Conservative Republicans can be strange. Take their habit of mislabeling their opponents the “Democrat Party.” It means something to them. It doesn’t mean anything to Democrats except that they’ve mispronounced their name. Probably three-quarters of the point is to gain some satisfaction out of being irritating, and the remainder must be some conceit that they actually have some respect for the democratic process.
But, I don’t know, maybe there some’s confusion mixed in, too. Now, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People hasn’t changed their name because, I presume, they’d rather keep their connection to history. Thurgood Marshall didn’t argue Brown v. the Board of Education at the Supreme Court on behalf of the National Association for the Advancement of Black People.
But it’s not controversial that Americans with African heritage do not like to be called “negroes” and they do not like to be called “colored.” Yet, it seems an irresistible temptation for conservatives to use the persistence of the “colored” name in NAACP as permission to use the word themselves.
The latest example comes from Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, a birther who resigned from Congress to avoid sanction from the House Ethics Committee. Speaking to an audience of educators yesterday to promote his plan to deal with struggling public schools, Gov. Deal made the following remark: “The irony of some of the groups who are opposing doing something to help these minority children is beyond my logic. If you want to advance the state of colored people, start with their children.”
Get it? Why is the NAACP opposing his plan if they’re supposed to be about advancing colored people?
Of course, a lot of people didn’t like what he said. Some people found it pretty offensive. So, Deal decided to do the typical walk-back.
The governor later half-apologized to Fox 5 reporter Dale Russel, saying, “I did not mean to insult anyone, but I was upset.”
Maybe he only intended to irritate people. Maybe he’s one of those morons who thinks if some black person somewhere uses the n-word or the NAACP doesn’t abandon “colored” it gives him permission to throw those words in black people’s faces while explaining his motives for screwing them.
The important thing, I think, isn’t any meaning that’s conveyed in the actual words. It just makes conservatives feel good when they insult and denigrate their opponents. It makes the base feel good when they see a politician laying into their enemies. “Heh, heh, he called them ‘colored.’ They hate that.”
Even the half-ass apologies serve their purpose. “Sorry if you’re so sensitive and politically correct that my deliberate effort to offend you actually worked.”
It’s really some kind of stunted and juvenile mentality and set of behaviors. But, this year, it seems to explain almost everything.
states it, and probably by a lot (my guess would be more like 95, 99% “of the point is to gain some satisfaction out of being irritating”).
But aside from that minor quibble about what’s unknowable anyway, yeah, what you said.
I hear a whole lot of that kind of thing from right wingers I know. They all seem to find it so perplexing that there are people who take offense at being denigrated in a passive aggressive manner. It’s so evident in the whole, “Come on liberals, lighten up” attitude they have to people pointing out that so much of the shit they say is simply intended as a cruel insinuation that other people are lesser humans than they are, or that they are genetically imprinted as a lower form of life. But these people truly view these kinds of observations and anecdotes as humorous or even thigh-slappingly funny. When, in fact, a reasonable human considers it, at the least, insensitive. And at most, inhumanly cruel and mean-spirited.
I will simply never understand it.
OT, going back to a previous post, how many of these stories do we have to hear to turn away from football?
‘The FBI is Trumpland’: anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaks, sources say
Apparently they want to be Trump’s storm troopers.
‘Some agent said…’ So everyone has to conclude that Comey’s move was motivated by malicious spite and political partisanship. Well did Hillary Clinton ever do anything wrong any day, any way? No. Everything is a conspiracy. I suppose another agent will say something else. The Guardian was hands down, full spectrum HRC supporter from the get go. The lady aspect seems to have especially gripped them. HRC will be the next president of the U.S., my crystal ball tells me. What happens after that is clouded in confusion, secrecy, obfuscation.
So the Left is now in denial about LEO’s in their love of Trump and hatred of Democrats — Clintons in particular. Got it. Even with Spencer Ackerman doing the reporting, if it hurts your Narrative you’re willing to lie with the dogs.
You’re obviously seething. What is LEO by the way? No you don’t get it: many people on the left, center and right find her a walking disaster. Got it. Why can’t someone honestly and rationally have that opinion. Because of….. TTRRUUMMPP! Calm down. She will be president and then you will own her.
I supported and voted for Bernie Sanders. And given we have interacted before during the primary, you’d know this. And yet, your blase attitude is exactly why POC don’t trust your politics.
Anyway, LEO stands for Law Enforcement Official.
Images not working. Follow link:
Trump Supporting Cops
This has nothing to do with Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton will become president. Everyone has gone crazy. What are you so insecure about. And now what does POC mean? I’m a bit dense.
POC = people of color.
Right. People of color aren’t coloured people. Insane.
I report. You decide.
You said it!
You have got a lot of nerve to generalize about ‘POC.’
By me, LEO stands for lox, eggs and onions.
Although a lot of the blame lies with the president. I opposed Comey’s nomination (hell I oppose the FBI’s existence), but I doubt Clintons going to make the same mistake.
Have you lost your mind?
It all fits with their anti-PC mentality. We Liberals are all touchy-feely and our feelings are so easily hurt!
As always, they like to come across as tough, no-nonsense know-it-alls who think everyone else is weak and emotional. But they’re actually just a bunch of rude, selfish racists who, with Trump’s blessing, now feel like they can say whatever they feel without repercussion.
They are stupid kids.
One thing I’ve said in other contexts, the right-wingers and in particular the alt-right really desperately need their safe spaces (the very thing they denigrate). I find it fascinating.
The perfect illustration of that (think I first became aware of this when booman posted it here): the stark contrast between the faux-patriotic posturing in public and the vile flood of hideous racism once they retreated to the “safe space” (or so they stupidly assumed) of a shared CB channel is . . . well . . . stark.
I’ve seen my share of these assholes in my region. Every so often, the local Klan and neo-Confederate cells manage to coordinate things so that we see several trucks on the roads – usually during weekends or holidays. A lot of that activity picked up here before Trump was even a blip on the screen. After that kid in South Carolina went on a mass shooting rampage, that sent our Klansmen on the defensive, and so they did what Klansmen do – act like assholes. Oddly enough, they’ve been more silent as of late, after one of their leaders failed to pack our school board with his neo-Confederate cronies. My favorite, and I really should get a video of it, is this dude who flies both the Confederate battle flag and the Mexican flag. Seems like he’s a bit confused.
Hard for me to imagine a better example of assholes being assholes for no other reason than the sick pleasure they mysteriously derive from deliberately being assholes.
It is purely and simply for the dickishness factor; if not purely unconscious by now. Just like the bully in the 7th grade who made up the insulting nickname for you, and constantly used it from then on because “HAW HAW HAW I can do this to you with impunity! HAW HAW HAW”
I always understood the reason why they say Democrat Party is because the end of Democrat sounds like rat
not very clever
It does serve the purpose of somewhat dehumanizing their enemy. Makes it easier to excuse acts of aggression – verbal or otherwise.
Republicans hate Democracy. Just saying the word “Democratic” upsets them.
Full stop.
“Democratic” to the political opposition is something wingnuts cannot abide.
That You Took Offense
You see the (not-so-)subtle difference in meaning, there, right?
My suggested revision representing the standard, approved formula for the classic “non-apology apology” that Deal engaged in here, with its passive-aggressive jiu-jitsu putting the blame on the offended rather than the offender. I.e., can’t allow the agency, hence blame to lie with me (as in “I’m sorry I offended you by what I said” = what I said was offensive). Gotta flip it around onto you (as in “I’m sorry you took offense from what I said” = why are you so damn sensitive with your damn political correctness . . . what’s wrong with you?)
Being an asshole is what they have left.
I hate to admit that Lars Van Trier was right about America.
Republicans have degenerated to the point that the politics of personal destruction is pretty much their only game now. Their policies are 50 or more years old and have repeatedly failed so insults are all they have now. And if people get upset by their gratuitous insults, they cry “PC”! OTOH, if HRC calls some of the worst racist, sexist xenophobes “deplorable” well it’s righteous indignation time. The level of cynicism and hypocrisy among Republicans is boundless.
Seems to be what they see as resistance to their freedom of speech to be a flat-out bigot.
It is a middle-school bully’s game.
Guess that means that Deal got over his Trump squeamishness and got on board with the new TrumpPence reich.
God, I’m sick of this shit. It’s not just that they don’t understand the reclamation of language etc. — it’s been explained to them enough times. They’re just convinced on a visceral level that black people are being given some kind of unfair break, and that everyone knows it (including liberals) but nobody’s allowed to talk about it…so they just sneak it in there by means of snarky semantic tricks.
Actually, Jordan, you hit the nail right on the head. Most of the “deplorables” DO believe that everyone thinks like they do, liberals just won’t admit it. Remember the old joke: what do you call a liberal who gets mugged? A Conservative.
Many people calling themselves conservative just cannot wrap their minds around the fact that the world has moved on … and they haven’t.
I was just forcefully reminded of a counter-example to much of the verbiage in this thread when my younger brother showed up at my place with an old friend of his–we’ve all known each other since our teens–who now lives here in my city. The friend is a Republican, the son of Republicans etc., and he and my brother love to poke fun at each other about their opposed politics. They disagree without being disagreeable. I’ve never heard the friend say a single ugly word about Democrats, African Americans, etc. I’m as disgusted by the “Democrat Party” style nonsense as anyone else, not to mention disgusted with what the modern GOP has become, but tarring all Republicans with a broad brush troubles me. Some of them, like my brother’s friend, seem to maintain a GOP identification as something passed down through the generations.
If he’s viting for Trump hes part of the problem, ne?
Ya, I was wondering which reasonable republican he votes for.
For many it’s a religion. I gave up both political religion and religious religion decades ago. Both are based on emotion and cultural history. Not for me.
Bottom line: this habit of deliberate irritation signals the absence of seriousness and good faith.
Hmm, seems the statement was made about his plans to privatize poor performing schools and hand the funds over to the state to provide unaccountable charters. From Diane Ravich…Governor Deal is angry that the state’s elected school boards don’t want him to have power to seize control of schools and turn them over to private entrepreneurs
“Governor Nathan Deal is calling local school boards a power-hungry monopoly because they oppose his Opportunity School District which would steal 20 schools per year from the same local school boards. Deal’s definition of a monopoly (according to an AJC report) are entities “that have no competition and see no reason to change.”
Deal, I suppose, is angry that local districts are really not monopolies, but in fact run by democratically elected school boards, which indeed, change. However, since the Federal No Child Left Behind Law, and Race to the Top, the biggest obstacle facing local schools is the State which carries out the laws of the Federal Government.
Schools districts are not monopolies (thank goodness) but independent entities that have the right and responsibility to educate the youth in its communities. The only monopoly in the State seems to be the Governor’s office which wants to control educating children in direct opposition to the Georgia Constitution.”
I would love to see public school privatization become a third rail
Those school districts have good reason to resist. Little Rock, in Arkansas is perhaps a cautionary tale of what happens once a state gets the power to unceremoniously dump an elected school board and install a technocrat in their place, leaving the district’s constituents with no recourse but to accept whatever directives are made by the technocrat. Lousy way to run a school district.
I suspect Naomi Klein would have given that disaster-capitalism escapade its own chapter if The Shock Doctrine were not already published by then.
local monopolies for all practical purposes. They have no competition from independent public schools within their geographic districts.
He’s testing a 2020 run.