In November 1992, New York magazine did a fluff piece on Donald Trump written by Julie Baumgold, the self-described “historian of Trump’s comeback.” There’s plenty in this article that’s still of interest, including her observation that Trump had trouble mixing with the Manhattan jet set while limiting himself to “cranberry juice and Diet Coke and a steady diet of Tic Tacs.” There’s also a retelling of two episodes that are newsworthy in light of recent revelations. One is the time he poured a glass of wine down Vanity Fair reporter Marie Brenner’s back because he didn’t like her article. Typically, in his telling it was not a glass but a whole bottle. Also, typically, he denied that he ever told Brenner that “you have to treat women like shit” and claimed that she made it up because “The woman’s a liar, extremely unattractive, lots of problems because of her looks.”
The other relevant passage expands on (whether he said it or not) his philosophy that “you have to treat women like shit.”
His contempt for beautiful women who like to be abused is boundless, and he is full of stories about supermodels, women he might call twelves (not their dress size) clinging to a rock star’s legs and the rock star kicking them away. You have to treat them like shit…
…Women are of two types to him- those who are of use and those he beds, or “sacks,” and, of the two, the former probably get more of his heart.
Remember, this was supposed to be a flattering piece. It was written by his hand-picked “historian.”
Now, over at the Atlantic, Michelle Cottle is concerned about what will become of Trump’s most ardent supporters, the ones who have invested their hopes in him. She doesn’t see things going well for them, and she makes several prescient observations. But I don’t think Trump is going anywhere. As evidence, I am citing another fragment from the 1992 Baumgold fluff piece.
One night last summer the Trumps were in a car going to see Pavarotti at the arena in Atlantic City. Donald was talking about how the gamblers had fled his casinos when they thought he was in in trouble. Now, he said, they were back.
“Nothing succeeds…” began his mother, Mary Trump, who was mugged and badly beaten at 80, and survived.
“…like success,” said Donald and his sister, federal judge Maryanne Trump Barry.
“Like success,” said 86-year-old Fred Trump who still works every day and had gone to work so his brother could go to MIT. It was obvious that this was the bedrock of the house of Trump, and the harder ones, the ice portion of the family, both of whom were academically brilliant, lived by this. Failure was an intolerable condition, to be corrected as quickly as possible.
Trump’s comeback may have been stitched together with tax deferrals and loopholes, smoke, mirrors, duct tape, and an army of stiffed contractors and creditors, but no one can deny that he rebuilt his brand even if he left Atlantic City in ashes. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that nothing succeeds like the perception of success, which is one reason why a show like The Apprentice was perfect for Trump on so many levels. Reality television, after all, isn’t real at all. It succeeds by the audience being only half-invested in the fact that it’s completely made up. But it allowed a guy like Trump to pretend he is a billionaire (he’s not) and get people to send him $30,000 at a pop to learn his “secrets” for getting rich.
Trump is good at this sort of thing. We’ll find out exactly how good when he goes on trial in San Diego on November 28th for defrauding people with his Trump University scam. However that turns out (he faces only civil penalties), we can be sure that he’ll be looking to make another comeback. His ritzy, classy, high roller brand is destroyed, but he has a new loyal following and tens of millions of potential marks. And he’s already signaling how he’s going to bilk them. Yesterday, he might as well have put the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in his teleprompter for all the subtlety he used in going after the media and international bankers. He will be the new Father Coughlin and he’ll make plenty of money.
The more pressing question is how this will manifest itself in our political life. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First we’re going to want to see what should be a doozy of a (non)-concession speech.
What’s next? I think you’re looking at it right here. I expect we’ll be seeing a lot of “second amendment remedy” people stalking anything they perceive as traitorous. Our Dem HQ had a pellet shot through a window recently. I will not be surprised to see something worse in the future. I have to say, it crosses my mind on occasion when working the office during this election. We’ve had a few people come in and say shit just to be assholes.
Armed Trump Supporters ‘Protest’ Outside Virginia Dem’s Campaign Office
Drum Roll:
Just when you thought that there were no ethnic or sociological sub-groups left for Donald Trump to insult, antagonize and energize to vote against him, he does it. He finds another group that has missed out on the fun.
This, after all the years of the GOP trying and trying and trying to get just a little more of the Jewish vote. He’s dragged them back to Nixon ’68. It’s another fine piece of Donald Destruction I’d say.
For all who say that the GOP will just go back to business after Donald is done, I say: How? Look at the Christian right, they are destroying the tiny little shreds of credibility that they had by pimping for this guy. Falwell, Graham, Robertson are going to all pay dearly for this. Ryan? Ryan? He’s taking them all down.
Anything Donald Trump come near gets set on fire – Just ask Billy Bush – It’s like a Stephen King movie or something.
The Jewish vote in US presidential elections has been heavily Democratic ever since FDR, but has varied quite a lot from election to election. Romney got 30% in 2012. A poll taken last month showed 19% of American Jews supported Trump, but I wonder if that will drop after the latest antisemitic dog whistling.
Yes, fewer Jews will be voting for Trump after this week.
They will hear the dog whistles better than the public at large. George Soros, international bankers in secret conspiracies, urban elites…
It’s the Protocols of Zion basically.
As you predicted:
So, not so startling, really.
We’ll see how this plays out, but the similarities between Trump and Coughlin are somewhat strained.
Coughlin had a powerful, independent backer (Bishop Gallagher) who shielded him from Papal attacks which allowed Coughlin the time to develop his independent radio stations. While you can say that Trump doesn’t need shielding, he also won’t be able to willy nilly start his own radio/tv/cable company. Too much competition, to much expense, not enough outside $$$ backing. Besides, it’s already been shown that the Pope can raise a shit storm with a significant portion of the population. Certainly enough to crimp ad revenues at the beginning.
Coughlin truly believed the crap he was peddling, and he was peddling it to a nation of white men who also believed most everything he was saying. Trump is a con man who doesn’t believe in gravity, trying to peddle to a minority majority nation (I’m including women in the mix).
Coughlin had a political philosophical bent and meticulously conceived his movement as an alternative to the socialist/communist movement gaining strength in reaction to the Depression. Trump has no political thought whatsoever. If he DOES get some, he’ll throw it under the bus as soon as it looks politically expedient to do so.
Finally, Trump is a piss-poor businessman. If he starts to try to build a “media empire” he will fail. His record has not shown him able to follow thru in anything with even a modicum success. Rupert and Turner knew what they were doing. Trump doesn’t.
Trumpism is here for the foreseeable future as a nativist, authoritarian, misogynist and racist movement. Trump is gone in 6 weeks.
OH great, one more person telling us that Trump doesn’t actually believe all the crazy stuff he says.
By the way, you forgot the obligatory line about how Trump couldn’t possibly be an anti-Semite because he has a Jewish son-in-law and his daughter is a convert to Judaism. And really, he loves himself some Jews! I mean, he’s on record addressing Jewish groups and telling them that “your people are good with money”, or words to that effect.
Trump believes in nothing. Period.
You however, are an ass. I’ve known about Trump’s blythe anti-Semitism since my wife told me about it in 2011 when he flirted with a run … my German-Jewish wife who lost 37 family members in the Holocaust.
I’m also Jewish. Grandparents came to the US from Poland and the Soviet Union. A cousin of mine put together a family tree that’s full of dead ends because of people who were sent to death camps, massacred, or killed fighting with partisan forces.
I don’t get it when people say that Trump believes in nothing and that his words don’t matter. I don’t know about you, but when I have a conversation with someone, or hear someone speak, I take their words at face value until proven otherwise.
I apologize for any snark that you took to be offensive.
His own employees apparently think he’s a dick.
I hope the press will start to call them the alt-wrong. We might as well wonder what’s next for the klan. There’s just not that many of them.
More importantly, we need to know who wrote this screed (read poorly, as usual) and why he/she wanted Trump to portray himself as a martyr to this people’s cause. A most unusual role for Trump I would think. What is the next act, martyr or savior?
as usual”.
Try to do better next time.
Sorry you thought it was me and not Mr. Trump reading poorly (from the teleprompter).
what you were trying to say.
Yes, me too, it detracts from the question of why the person that wrote the speech for Mr. Trump to read from the teleprompter wanted to portray Mr. Trump as a martyr.
Are they going to use him as a savior or as a martyr? If a martyr, how soon do they plan on doing it?
Let’s see. What will happen here. Well these are angry white people who vote republican. I’m guessing they will vote for the next slate of Republicans and go back to do doing what made them angry in the first place. They won’t mention Trump by name, of course.
In two years they’ll be showing up angry about something again. Say children from Laos brining in the Spanish Flu and Hillary isn’t doing anything about it because she’s too politically correct to call out radical animism by name. And the press will discover white republicans again, and send reporters to profile them, writing reports about how the Democrats have failed them, since because they aren’t ostentatiously wealthy it is assumed that the Democrats are supposed to care for their emotional lives even though they haven’t voted for Democrats their entire lives, will never be Democrats, and have hated every Democratic candidate since Polk. It will be assumed that their existence spells trouble for Democrats because they represent something new, White Republicans out there who won’t vote for them. Trump’s name won’t be mentioned.
And maybe they win big in the midterms again and maybe not. But we’ll need to pretend that they are angry for good reasons and never mention that perhaps they themselves should just stop drinking so much Koolaid and calm themselves the fuck down for a change.
Literally LOL from that. Didn’t even read further before posting this (will now, though).
I now want a t-shirt with “Radical Animism” boldly printed on it, but ol’ Biskits n’ Gravy outside that Virginian Democratic Party office would probably shoot me, confusing Animism for some other “ism.”
a suggestion (which you may take or leave, obviously) for a tiny revision:
“Radical Animist”
(i.e., self-identifying as one, which seems by my lights to work a bit better . . . though might come with risk of setting off ‘Ol Biskits ‘n Gravy — by the way, which is which? — even more efficiently).
We’re in uncharted territory. We’ve never had a presidential candidate refuse to concede or accept the validity of the election. I think “cold civil war” is the best description I’ve seen of where we are.
What are the odds Trump will have armed supporters on stage before the end?
“What are the odds Trump will have armed supporters on stage before the end?” Pretty good, I’d say.
Although, since I truly believe (and my asshole brother also believes) that those on the stage are rank imbeciles and cowards … Who cares?
The time for the alt-Right to revolt was 2012. They didn’t They won’t They can’t. Mostly because they are chicken shit cowards who couldn’t be bothered to volunteer when their country needed them. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq … cowards.
My disdain and contempt for them grows daily. David Duke is ill served by these yahoos.
My spouse was just showing me an article in a local (Portland, Oregon) newspaper about the way that the “patriot” movement types are insinuating themselves into small towns in the thinly populated parts of Oregon (meaning most of the state). Their modus operandi seems to be to set themselves up first as neighborhood watch groups and then to slowly expand the scope of their activities (including openly carrying firearms). A lot of these towns are in economically depressed counties where the populace has regularly rejected ballot measures to tax themselves to pay for sheriff’s deputies, say. So the patriot types are moving to fill that gap, for instance.
NBC has been exposed as the conduit for this poison. That company needs to go away.