FBI Director James Comey just angered everyone in the country by sending a letter to key Republican committee members in Congress:
1) eleven days before Election Day
2) that implies that Hillary Clinton may have committed a criminal act
3) that doesn’t provide any details
4) that makes no commitment to shed any further light on the issue before the voting is over
For Democrats, they wonder why Comey would impugn Clinton’s character while voting is already going on when he can’t even say with certainty that the information is pertinent to the investigation of Clinton’s emails or whether it involves any classified information.
For Republicans, they wonder why the FBI cannot commit to giving the American people more clarity before the election is over. If the information is indeed damning then isn’t it a little late to find that out after Clinton has already become president-elect?
I obviously have no special insight into what spurred Comey to write to Congress. He says that the FBI discovered emails during an unrelated investigation (of what? Russian hacking?). Presumably these are undisclosed emails of some sort?
To step back just a bit, it’s the FBI Director’s duty to inform Congress if he thinks his testimony to them was inaccurate. It’s probably not his duty to keep them updated on an ongoing investigation or to revise testimony that was accurate when he provided it. But, from his perspective, if this information has the potential to come out after the election and the Republicans find out that the FBI knew about it and didn’t say anything, that has the potential to damage both Comey and the Bureau’s reputation. The actual letter reads like a typical CYA (cover your ass) memo.
But, if the letter inoculates Comey and the FBI against post-election criticism, it opens them up to near-universal condemnation now.
It’s true that Trump and his supporters are acting happy right now because they needed some hope, but they should actually be pissed off. And this will occur to them shortly.
As for Clinton and her supporters, they have no real way to fight back against a letter that doesn’t even quite amount to an allegation.
They’ll need to find something in the bag of opposition research to dump on Trump. I’m sure they have a few goodies ready for just such a contingency.
I’m sure this makes Mrs Greenspan very happy.
Well, didn’t Barbara Boxer tell her off for presuming…
Well, it’s a great present to the GOP. This means the warring factions within the Party come together to begin impeachment proceedings on 1/21/17.
There has to be a pony in there somewhere, right?
Granted this is a reach, but the ‘unrelated investigation’ is intriguing. As is, what or who is the source? The WaPo has an article up quoting an insider who says the ’emails are numerous’ and that they ‘not related to the hack on the DNC or the Wikileaks’ Well, the source becomes the question and my ‘pony’ would be the Paul Manafort investigation. The danger is if these emails demonstrate that her server was indeed hacked.
Who could have imagined that?
Through his wife?
Ding Ding Ding – we have a winner.
More Islamophobic attacks on Huma in 5, 4, 3…
Geez. Skeevy messed up Weiner – eh? Sexual addictions are bigly – cough cough – in this particular POTUS race.
It’s very unlikely, of course, but if Hillary loses the election because, as the opposition puts it, “the perv sexting teen girls with his hand down his pants might have had classified information from his wife on the same phone”, it would be the only fitting capstone to the most memorable election any of us will ever live to see.
Why take any chance of that remote possibility? Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know the correct move for teamHRC at this time.
The “mistake” of the goddam private email server continues to be the gift that keeps on giving. And a real Profiles-in-Courage Award to CYA Comey.
Anyway, here’s your monkey wrench into the “landslide”. “Emails, emails, emails!” for the next 11 days, Jeebus.
Yessir, THAT’S what this election is all about!
No, but the self-serving ethical shortcuts that it represents are what the next 4 years will be about.
I found Sanders’ views on the “damn emails” quite persuasive.
I take it you agree that Clinton is the lesser of two evils, but we should all be aware just how scandalous and impeachment-worthy her admin certainly will be?
That, I am not buying…
Nina Tanden sent an e-mail to John Podesta in July of last year, in which she said:
“Do we actually who told Hillary she could use private e-mail? And has that person been drawn and quartered?
Like the whole thing is fucking insane”
This story is shrinking by the minute. Since this wasn’t on HRC’s server, there is no reason to think she has obstructed justice and or lied during discovery.
Make no mistake, though, it has come up twice. And each time the race has closed significantly.
I’ve lost track during this dizzy affair, but weren’t there staffers who explicitly discouraged her from doing it?
Just another edition of “When smart people do really stupid shit”.
No. How to accommodate HRC’s demands was what they focused on. However, she was told that using her Blackberry in her secured SoS office wasn’t possible, but a special place outside her office was set up for her.
Honestly, what would they need to drop? In the past two weeks it’s been revealed that Trump has pimped underage girls and that his campaign attempt to obtain illegal foreign contribution under intentionally false premises. That last is on video even! But the media has no interest in these genuine and major scandals by Trump – either the salacious one or the criminal campaign one . They only want to talk about pretend scandals about Clinton. How do we break through a media with an iron determination to oppose Democrats and liberals?
Ugh, whenever I use that imagery, I sound like a Trump voter. See? BOTH SIDES DO IT!
I need to take a shower.
In all seriousness, we can’t do anything to change how the current media climate is structured nor how they’ll report on this stuff. All we can do is push back with other media. Not perfect but it does have some counterbalancing effect. Unlike let’s say in 2002-2003 in the run up to Bush’s Iraq War where that was fuck all we could do.
CNN reported the new emails weren’t tied to wikileaks or Clinton Foundation.
When you’re smashing the Deep State, you can’t be overly concerned about the color or design of the hammer.
My FB should explode in about 5..4..3.. Expect more promises of impeachment on the day after inauguration.
They all “knew” she was a crook and it is about time Comey got real about this. She should be in jail, amirite?
There goes whatever nice thoughts about the senate, eh?Those fucking e mails….
I think the Senate becomes even more important now. If Congress is under divided control, there will not be a purely partisan impeachment action which leads to conviction, and at least the Senate will not be running nonstop bullshit investigations in its various Committees.
If Clinton wins and the Radical Repubs retain the senate, we will have an immediate, full-blown constitutional crisis on our hands, and bullshit investigations will be the least of our worries….
Oh yes, the senate is crucial, always has been, but in the face of this new investigation, the chances of winning there will fall. If that happens then not only will Clinton be investigated like forever for everything, but talk of impeachment will be heavy and they will be looking for deals, like on the supreme court and budget cuts. This is really distressing news. If Clinton knows which e mails are being investigated they have to consider getting out in front of it. Worst case, of course, is this puts Trump over the top.
Give it some time. The news has only been out a few hours; how big its effect will be is unknown.
The way Dem Senate candidates handle it will be crucial. Based on what we know at the moment, I’d drive right through it: “If you want the economy to be the first priority of the new Congress, you need Russ Feingold in the Senate! Ron Johnson would consume the Senate in fruitless investigations which waste time and have nothing to do with what Wisconsin needs.”
Seems like Clinton has done just that.
Ayup. Current CNN headline: “Clinton Wants Answers”:
“Release ‘complete facts on emails,’ Clinton tells FBI”.
This seems like Nixon level ratfuckery here. Comey’s behavior with his public announcement this summer, followed by his walk-back in front of Congress, is getting hard to fathom aside from partisan interests.
The reporting is very early at this point. But Pete Williams, former Department of Justice official and current Justice correspondent to NBC News, reported these claims made on background without named attribution from his senior staff sources at the DOJ:
These facts, along with the inability of the Clinton campaign to be allowed to respond to any specific charge because none are forthcoming, does indeed make this an infuriating action by Comey. And yes, its utility to Trump and the Republicans is real but limited.
All plausible enough.
But an “unnamed senior staff at the Department of Justice speaking on background” and a dime will get you cup of coffee.
Are DOJ and FBI even on the same page on this matter?
“a dime will get you cup of coffee.” I’ve updated that to $1.50 plus tax at Starbucks.
Makes you wonder about Comey’s supposed independent character.
It makes you wonder why Obama appointed this jackass to begin with.
It makes you wonder: Who got to Comey?
Comey has always been an asshole. He kinda did one thing right years ago but that was it. He got an undeserved reputation if anything.
From HP
“The New York Times reported the emails the FBI is investigating were found on devices belonging to Clinton aide Huma Abedin and former Congressman Anthony Weiner. Weiner had been under federal investigation over allegations that he traded sexually explicit messages with an underage girl. Weiner and Abedin separated in August.”
The gift that keeps on giving eh?
The hint of an idea of a possible Clinton scandal and the republican surrogates are back posting in their own diaries again, false headlines and all.
It’s like the old days.
AH, I just read what you were referring to….a oui bit, anyway.
You can practically see them rubbing their hands together in glee.
I wish the movers & shakers in Deep State would figure out which candidate they REALLY want in charge and stick with her or him. Not snark. It’s like Comey’s being paid off by that nebulous “the media” to keep the horse race going for the next 11 days. Never trusted Comey or the Fibbies for that matter. ugh.
The Deep State knows what it wants. It wants Clinton in the Presidency because Trump is a nutcase, and Republicans in the Congress so the government will be paralyzed and the Deep State will be free to do as it pleases. This is coming out, now, because they’ve decided the chance of Trump winning the Presidency is negligible so they can work on knocking down the chance of a Democratic House.
And when was there a chance of a Democratic House?
Insurance… just in case…
Why doesn’t everyone think that a Donald Trump administration would not be impeachable? He wants a dictatorship. I personally figure he will commit high crimes and misdemeanors within five minutes of his inauguration (if elected); not to mention sexually harassing the first young woman to come within two feet of him.
Dems to impeach an R? Unpossible.
Never forget: IOKIYAR. That would apply to Trump.
Everything is forgiven if you are GOP. Not so much if you are D.
Nixon was going to be impeached, but the Republicans in Congress told him that he was likely to be convicted, so he resigned. Trump would have to pass that same threshold with the current GOP. It took Nixon six years to reach that level. A President Trump might take nearly that long.
If Trump wins, what happens to the Dem downticket. Do your really think that with total power, the GOP would impeach the guy who finally won that second chance for a permanent Republican majority?
The cynic in me would argue that this was timed specifically to assist Republicans in their quest for the Senate but not enough to allow Trump to win. In other words: revenge.
Does seem that way, doesn’t it? Especially in terms of the very specific timing of the release of the letter, which is intentionally vague.
I’m with Josh Marshall on this, on balance it seems more like Comey just ignored or was naive/ignorant of the effect it would have politically.
He’s a tone-deaf idiot. This will CLEARLY poison the relationship between Clinton and him after January.
There’s a very strong argument for that.
As I sit here observing the most bizarre election in the last 120 years I am listening to Elton John’s “Love Lies Bleeding” from a CD as the intro to a Mike Pence hall full of what must be mostly straight white people and I am saying to myself “Self, why don’t Huma and Anthony just pay a room full of college kids to vet the emails for privacy (I think they have kids) and open them all up for public inspection?”
This Comey has been pullin the democrats chain for years. Call his bluff. I am sure there are backups from these devices. Take the power from the FBI. Give it to the people, or wait for Wikileaks to do it before the 18 elections…
Are Abedin and Weiner even speaking except through lawyers? Do you think Weiner is eager to help his wifes boss, the symbol of an establishment that rejected him?
The gnat known as Anthony Weiner has a real difficult road ahead of him with regard to visiting with his son. He risks losing everything if he pushes his will against his very soon to be ex-wife…
This is a speculative ramble; bear with me. Remember the tinfoil hats are for when the radio signals in your teeth get too strong.
Under examination: Exactly how far will Republicans go to ratfuck an election that they are losing or one in which they can pick up an unlikely victory?
The case of Anthony Weiner, elected to Congress in 1998 at age 34. Reportedly from a heavily Democratic district that comprises southern Brooklyn and south and central Queens. (I’m relying on Wikipedia; bear with me.)
From 1999 to 2003, he apparently was a minor backbencher. In 2003, his voting record got him a 100% rating from NARAL and a corresponding 0% record from the National Right to Life Committee. Not surprisingly, he was loudly opposed to the Stupak-Pitts amendment to the Affordable Care Act, seeing it as a way to discourage insurers from providing abortion coverage in non-federal plans. During the ACA debate, he loudly supported a single-payer alternative called the United States National Health Care Act, which would extend Medicare to all Americans.
In 2010, he had Anwar al-Awlaki’s videos removed from YouTube. He opposed the 2010 Tax Relief bill and attacked Obama by saying that the Republicans were better poker players in negotiations than Obama was.
He criticized aid to Saudi Arabia.
In July 2008, a New York Times article (five months before a Congressional election) characterized him as intense and abrasive (as if most Members of Congress aren’t). RollCall conducted a survey of unpaid parking tickets by Members of Congress and turned up his license plate. The New York Daily News was also interested in his license plates. Oh, yes, Wiener had complained about diplomats to the UN rolling up large parking fines and having diplomatic immunity from paying. In May 2009, Weiner and Huma Abedin became engaged; Abedin was then and now a personal aide to Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State. They married in July 2010.
If one wanted to indirectly attack Hillary Clinton, using her personal aide or her personal aide’s husband was one way to do it. In December 2011, Abedin gave birth to a boy. But in May 2011, Weiner sent a sexting link to a public follower on Twitter. How easy is that to spoof? How many public officials would resign rather than endure the agony of fighting the charges? Yes, I hear that hum; put your tinfoil hats on.
It so happens that Weiner’s behavior is not that uncommon except in the details from a certain proportion of husbands of pregnant women. Clever, eh what?
In 2013, Weiner decided to re-enter politics in the New York Mayor’s race. In July 2013, a second scandal came to light in which he was sexting a lady in Indiana who was chastising him for his marital unfaithfulness. Of course, Weiner lost the election. Interesting how regaining political traction seems to bring out the stories if not the behavior. Only a mild hum now but put on the tinfoil hat just in case.
In August 2016, the month of the Democratic Convention, the New York Post (recognized them?) reported that Weiner had sexted another woman. His wife, Huma Abedin is engaged in the biggest campaign of her life as Hillary Clinton’s aide. If you were Huma Abedin, what would you do; she decided to get a legal separation and announced it through the New York Times. Did that hum just get louder? Cram that hat on again. Even though it is the New York Post. And even though the Trump campaign still riding high has employed Republican ratfucker Roger Stone. No doubt Huma Abedin thought this would end it.
And now, James Comey uses an investigation of Andrew Weiner’s phone to re-open its investigation into Hillary Clinton. I hear a big hum, but I’ve grabbed the tinfoil hat and the hum has gone away along with the voices from space.
Given the full-spectrum surveillance that our intelligence community is doing, I as a citizen would like a full spectrum review of the running of political inquiries through the NSA system in order to create political scandals. One would think that the party holding the Presidency would be the most likely to benefit from its bureaucratic connections in these agencies, but the party that dominates Congress and would like to continue to do that could very well benefit from a Republican FBI director who did a little ratfucking on their behalf. Unless Comey resigns, his term is not up until 2023.
I would hope that the election of a Democratic majority in both Houses of Congress would result in some thorough reviews of law enforement, intelligence community, and military structure and practices and maybe a revision of the National Security Act of 1947 and all of the ornaments that have been hung off of that legislation. And a review of the judicial precendents that have cause national security activities to corrode Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.
There is the motive here, and the semming opportunities that bear investigation, but neither the exact means nor scenario of how the event unfolded. Do those point to an incident in which intelligence assets were hijacked for partisan purposes, party hijinks, or just an series of incidents by a guy with no restraints acting out online at inopportune moments?
Why do scandals keep proliferating? The media loves them because they attract eyeballs for very little work. Partisans love them because they can take threats completely out of politics for life.
Time to start being sceptical of the knee-jerk reaction in believing or denying the scandal. Or rolling out scenarios in which it is obviously true or obviously false.
The context of the last 11 days of the election cycle makes this statement and the basis of it extremely problematic for an election in which one side is continuing to charge that it is rigged while doing everything to suppress voters. (At least in 14 important counties of North Carolina so far.)
If one’s feet don’t remain firmly planted on planet earth when wearing a tin-foil hat, it means one has entered fantasyland:
You left out that Weiner was well-connected in NYC Democratic politics before he was elected to the House in ’98. At that time he wasn’t some inexperienced oaf with a sugar daddy buying him a House seat. But if not then, soon enough he was within the Clinton club.
That said, to suggest that someone had orchestrated his 2011 take-down, you have to come up with a who that has the means, opportunity, motive. For who all you’ve got is team Obama and I doubt that’s what you were thinking.
Your fillings may be picking up some buzz, but others have constructed more coherent and plausible fantasies to explain it.
I was just looking at the dates involved in all of this and they all revolved around either Huma Abedin’s relationship with Hillary Clinton or Weiner’s attempt at political comeback by running for mayor.
I found it interesting that there were no prior signs of going astray, but as you say he has a New York history that I did not investigate. I also found the pun on “Weiner” a bit too cute by half. The tinfoil motive of course is that his political direction was threatening someone’s interests. As for possible tinfoil who, Rahm Emanuel is not out of the question. But Emanuel was elected Mayor of Chicago and took office May 16, 2011, and Weiner’s first sexting was dated May 27, 2011. Who outside of the IC on Team Obama is a ratfucker?
The most important part of that quoted fantasy section is the bit about national security activities corroding democratic governance and Constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms. That dynamic is still true even if the perfect is the enemy of the good.
your analysis of the timing is interesting. the part about NY, however, is the way things go in NY nothing need have surfaced before he was involved with her, though it makes him an accident waiting to happen. another option: that Comey is trying to get out ahead of some leak.
I would say it’s likely Comey finds Trunp unsuitable for prez, as does everyone with a brain.
Sabotaging Clinton’s momentum is not only about Trump. It is now about the existential fear that Republicans have for their downticket races.
This could prevent the possibility of a Democratic House or could restore the current gridlock in Washington.
I’m not sure how many of the five Republican justices in 2000 were fond of W, but they did one for Team Republican and put two conservative justices on the bench.
More than just the Presidency is involved in partisan ratfucking, at least on the Republican side. They’ve thought through the levers of power down to how the legislatures can sabotage federal policy.
Well, Dems sure facilitate that by running federal programs through the states. Blue states get the intended benefit; Red ones get monkeywrenched. It is not like everyone doesn’t know it. Welfare and the Laboratory of the States should have proved that soundly.
There is one problem with your theory. Weiner has basically admitted he is a scumbag and that he did test/sext these women.
Quetion: Would you lie about your guilt to get your name out of the news?
Weiner is a politician who had hopes that he could re-enter politics once things settled down. Admitting guilt and begging forgiveness works for Republicans. Why doesn’t it work for Democrats?
Why is this so important in Clinton campaigns and Trump has not been forced by his own party to drop out over his sexual assaults and statutory rape?
I’m not questioning the facts (despite the curiosity of the timing). I’m questioning the difference in treatment of Democrats and Republicans in the political consequences and demands for what constitutes accountability.
Democrats have a moral high horse when it comes to sexual predation (and rightly so). But that makes Democrats more vulnerable to a strategy of calumniation. (See Sun Tzu, Art of War). And Demoratic rank-and-file can be enlisted to aid Republicans strategies of calumniation while Republican rank-and-file allow the worst sort of candidates to be popular. Trump’s predation is a part of his “freedom”, the feminists be damned.
The other issue is taxpayer subsidy of partisan strategies of calumniation masquerading as accountability. Especially if that taxpayer subsidy involves law enforcement or intelligence community assets.
The third issue is normalization of ratfucking strategies, especially the possibility of using honeypot traps for men. One wonders what women politicians will run into as entrapment tactics as they become more powerful. At the moment it seems to be calumniating their spouse or spreading malicious and untrue gossip about their sexual orientation or hidden crimes.
Our cynicism has come to the point that we tolerate a political process that has denormalized citizen involvement and policy discussion and normalized media dishonesty and ratfucking. And we are jaded enough to think that this is not worth fighting against by developing our own persistent and well-though-out strategies.
At this point, the best strategy forward is to vote Clinton and the entire sorry Democratic downticket and try to persuade people in self-defined Republican areas to do the same in sufficient numbers to get as many of the nitwits out as possible.
At least 61 Senators and 219 House seats need to be in Democratic hands and with the understanding that Republicans need to see what iron Democratic discipline will do to restore governance and responsibility in Washington.
Lobbyist-punching, especially of the most egregious, would be more beneficial for Democrats between now and 2018 than hippie-punching.
BTW, have the progressives put together their recommended legislative agenda yet? I would suggest it focus on taking money out of politics, tax reform, and an audit of the national security agencies that includes a performance audit reportable to the public.
there’s a disconnect between governance and the 97% or 99% or whatever % it is. partly due to civics education in high school, partly due to the media. how did we end up with two candidates mostly disliked by the electorate? how to remedy that gap?
like your analysis, but there are factors. one, I mentioned previously, the Clintons have all the perks of a past president, all the contacts all the high speaking fees, hence Hillary enters the race with that past presidency encumbrance. what she has is normal for a past president spouse, not for a prez candidate. it’s partly the problem of nominating a seriously flawed candidate. The Obamas, being blah ppl, could not afford any of the Clinton errors
My current understanding is that the evidence that the FBI is citing was obtained when it seized the phones of Weiner and Abedin in August when it began investigation of the August incident reported in the New York Post.
Because of court rulings, that allowed the FBI to examine every file on the phones for possible violations of law. And that was when they found the files they are talking about, most likely on Huma Abedin’s phone and not Weiner’s phone.
There is something very squirrelly about the way this email scandal has unfolded so as to make something of nothing–a signature ratfucking tactic of the current GOP going back to Newt Gingrich. An allegation gets expanded to a fishing expedition and eventually they find something that can be construed as illegal amidst the messy details of fast-paced political life.
The other thing that is concerning is that the NSA has the capability and the data to initiate the allegations through the communications data it is storing about all communications. It only needs someone with that authority to request they run a search. Have searches been made for partisan political purposes? Will anyone on the intelligence committes care to investigate?
There are a lot sketchy political norms, campaign strategery, and partisan ratfucking going on here. I continue to think that the Clintons are an example of people to whom standards are being applied that are not applied to anyone else in politics. No one else has had as intense investigations into their private life conducted for so long by high-powered, primarily Republican investigators, with selective leaks and news conferences forming a media strategy that drives an MSM narrative. No one has had a quarter-century collusion between political operatives and selected members of the media whose soie aim was delegitimization and removal from power. And no one has had so many people of their own party buy into that manufactured narrative because of ideological and political differences on matters of policy.
And what it has brought us is further normalization of a surveillance state. While we pick at procedural failures and ignore the overall corrupt use of investigative power aimed at two — although seemingly powerful and able to take care of themselves in the media–individual people.
The same process has been attempted on Barack Obama. The process is now obvious; Obama had ways of making that transparent. But the same gullibility of people who have ideological and policy differences persists even with Obama.
What this is amounting to is taxpayer-subsidized opposition research that benefits the Republican Party being conducted by Republican members of Congress with no check an balance to find the truth. It was what the reluctant Democratic investigators of a partisan-sponsored burglary of the headquarters of the opposition party during an election and using taxpayer funds were accused of doing–conducting a partisan witchhunt. The Democrats of 1973-1974 weren’t. The GOP of 2014-2016 are doing such a witchhunt. And the FBI Director, caught in the middle, did the worst thing possible–inserted one of his investigations into the election cycle two weeks before election day. Almost like a lifelong Republican and expert political player delivering an unnoticed shiv.
There is something going on behind the scenes between Chaffetz’s and Gowdy’s committees and Comey. I suspect there is a very complicated amount of pressure from the committees on Comey and politicization down the chain-of-command of the FBI if nor outright partisan polarization within the agency; there have been leaks of rank-and-file dissatisfaction with Comey’s closing the Clinton case after all. And not the narrative is that he reopened the Clinton case, regardless of what the details in the statement say.
Clinton has called the bluff and asked Comey to show exactly what he has as evidence against Clinton. And to do it promptly.
IMO, Huma Abedin should ask for the same because she draws attention of the GOP because not only is she Clinton’s aide but she also is muslim, and that is a key point of Trump (if not GOP) attack in this campaign. The implicit narrative here is that Clinton has a muslim who is careless with classified email documents. Fear. Fear. Fear.
I suspect if all the facts get put on the table, the GOP accusations and press narrative amount to quite a bit less than half truths and depend on just how the story is told.
There’s also the issue of the disgruntled FBI inner circle who felt that Comey had not served the FBI well when he didn’t promote an indictment of Clinton. Those same folk apparently are among the leakers who, despite Comey’s effort to not name the ‘other investigation’, put out the Weiner connection within an hour.
Where the disgruntled team the ones handling Weiner’s investigation and/or did they bring their evidence to Comey yesterday?
News that the FBI hadn’t yet seen the emails, they were waiting on getting a subpoena, which they probably have in hand by now. Both Pence & Clinton have said they want clarity from Comey and they want it yesterday. Don’t think I’ve ever seen Clinton as po’d as she was at her presser this afternoon.
A field operation and not in DC – Vanity Fair, September 22, 2016.
Moving about as quickly on this as some FBI unit is working the Brad Pitt investigation.
Something finally got to her?
Ah, one thing I remained thankful for since 2008 was Obama’s scandal free professional and personal life.
maybe this election will go on forever – or at least for a century or more. it will be like The Truman Show
Sam tweet
the entire thread is hysterical, thanx. Chekhov’s dick pix …
matrix of something ad infinitum [someone thinking along the lines of my comment]
Yes, it is a little gem. Sam noted:
apropo your comment from 1%…
“I think his character was popular for a few seasons, I like how they brought him back; shocking but not unbelievable”
Truman Show all the way
another: this show has jumped the shark so many times this season …
For me — the Putin tweet was the funniest.