Election Day is finally here. Here’s one final anecdote from this interminable campaign.

Kevin Deame, a scraggly bearded man in a blue sweatshirt, left the [Manchester, New Hampshire] GOP office with a clipboard and a list of addresses and brochures to canvass for Trump. But he wasn’t using them to evangelize for Trump.

“Jesus, no, are you kidding?” he said when asked whether he supported Trump.

Instead, he was going door to door to persuade the people on the GOP list to vote for his write-in presidential candidacy with the Pirate Party, an international movement centered on Internet privacy.

“From my point of view, Trump voters are a lot of times a protest vote in general,” he said.

That’s funny as hell, but I hope we never have another election like this one. I hated it two years before it started and it just got worse every single day.

Now, get out and vote and then get out the vote. It’s time to put this whole horrid thing to bed on a positive note.