Reuters news report in last 24 hours and covered internationally by leading newspapers, also in Israel by the Jerusalem Post and the Times of Israel. From a recent email release by WikiLeaks, although this was well known and covered by me on a number of occasions. Timely donation in 2011 … Libya bombing and removal Gaddafi, arms and jihadists transfer via Turkey to create the mess in Syria and do the Neocon’s bidding to remove Assad. Hillary was the darling of Qatar, Al Jazeera, Muslim Brotherhood, PM Erdogan and Turkey. Indeed by his own words, HRC got the full backing from President Obama, though the consequences of the created chaos is blamed on Putin’s Russia. Making Russia a pariah state with support from the Soros Foundation, USAID, the Atlantic Council, NATO, etc.
Clinton’s charity confirmed Qatari gift while she was Secretary of State
Clinton’s charitable foundation confirmed it accepted a $1 million donation from Qatar while the Democratic presidential nominee served as secretary of state in 2012 and failed to inform the State Department of the sizable gift, Wikileaks’ most recent dump of hacked Clinton emails has revealed.
According to Reuters, wealthy Qatari officials pledged the contribution to the Clinton Foundation in 2011 to mark the 65th birthday of Bill Clinton, in an effort to meet and present the former US president with the check in person.
Clinton Foundation officials last month declined to confirm the Qatar donation. In response to additional questions, a foundation spokesman, Brian Cookstra, this week said that it accepted the $1 million gift from Qatar, but this did not amount to a “material increase” in the Gulf country’s support for the charity. Cookstra declined to say whether Qatari officials received their requested meeting with Bill Clinton.
Officials at Qatar’s embassy in Washington and in its Council of Ministers in the capital, Doha, declined to discuss the donation.
The State Department has said it has no record of the foundation submitting the Qatar gift for review, and that it was incumbent on the foundation to notify the department about donations that needed attention.
The Clinton Foundation has said it would no longer accept money from foreign governments if Clinton is elected president and would spin off those programs that are dependent on foreign governments.
Hillary Clinton lobbied by Cherie Blair to meet Qatari royal, emails reveal | The Guardian |
Seeking advice, countering the BDS movement, a threat to Israel
On June 23, 2015, Stuart Eizenstat forwards Sullivan a list, complete with contact details, of prominent religious, political and business personalities that Clinton should engage regarding the “delegitimization of BDS.”
Eizenstat also edits the draft of Hillary Clinton’s statement on the global movement.
“BDS is the latest attempt to delegitimize Israel in a global arena. Sadly, this has been tried for years at the UN and elsewhere. I reject such efforts and believe America must defend Israel at every turn.”
Clinton offers a glimpse on just how far the fight against the BDS movement will extend, writing: “So I am seeking your thoughts and recommendations on how leaders and communities across America can work together, in a united way, to counter BDS. From Congress and state legislatures to boardrooms and classrooms.”
Clinton recounts her many efforts stymying criticism of Israel, “I have opposed nearly 100 anti-Israel resolutions at the UN, Human Rights Council, and other international organizations. I fought the biased Goldstone Report… And I directed the US to veto the Palestinians’ effort to use the UN to unilaterally declare statehood. Time after time, no matter the venue, I have made it clear that America has Israel’s back.”
Eizenstat, who in a March 2015 email boasted to Sullivan: “I have very deep connections to the State of Israel and to its elected officials and leading academics,” uses the exchange to reveal that he has done anti-BDS-related work for the Israeli government.
“The JPPI (Jewish People Policy Institute) which Dennis Ross and I co-chair has just done a massive study of BDS for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so I am steeped in the issue.”
The JPPI is a policy planning think tank based in Israel. Eizenstat then mentions he is directly meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin (“Bibi”) Netanyahu and his Cabinet.
“Jake, I am speaking at UJA [United Jewish Appeal] Tuesday and then meeting with Bibi and the Cabinet Sunday for JPPI. Please keep this as `close hold’ and not for circulation,” Eizenstat writes.
Hillary Clinton promises megadonor she will work with Republicans- to oppose BDS | Mondoweiss |
My earlier diaries …
○ Emir Al Thani, Sultan Erdogan and HRC Foreign Policy of Revolutions
○ HRC: Compulsive Misrepresentation – Unfit to Lead
Norway Cuts Deep In Clinton Foundation Funding
Norge kutter gigantoverføringer til Clinton-stiftelsen | Hegnar |
Norway slashes large sums to Clinton Foundation
Norway has not entered into any new agreements with the Clinton Foundation, which means that cooperation is closing next year. Then the total Norwegian contribution to the disputed Clinton Foundation, according to Finance newspaper, have summed up to 643 million kroner (US $75m). Norway is thus the third largest contributor after Saudi Arabia and Australia, followed by a number of Arab Gulf states.
The money has gone to two of the Foundation’s programs, primarily Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), but also the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI).
A shame BDS proponents don’t have mega-bucks to buy politicians.
If we’re honest, Soros uses his mega-bucks to support what he calls “pro-democracy advocacy.” A cover for what it really is which is fealty to the US and capitalism. Well within, if not a prime mover and shaker, in team Clinton’s anti-Putin/Russia rhetoric, covert operations against Russia, and arms/funding for anti-Russia forces.
The Nation by Dennis Kucinich – Why Is the Foreign Policy Establishment Spoiling for More War? Look at Their Donors. First rate article that includes one of the reasons why we’re hearing all the Putin/Russia demonization out of camp-HRC in this election cycle. (One because the Clinton-camp lost out in Russia when Putin took over from the western-backed, old drunk Yeltsin and they want “their Russia” back.)
Kucinich is too classy to mention another thing about Gen John Allen, now at Brookings and pushing for more war, but I’m not. He’s the general that sent thousands of “sexy-time” emails to “socialite” Jill Kelly.
Somewhat of an aside from the article or at least an aside in how I’m using it here:
I know that he collected all the available and relevant information and correctly analyzed it before reaching his own correct conclusion because that’s exactly what I did. Perhaps only a person that leans towards a pacifist position has the cognitive capacity to objectively perform such an analysis. For decades Chalmers Johnson disparaged Vietnam War opponents as knee-jerk, naive, and ignorant peaceniks only late in life coming to recognize that some of those peaceniks had done their homework and did so far, far better than he had done his. Most Americans don’t do their own homework and accept whatever “they” tell them is gospel when in fact it’s nothing other than propaganda for the benefit of those that have and want more. The 11%.
Puke! Nothing new (to anyone reasonably well-informed), but it’s still shocking to see all of it put together in one presentation:
If the Clinton Foundation will tell us how much dough Qatar ponied up before, we can decide for ourselves whether or not $1,000,000 represents a “material increase”.
By the way, where are the usual suspects to accuse you of “dampening enthusiasm” for Secretary Clinton?
Oui has his own agenda when it comes to Hillary Clinton so it would be pointless to accuse him of anything.
With regard to the story, I’m more interested in what it actually proves. Instead, we get a lot of innuendo tying HRC to what the Qataris have been up to in recent years along with a few other controversial people/groups. It’s already well-reported that the Clinton Foundation accepted donations from foreign nations.
Not well-reported enough.
P.S. I wonder how many other times (and for how much) the Clintons have “failed to inform the State Department.”
I sincerely hope that Trump’s IRS investigates the tax status of the Clinton Foundation. It seems to me to be a corrupt money laundering political machine instead of a charity. And considering the co-mingling of e-mails, also guilty of espionage.
Careful there. Politicizing the IRS, even at the level of wishful thinking, is to be avoided. Trump is being audited and that work must continue independent of whichever political party or individual controls the WH.
The proper place for any criminal investigation is the Justice Dept and there too it should not be a political witchhunt. Political witchhunts are the domain of Congress and the media and on full display for the public to observe and weigh in on.
Should Trump attempt in any way to use the power of the presidency to interfere in his IRS audit that would be grounds for impeachment and criminal indictment.
Do you think Comey was being political or bureaucratic (CYA)?
In other Clinton Foundaton hijinks, Bill’s bagman Doug Band, smarting at accusations of self-serving from Chelsea, complained to John Podesta that she used foundation resources for her wedding.
Part of that is “sibling rivalry.” Band is correct in that he orchestrated and managed a lot of the money making and raising schemes for WJC. Whereas, CVC was a money sink that with no financial or business skill (other than a short stint at McKinseyCo) waltzed and was told how much Band had earned in his years doing biz with/for WJC. In her little world, she couldn’t believe that daddy didn’t collect all those bucks all on his own and whatever Band took meant less for her and/or Band have locked in relationships with so many of the CF money folks that Mr. CVC was struggling to get his fair share.
I’m indifferent as to whether or not CGI resources were used for CVC’s. The accounting and management for the funds has been so poor that only an insider would be able to see such resource mis-allocation. And the Clintons are somewhat notorious for accessing chump change that doesn’t properly belong to them personally.
Frangible…such a useful word.
Not getting it in this context.
(and damn do I need to start proofreading — my comment is a mess. And neglected to include that there’s nothing admirable about Band’s money making schemes for WJC and he wouldn’t enjoy access to all those powerful/wealthy people and have earned such big bucks himself if he weren’t attached to WJC.)
Alice Roosevelt’s may not have been admirable, but her honesty was refreshing. On a 1905 Far East congressional junket She collected so much valuable loot by the time they departed Korea that a friend wrote a poem he titled “Alice in Plunderland.” She cleaned up in the wedding gift department.
No disrespect, Marie, but while you’re at it with the proofreading thing…please stop using so many capital letter abbreviations.
And that’s just in this one thread.
I find myself more and more often being driven to open a new tab and try to figure out what they all mean when I read your stuff. And…I am too often not successful in those attempts.
For example…does WJC mean “William Jefferson Clinton” or “World Jewish Congress?” In this particular context I assume it means Clinton, but Google hits up “WJC” as “World Jewish Congress”…which would also work in certain contexts, I suppose. Band is a broad spectrum bagman, after all…
Like dat.
Except for currently broad usages…HRC, for example, or DNC…I try to at least type out the full name at least once before I abbreviate. Otherwise I am afraid the ACP will get after me.
The Abbreviation Clarity Police.
Just sayin’…I love reading your posts, but there’s only so much time in the day and only so much mental hard drive available.
Sorry — thought those acronyms have been commonplace these days. (or maybe I’ve read two many of the PodestaFile emails where they seem to proliferate).
CF – Clinton Foundation (shorthand for the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation)
CVC – Chelsea V Clinton
CGI – Clinton Global Initiative
WJC – William Jefferson Clinton (can’t imagine ever referencing the World Jewish Congress and if I did wouldn’t use it’s acronym
HRC for Hillary Rodham Clinton is dicey because HRC is also widely used for the Human Rights Campaign. Although some may view them as one and the same.
You have a Podesta addiction?
I only read them when insomnia strikes, myself.
Not at all. Have only been reading the very small sample that reporters and/or bloggers have highlighted.
Consumes probably less than 10% of time that others here spending reading, thinking, writing about Trump day in and day out. And don’t sweat a day or week without a PodestaFile fix.
Good on ya.
mino, Yes, even the word itself is fungible.
Oh, my bad, I misread frangible. But then again the two words might not be so removed from each other for some.
A much underused excellent word.