The article began, “A load of manure was dumped outside the Democratic Party headquarters…” and you could be forgiven for thinking it was the local Cincinnati paper’s coverage of FBI Director James Comey’s decision to throw red meat to the Republican base by making wholly unsubstantiated suggestions and innuendos related to the bureau’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server.
In truth, however, this was no metaphor. For the second time, someone actually pulled a truck up to the Warren County, Ohio Democratic headquarters and unloaded a full load of manure on their doorstep.
A load of manure was dumped outside the Democratic Party headquarters in Warren County.
“What reasonable person thinks this is OK????” party chair Bethe Goldenfield said in a post in the Greater Cincinnati Politics Facebook Group. “I won’t be responding to anyone who thinks this is acceptable behavior. It is ILLEGAL!”
The same thing happened in 2012, Goldenfield noted. The suburban Cincinnati county is overwhelmingly Republican; Mitt Romney got 69 percent of the vote four years ago. It’s been almost 40 years since a Democrat was elected to countywide office.
Goldenfield told The Enquirer the Warren County Sheriff’s Office called her around 7:45 a.m. Saturday alerting her to the manure pile outside the Lebanon building. Deputies met party officials later to review video.
The local Republican Party denied any knowledge or responsibility and even offered to help clean up the mess.
Harry Reid thinks that James Comey’s manure dump may have been illegal, too, although the consensus of the larger Justice Department community seems to be that it was merely irresponsible and boneheaded at best or malicious and unjustifiable at worst.
Even former Bush Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey is calling it an “unworthy choice.”
What no one really disputes is that Comey’s letter to conservative Republican chairman in Congress was a steaming pile of shit.
Here’s how former Attorney General Eric Holder puts it:
…I am deeply concerned about FBI Director James B. Comey’s decision to write a vague letter to Congress about emails potentially connected to a matter of public, and political, interest. That decision was incorrect. It violated long-standing Justice Department policies and tradition. And it ran counter to guidance that I put in place four years ago laying out the proper way to conduct investigations during an election season. That guidance, which reinforced established policy, is still in effect and applies to the entire Justice Department — including the FBI.
The department has a practice of not commenting on ongoing investigations. Indeed, except in exceptional circumstances, the department will not even acknowledge the existence of an investigation. The department also has a policy of not taking unnecessary action close in time to Election Day that might influence an election’s outcome. These rules have been followed during Republican and Democratic administrations. They aren’t designed to help any particular individual or to serve any political interest. Instead, they are intended to ensure that every investigation proceeds fairly and judiciously; to maintain the public trust in the department’s ability to do its job free of political influence; and to prevent investigations from unfairly or unintentionally casting public suspicion on public officials who have done nothing wrong.
A lot of people are suggesting that the Democrats were fine with Comey when he announced in July that there would be no prosecution of Clinton for using a private email server as Secretary of State, but Holder sets them straight.
This controversy has its roots in the director’s July decision to hold a news conference announcing his recommendation that the Justice Department bring no charges against Hillary Clinton. Instead of making a private recommendation to the attorney general — consistent with Justice Department policy — he chose to publicly share his professional recommendation, as well as his personal opinions, about the case. That was a stunning breach of protocol. It may set a dangerous precedent for future investigations. It was wrong.
The only thing that has changed is that back in July it was the Republicans who were incensed enough to call for Comey’s resignation. Today, the Democrats have joined them.
I thought Comey’s behavior in July was equally disgusting. It’s alright to report that no indictment is coming down. But he then went on to editorialize about Clinton’s actions which was itself a breach of protocol. Democrats overlooked this in order to hang their hat on the nail that there was no indictment coming and his statement that there was nothing subject to criminal sanction. With hindsight this was a mistake. They built up Comey as some paragon of prosecutorial virtue, which probably left him feeling he had cover to send his now-infamous letter. Had they called him out for putting his thumb on the scale back in July, he may have been more circumspect.
In my little corner of the world that little speech from Comey actually turned into an indictment and one fellow, a lawyer, said his words “proved” she was guilty. In fact it has continued to this day and my FB is alive again with when will they put her in jail, before or after the election.
James Comey – As seen through the Persuasion Filter
in his head explains a lot.
Back when I could comment on Adams’ site, I did, and received many a death threat from his commentariat.
Adams is a fucking nitwit.
Wow! Where (or perhaps more to the point how) did he make it through law school, much less ever pass a Bar Exam? Did he just lie, giving the legally acceptable answer instead of what he in fact believed?
Maybe they read Comey’s July statement
“Prove” and “guilty” are words.
Not only are they words with meanings, they are words with specific, technical meanings in law.
My comment stands.
If your so-called technical reading gives you comfort, not going to quarrel with that. Unfortunately, the average person reads that to mean that Hillary was given special consideration and the rules for regular folks don’t apply to her. And that’s what partisans in both parties fail to grasp — the average person is sick and tired of “special people” being above the law.
Your ability to miss (or just pretend to?) the point remains impressive: the comment I replied to didn’t quote “the average person”, it quoted “a lawyer“!
Making your replies non sequiturs (at best).
Never mind that there’s no evidence in this case of Hillary as ‘”special people” being above the law’. If “the average person” gets that impression, it’s from the likes of you credulously (and I might add — in fact I will! — irresponsibly) promoting it, as here.
Which is why your July Comey quote was said in the context of announcing she wasn’t going to be indicted (or was it not even referred for possible indictment?).
OK, cool, suggest some administrative sanctions for Hillary Clinton.
And here are some of your faithful readers licking their chops over Comey’s performance.
Oh, my, the usual suspects out in full regalia. Perfect display of the maxim that a person can have no greater enemy than those who purport to be on her side of the political divide. I am so very glad that I didn’t swim into that thread.
I just skimmed it – yuck!!
I won’t read the comments, but let me guess. Marie3, mino, Voice in Widerness, Arthur Gilroy, etc.
How close was I?
You forgot Oui.
All the republican surrogates suddenly appear when they can gang up on Clinton. It’s what the cool kids do!
Guess you have to add the WH to your insane list of what constitutes a republican surrogates:
White House defends James Comey amid scathing criticism over FBI director’s reopening of Clinton probe so close to election
Partisan flunkies must enjoy eating crow.
In fact, what’s most notable for its complete absence from that article is any “defense” of the specific Comey action that is currently at issue. It does not go any further than saying Obama doesn’t think Comey took that (indefensible) action with the intent of influencing the election.
That’s it.
Though of course it quotes at length both Holder’s scathing critique (spot-on in the accuracy of its characterization of what’s so wrong with what Comey did, imo), which also did not condemn Comey’s motivation in doing it; and Reid’s, which did accuse Comey of attempting to influence the election, including potential violation of the Hatch Act.
(this thread) for just how badly I UNDERstated how misleading the misrepresentation of Earnest’s statements as “defense” of Comey really is.
Astonishing (or would be if they didn’t do it routinely) example of journalistic malpractice from the Worse-Than-Useless Corporate Media.
I kind of doubt you’re a GOP surrogate, although I do appreciate the argument that leads some people to conclude that you are. But anyway, as you raise the specter of an “insane list” of reputed GOP surrogates, perhaps you could take a few moments to reflect on your own name-calling.
nalbar, you are forgetting that these folks you call GOP surrogates are actually the Last Honest People left on this blog. If you don’t believe me, ask them yourself.
Refuting what is not said is a specialty of surrogates. You can see it every day on CNN.
“The only thing that has changed is that back in July it was the Republicans who were incensed enough to call for Comey’s resignation. Today, the Democrats have joined them.”
The partisanship is the other way around, isn’t it? The republicans are still attacking him. The only one who isn’t, is Trump.
And, sure, the Democrats laid off when he exonerated Clinton. Doesn’t that make sense in the context of a bureaucrat behaving in a conspicuously partisan manner?
The more I read the more I want to see the chain of custody of that damn laptop.
650,000 emails? On a laptop that Abedin says she rarely used?
Too many leaks from a bureau that is claiming a non partisanship role.
How in the world could she have 650,000 e mails on it? Non partisan? This is about as partisan as you can get. Holder has this right but …..
Weiner’s machine and 650,000 is total number of emails. Some unknown fraction of these have metadata that suggests they may be relevant to Huma.
Even if half of that is offers from a Nigerian prince and advertisements for larger wieners, it’s still a lot mail.
To me it looks like Comey is scared of the republican leaning FBI guys getting him in trouble with Congress. And to me that shows he cant do his job. Time to resign.
There’s also the bit where Reid accuses Comey of sitting on evidence that the Trump campaign is colluding with Russia. What’s the likelihood that Reid is just lashing out?
Politico: White House: Obama doesn’t believe Comey is trying to influence the election
It is pretty extreme for the White House press secretary to refuse to defend the FBI Director on an issue of such huge importance. Here, watch Josh Earnest conduct himself like the professional he is, and read between the easily observable lines of his statements:
You and others are not going to be given a clear field to float your anti-Clinton propaganda here. I’m sick of it.
Jesus Christ
So Comey was refusing to put the FBI’s tag on a statement about the Russians because it was too close to the election, yet not soon after wrote that letter.
He’s toast. Obama won’t say a word because he won’t want to be accused of a rush to judgement, but after the DOJ does an investigation Comey will get fired if he does not resign.
“defense” of Comey’s actions here.
The journalistic malpractice by the Worse-Than-Useless Corporate Media extends far beyond the false headline Marie posted (including to the enabling of spin like Marie’s) to the woefully misleading, cherry-picked pull-quotes that totally misrepresented the gist of what Earnest said on behalf of Obama to even allow that mis-characterization of the WH’s position as
“defense” of Comey.
It’s damning with faint praise, is what it is. Note repeated praise of Comey’s reputed “integrity” and “character”.
What relevant praise is missing there?
Also too?
Having a clue.
I guess this is to be contrasted with the statement issued by the White House flack in some parallel universe in which President Obama denounces Comey.
Jeezus, I miss Ron Ziegler. “That statement has been rendered inoperative.”
Heh, regarding the manure dump at the Dem HQ in Warren County; that’s our office that got the gift.
The guy was caught and arrested today. He also confessed to be the one who dumped the manure in 2012, too. Told local news that he was “anti-abortion”, so I guess that’s his rationale.
Just another day in a Democrat’s life in blood red Warren County.
Sounds like the guy is your standard Fox News watching, right wing nut job, of which we have waaaay too many in our little corner of the state.