Month: October 2016

How the GOP is Trying to Steal North Carolina

In 2012, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan defeated Barack Obama and Joe Biden by 92,004 votes in North Carolina. That was a landslide compared to 2008, when Obama/Biden bested McCain/Palin by a mere 14,177 votes in the Tarheel State....

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Joe Lieberman is a Democrat Again

I suppose there are a lot of ways to look at something like this: Clinton’s campaign this week dispatched Joe Lieberman, the 2000 Democratic vice presidential nominee and an Orthodox Jew, to South Florida, where he wooed fellow...

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Trump’s Voters are Depressed

Clinton is up 50-38 in the ABC News national tracking poll, with Johnson down to 5% and Stein getting a mere two percent. I can see zero from Jill Stein’s house. This inaugural 2016 ABC News tracking poll, produced for ABC...

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The Current March of Folly

John Michael Greer has a review of an important Pentagon document that should chill your spine.  It is called the Joint Operations Environment projection for the year 2035 or JOE-35.  Greer points out that the...

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Casual Observation

I’m not sure if Donald Trump was more impressed with Camp Cuddly Pines Powertool Massacre or The Sex Spa II: Body Work but it must be rough when $10,000 in cash and use of your airplane isn’t enough to make a porn...

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