is why I’m supporting Donald Trump.”
Asked by the Post to respond to his students’ statement, Falwell Jr. called it “incoherent and false,” though he commended them for speaking up.
“I am not `touring the country’ or associating Liberty University with any candidate,” Falwell Jr. told the Post. “I am only fulfilling my obligation as a citizen to `render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s’ by expressing my personal opinion about who I believe is best suited to lead our nation in a time of crisis. This student statement seems to ignore the teachings of Jesus not to judge others but they are young and still learning.”
Beyond belief.
Wow; somehow didn’t notice that last highlighted statement. Far be it from Falwell and the rest of the fundies to ever judge anyone. Such wonderful, pious people.
But as hard as they tried to raise self-righteous, judgmental monsters, the kids still want to do the right thing. There’s some hope for them after all.
Silly kids, actually taking all that love thy neighbor, judge not, suffer the little children, I was hungry and you fed me, all that Social Justice Jesus stuff seriously, huh? Time the little snots outgrew it and became Good Christians(tm), says Falwell.
condescension of that is pretty jaw-dropping; especially when topped with the irony of that judgmentalism being embedded in counsel to those silly, wet-behind-the-ears utes “not to judge others”!
Can Junior Falwell even hear himself?
Page six of Thomas Frank’s essay: http://harpers.org/archive/2016/11/swat-team-2/
Thanks, really enjoyed the link.
worst thing todayay: both the Daily Beast and TPM have timelines of sexual misconduct allegations against Trump, DB explicitly claiming to be complete, and neither mentioned the most serious allegation: that he raped a 13 year old girl.
“What was the worst thing you saw today?”
The paid mouthpieces, who were primarily women, explaining that Trump “Ain’t so bad, and that Bill and Hillary are the worst human beings in the history of the Planet Earth…”
I always knew antisemitism walked proudly among us — the anti-muslim bigotry was proof enough of that — but it’s striking to be confronted with the 1920’s version, right in your face.
And she can’t even say the word.
BooMan gets one guest class, and David effin’ Brooks gets a whole semester. Oh Yale, you never disappoint me!