The Republican presidential nominee cannot stand criticism at any time and in any way, poor stamina.
I was beaten for holding a ‘Republicans against Trump’ sign | The Guardian |
Exclusive: Self-declared Republican who sparked Nevada security scare says he was attacked for silently showing a sign he printed from the web …
The man whose protest saw Donald Trump rushed off the stage by Secret Service agents has said the Republican nominee’s supporters turned on him when he held up a sign reading: “Republicans against Trump”.
The man, who identified himself as Austyn Crites from Reno, told the Guardian he was holding the sign at a rally when Trump supporters wrestled him to the ground.
The 33-year-old – who says he has been a registered Republican for about six years – said he was kicked, punched and choked, and feared for his life when the crowd turned on him at the gathering in Reno, Nevada.
Crites cited Trump’s treatment of Mexicans, Muslims and women as the reason he decided to protest again Trump, who he described as “a textbook version of a dictator and a fascist”.
There were panicked scenes at the Trump rally, apparently prompted by shouts from at least one person in the crowd that the protester had a gun.
Hundreds of people fled to the the back of the auditorium in panic as Trump was hurriedly rushed from the stage by his security detail.
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Donald Trump rushed off stage by Secret Service (YouTube)A SWAT team then burst into the crowd to apprehend the protester
A poor misreading of what went down. Someone there yelled “he’s got a gun.” That’s what everyone else responded to and appropriately so. Was the person mistaken or intended to create panic and chaos? Can anyone identify the person? Probably not.
Shouldn’t the Republicans all felt safer, then, if they thought somebody was open carrying?
Republicans aren’t rational and logical. Their gun and lady-parts fetishes have driven them so insane that they nominated a nincumpoop for POTUS.
And not just any nincompoop; an anti-Semitic, fascist one.
Odd that I only recall that he ran on shipping out “Mexicans” (by which is meant immigrants from south of the US border) and Muslims. I must have missed his call to deport Jews.
Guess you missed his latest campaign pitch.
Soros has long been used by GOP/rightwing as their nemesis. Do you know if the GOP rubes associate Soros with being Jewish — or do they merely associate him with Democrats because he funds them and made huge fortune in currency trading?
Yellen is the current chair of the Federal Reserve. Should they have used the prior chair Bernanke instead? Oh, wait that doesn’t work. How about the one before that? Oops.
Maybe they should have pointed to the Sec Treasury. Oh, no that won’t work. Should have used the two prior chairs — Paulson and Geithner.
IOW, if you want to gin up anger about the GFM, the faces and names top economic USG officials or banking/broker executives can only be used if he is a WASP? Object to the casino industry and the face of Trump is fine, but not Adelson because that would be anti-Semitic. Here’s a solution — turn over all US TV, radio, etc. communications over to the JDL to censor and approve everything we see and hear.
○ Trump would stay ‘neutral’ on Israeli-Palestinian conflict | The Times of Israel |
○ Adelson to Republican Jewish leaders: Support Trump | JPost |
Unabashed Israel supporters of the illegal West Bank occupation, etc. often use the anti-semitic J’accuse when losing the argument …
If the Trump campaign wanted to go anti-semitic, it would not have been Yellen’s photo, but her deputy’s Stanley Fischer, former head of the Israel Central Bank.
The man, who identified himself as Austyn Crites
from Reno …
Austyn Crites: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know