The Trump campaign’s latest Federal Election Commission report shows that it is disputing nearly $767,000 that Fabrizio’s firm says it is still owed for polling.
Trump campaign officials declined to provide details about the reason the campaign has declined to pay the sum to Fabrizio Lee, the pollster’s Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based firm. “This is an administrative issue that we’re resolving internally,” said senior communications adviser Jason Miller. Fabrizio did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Trump has repeatedly been accused of failing to pay vendors and contractors hired by his real estate empire, including painters, dish washers, real estate brokers and a music store that provided pianos for his Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City. The billionaire has said he pays fairly and that he has withheld payments only when he was dissatisfied with someone’s services.
Fabrizio was an ally of former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who persuaded a skeptical Trump in the spring that he needed a professional pollster.
I wonder if Trump didn’t like the poll results?
He should have hired Romney’s pollsters; they always supplied the numbers he wanted to see. OTOH, Romney paid for bad polling.
Can you even imagine Trump being satisfied with anyone ever telling him anything other than what he wanted to hear?
I can’t.
That’s always been Trump’s comeback…they didn’t do a good job.
But won’t be surprising when Trump rolls up his magic carpet ride of a campaign if this pollster actually goes home with more than the last to exit the building. KellyAnne is not gonna like her last paycheck.
She will get paid every dime if her non disclosure contract has a clause that it’s void if she does not get paid in full.
Everyone says how smart she is, well maybe not.
I was wondering why the campaign is named “Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.”
Now I think we may know. They’ve probably had the bankruptcy papers all drawn up for that corporation from the beginning and are just waiting for the final numbers to put in there.
He’s not gonna get stuck with campaign debt. Not The Donald. He’s too “smart” to pay his bills – or taxes.
Should we cry for those stupid enough to extend credit to a man notorious for skipping out on debts?
Makes me wonder who’s stupid enough to do the polling NOW?
Good Lord, I did not know the Donald placed his campaign under incorporation.
Yes, based on his past behavior, he will do everything he can to avoid honoring his debts. Perfect symbolic conclusion to his misbegotten campaign.
What makes you think there’s any “debt”? This has been a grift all along, with Trump”leasing” his own plane, billing the Secret Service for transportation, selling those godawful hats.
Anyone know if he ever officially converted that “loan” to his campaign to a “donation,” as he promised he would?
Didn’t think so.
Doesn’t matter if it’s a loan if there’s no cash left in his campaign account to pay him. That’s what happened to HRC in ’08 even with Obama’s help on raising more money for her campaign account. It still came up short by something like $10 million dollars that HRC had to eat.
The same thing happened to Romney in ’08, but in his case he had to eat more like $40 million. He didn’t make that mistake again in ’12. No loans to his campaign in that election.
So, of the “Speeches” that HRC gave, 40 of them were just to get out of debt?
I mean, sure, I obviously have no principles, ethics, or morals, but I’d give a 30 minute speech to a bunch of bankers for $250,000. And, if I could give the same speech 40 times to make $10M, I’d do it, even if it made me essentially indistinguishable from Satan.
No because she couldn’t postpone closing her ’08 campaign account for over four years and when she was able give those scintillating and lucrative talks.
You don’t seriously believe that bankers pay mucho bucks for a short speech by a boring speaker do you? Plus there’s no shortage of people with no principles, ethics, or morals that would be happy to give a 30 minute speech for a tenth of what they paid HRC; so, your offer is non-competitive.
Protip: corporations pay famous people “mucho bucks” to show up, wave, and say words all the time.
But if you want to continue hinting at quid pro quos hiding in the shadows and around each corner, without actually being able to point directly at one, go for it.
It is rather amazing that someone so notorious for welshing on contract obligations would have any credibility in other matters, much less being trusted with the Presidency. Consider his outrageous self-dealing with campaign reimbursements to his businesses as another commercial example.
Then again, there is so much else disqualifying about this sonofabitch that I can only repeat the old saying, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
Well all of Trump’s fans, who allegedly are ONLY “upset” because their jobs are so crummy and allegedly Trump is going to create jobs by the score, will all see this as how “smart” Trump is. I don’t get it myself. Trump has proven to be sleaze bag El Numero Uno, who has gypped ALL US citizens in countless ways. His fans, though, who loath the poor for not paying their “fair share” (allegedly) are totally over the moon when Trump skips out on the check.
But that’s Republican cognitive dissonance on parade for you.
I wouldn’t count on Kellyanne CONway getting her last check unless she got it up front. I think there’s gonna be a whole slew of people and small businesses who get screwed over by the Trump Campaign, Inc.
Trump didn’t invent the enormous edifice of Republican bullshit that insists that businessmen can solve every problem and need to be put in charge of government so it can be run “like a business.”
It’s a staggeringly wrong, bad idea, full of basic misconceptions about how both business and government work, but it’s been there for decades; it’s responsible for the candidacies of Ross Perot and (to a lesser extent) Mitt Romney. I really wish it would go away, but Trump’s political demise won’t expunge it.
You left out of most significant example of all. The media was completely gaga over the white house takeover by the two business guys in 2001.
If we couldn’t get rid of this bullshit with a bizness/conman who filed numerous bankruptcies as part of his SIMPLY TREMENDOUS bizness, I doubt we ever will.
Of course, did Dems really try to define Trump as a fraud and failed biznessman?
They did, they did!
As a lifelong New Yorker who’s been sick of Trump for decades, I can’t tell you what a relief it’s been this past year to have all this stuff finally out in the open. People didn’t even know he started with his father’s busimess–it would drive me nuts.
Erm, not to be a drag, but “gypped” is an ethnic slur.
Also a reminder that no nation would ever want to sign a treaty with Trump either. His word is worth nothing – even if he has great words, the best words, believe me.
That’s how he picked his media advisor – the guy who was willing to put up a Trump business website for $1500. “Brad Parscale, a San Antonio marketing entrepreneur, whose buzz cut and long narrow beard make him look like a mixed martial arts fighter.” If he loses, he’ll have plenty of complaints about the money he’s wasted on polling. No way he ever pays them.
They told him he was losing and it turns out he was losing. Is that any way for a polling firm to behave? “I told them that the polling data has to be Yuuuge. Yuuuge success. And it wasn’t Yuuuge. It wasn’t tremendous. Not tremendous at all.”