I’ll be live blogging the election results with Nancy here. I’ll probably get going more after the polls close in Kentucky and West Virginia.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Thanks Booman! I have to work this evening, but I have the link bookmarked on my phone now. Hoping for the best!!
Martin and Nancy, a great big thank you to both of you, and your team at WM, for sparing me the breathless hyperbole and incessant chatter of the television pundits. I can now peacefully go about other business tonight while occasionally checking into your thorough and intelligent analysis of what is going on around the country.
You are my heroes!
I don’t care who you are, that there’s funny.
`It’s been beautiful’: With rights restored, 79-year-old felon votes again after 40 years
I hate Terry Mac. Don’t regret my vote for him in 2013.
By the way, what do y’all think of this so-called “issue” about “whether Trump will accept the results”? Like we’re supposed to be scared … oooooh.
If the results are anything like where they seem to be headed, his not accepting them will go over like a screen door on a submarine.
By the time the polls close tonight, an awful lot of Americans will have had more than enough of this asshole.
It doesn’t matter if he accepts the results or not. He can go pound sand.
But it does matter to all the Trumpistas out there. And just like the birther movement, his failure to concede will be used by idiots on the far right to foment more hysteria among their supporters.
Plenty of sand to go around.
Trump’s failure to concede defeat (I assume he will do that) will be used as part of the larger Republican effort to de-legitimize HRC’s presidency. It has got to be in their play-book somewhere — probably in the section that has all their talking points about how important it is to stand on principle and oppose any appointee or policy proposal presented by HRC.
I don’t think Trump will refuse to concede in an effort to help the R’s in any way – this is just an odd coincidence where his actions will serve the obstructionist agenda of the RWNJs in congress.
Well, as it turned out, he didn’t have to deal with that question after all.
But let these comments stand as a sign of our confidence, just before the crash, that we were almost safely home. Just as all respectable people agreed.
Fifteen minutes ago, I ran outside in my underwear to scream at my wife that Clinton won WV, according to TPM, and to dance around in middle-aged fatguy fashion.
Five minutes ago, TPM announced that their results are buggy.
hope someone videotaped you. you’ll clean up selling the footage for an ad
Ha! Sadly, no. Or maybe not sadly, considering the state of me.
oh well
That is awesome – thanks for sharing.
I was just texting with my daughter, reminiscing about 8 years ago when we had beers in a Westwood pub and watched history unfold — I hope this is more than just a win — it needs to be a beat-down
Looks like no one won the argument.
If anyone won it, Der Trumper did…
Ummm looks to be a disappointing night?
CNN projects Trump the winner in WY but no votes have been counted there yet [prob still voting]. but isn’t Cheney running? might have something to do with the outcome being predestined
Voting has nothing to do with issues or people running. It has everything to do with party perception. In WY, no one votes Democratic. Period.
The thing is this was clearly a change election and we nominated Madame Neoliberal Plod.
Not a whole lot going on over at WaMo.
That’s because they were in the tank for Hillary from day one.
So now the results are looking suspiciously good for Trump, but no one on the left can be suspicious, because they reacted to Trump’s pre-emptive claims of election fraud by loudly proclaiming such a thing intrinsically ridiculous. Huffington Post is singing that song again tonight. with black box voting, it is not ridiculous, and I sure hope we don’t get the most painful possible proof of that tonight.
I have said, in many places and on many occasions, that WI is not longer the reliable national blue state. I appear to be at this point correct.
Fucking Ron Johnson is winning.
Brexit comes to the states along with inequality. Ignore the folk in the shire and you will lose.
The thing is, it’s not clear what to do about it.
Absent tremendous government intervention (which they reflexively oppose) jobs are not coming back and culturally the cities are big and very different. City culture/country culture has been divided since the beginning of time. Rural areas ALREADY have more political power in proportion to their population in both the senate and house.
The issue is the globalist bullshit consensus that the elite in the Democratic Party have assumed since Carter. That globalist bullshit consensus is being shredded tonight.
Globalism and cosmopolitanism.
How much of this shit sandwich is Clinton’s e mails and supposed ethical problem? I personally never believed any of it but it was all over my FB page.
In the end whether its unfair or unsubstantiated its effects had to be dealt with.
Compare to Obama who has run one of the cleanest administrations.
It is a huge part. It has been the conversation.
And it was her choice in 2008, when she knew she was running.
She fucked herself. I have over and over called this an unforced total stupidity on her part.
I must’ve missed where you predicted Der Trumper’s calamitous victory before election night, DG.
Granted you certainly rang the “illegals” bell pretty strenuously…but let’s see if Der Trumper actually won the popular vote. I doubt it.
You mean talking about NYT stories in emails? She did nothing wrong. The way the media invented a massive scandal is the problem. If she’d used the State email it would have been exposed with the Manning leak and they’d have investigated her for NOT using a private server like Powell did.
What concerns me is that if they can make up something this bad about Clinton they can do it to anybody.
Wow. After 20,300,303 discussions of her fucking stupidity about emails, you give her a pass on the fucking blinding stupidity of the email thing?
In 2008, she knew she was running for POTUS. She made a hugely stupid decision. And we want this idiot running our country?
She kept the emails in a safer location than the State servers. As Powell said, it was also much better for running state. There was no mistake. The problem is invented.
You really don’t know much about politics, clearly.
This was an issue day after day. She made a horrible mistake.
It’s not the issue. It’s the coverup.
She fucked herself.
The only mistake she made was apologizing. She should have stood up to the nonsense from the getgo.
She’ll have plenty of time to apologize. Of course, millions of dollars from the Clinton Foundation scum donors will help her.
You would think that the events of tonight would make you rethink your convictions. How could you be so wrong?
If you’re likable, “scandals” of all sort are easy to overlook. If you’re not, everything counts against you, and even more so if it fits the prevailing opinion of you.
We forget that Obama could have been tarred with the Reverend Wright issue. But people liked him and trusted him.
Hillary fell far short of the post-Comey polls, so something was clearly wrong with the polls. My belief is that there was a reverse-Bradley effect since nobody wanted to admit voting for a person like Trump.
Sooner of later someone has to do something for the wage earner, and forget the trade deals and world domination. I don’t know that Trump can do it but it appears the citizens don’t have much faith in the democrats.
Read George Packer’s piece in the New Yorker.
Read Thomas Frank. That guy is again on the cutting edge of understanding the mood of the electorate.
Read “Hillbilly Elegy”. The WWC is not to be dismissed or ignored.
One positive development in SD: There were 2 initiatives on the ballot about predatory lenders.
Position 1 is restrictive to predatory lenders. Position 2 was a fake deal to confuse people
Position 1 is winning 74-26 and position 2 is losing by the same amount.
This is a win for poor folks and those who use these loans.
The rest of the initiatives have gone in the conservative direction
Good grief, should we all have “bet on it” with Arthur Gilroy!?
It’s not over yet. But if NV holds for Clinton and WI goes for Trump (which even in what I thought was a conservative projection, I didn’t see coming), then Maine CD2 become decisive.
Feingold losing a second time to numbnuts Johnson is depressing.
Maine CD2 just puts it into the House. None of the third party candidates got any electoral votes, so the choices are just Trump and Clinton, and of course the House will pick Trump.
Yeah, Feingold losing is horrifying. By more than Clinton, even. Citizens United at work.
With PA, MI and NH in Clinton’s column and WI and ME CD2 in Trump’s, I’m getting Trump 270 EC votes. If ME CD2 goes for Clinton then it’s 269:269 and goes to the House.
Right, same thing I’m saying, but we still lose in that situation.
ME CD2 called for Trump — but doesn’t matter now that he’s carried PA.
From the fucking beginning, I have said that the emails were a huge huge error. If she loses, she loses due to her own clueless choices.
Yes, but electability and all…..
Either the bellwether counties that the MSM are using to declare states is absolutely screwed up or the Democratic Party needs to consider what they are doing wrong with putting forward a centrist neoliberal candidate. Too cautious? Or is the US so totally locked up in serving the bosses that we have lost all sense of where we came from? Devastating to hope for the future.
Feingold did worse than the “centrist neoliberal candidate”. The problem is Citizens United and the smear machine. More liberal candidates are not helping.
Billion puts it so simply: it’s about CLASS! The Democrats only talk about gender, skin shade, sexual orientation and whatever political identity label they can think up. I’ve said it repeatedly here: it’s about the money and HRC refuses/ed to talk about it. Her unacceptable quip about deplorables hurt her more than Abedin/|Weiner/Comey. To put it quite simply in 1950s’ terms where her mindset is still stuck, she’s a snob. Funny idea. Snob.
Hmm whats BooMan doing over there, havent seen many posts by him.
Who fancy idiotic reason for not fighting
Fuck them all. Fancy intellectual reasons for not making the fight
These are the rewards.
Never again
I will sleep
I worked
I saw a terrible candidate
I opposed her
Fuck all the rationers
Take a bow for win
If you have the courage to show your face
Not. Gonna. Happen.
They will blame Wikileaks, Assange, Putin, BernieBros, racists, etc. Will never admit that she had anything to do with (possibly) losing to likely the worst GOP canidate ever.
Paul Krugman:
No wonder he never saw income inequality. He can’t even add the Hillary and Stein votes and see that Trump beat that. Some quantitative economist his is.
He can’t even add the Hillary and Stein votes and see that Trump beat that. Some quantitative economist his is.
Add that Johnson got a lot more than Stein, and most of those would have voted Trump if forced to chose. Just my guess anyway playing this game. And then there is Trump winning, apparently, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. How does Krgthulu explain that? I never saw one poll that had Trump winning those two. I guess we’ll find out what Booman has to say about PA in the morning.
PA just called for Trump; so it’s a wrap. (And everybody laughed when Trump claimed the PA coal miners were going to win it for him. Not that that is the explanation.)
Did OH bleed into PA? A solid and larger than predicted win for Trump in OH; so, at the moment that’s a variable to consider and wouldn’t have been so easy to detect.
All I know is that Democratic turnout is collapsing.
Trump’s victory without policy shop, pollster or analyst is going to go down in American political legend.
Yes I have been drinking
I am at a congressional candidate who is going to lose
Because of Hillary She will lose.
Enjoy my typos
I worked
I did everything in my power
Thanks. Thanks for your diaries too.
Be careful — a drowning one’s sorrows in drink hangover is worse than a celebration hangover (and those are pretty nasty).
What are you drinking? I am drinking wine.
Not as drunk as you, I wager.
Oh, great the resident rating troll is back.
But I would buy a ticket to see the look on Xi Jinping’s face.
I am not happy that my first-ever comment here is as follows, but Arthur seems to have been pretty spot-on.
Guess it deserves some respect and apologies from many.
Taking a cynical position all of the time gives you a much better chance of being right once-in-awhile than taking a bold position on some thing that you really believe in.
Now that Pennsylvania is trending Trump, where is the analysis on Washington Monthly?
Yes, as Nancy humped for Hillary and Martin refused to take a stand, you would think they could at least say maybe they were wrong.
On the other hand its not like it isnt obvious. Theyre probably stunned.
Wonder if this place or WaMo will be around in 4 years.
For Martin’s sake I hope so.
I worry for your family Steven.
And Toomey has taken the lead in the Senate race. (Disclosure — I never put Toomey in a re-election loser box.)
OTOH, I never put PA in Trump’s column.
With 89.7% of the vote counted, the former First Lady of Arkansas has received 33.8% of the AR vote. In 2012 Barack Obama received 36.88% of the vote in AR.
Yup appears Obama won more whites than HRC. Her numbers appear from 2012 across the board..
Down substantially from Obama’s totals in many true “blue” states that Democratic apologists/excuse makers can’t cite voter suppression.
Maybe its to early but I have no idea where we go from here.
Really? Seems quite clear to me. Hasn’t changed in the past decade.
She under performed in whiter states and over performed in less white states.
That’s incorrect.
example: RI (far left in presidential elections.)
Romney fits within the mold of a standard issue conservative Republican candidate. Trump is a blowhard nincumpoop.
Anyone who remembers the 1968 Nixon administration has a right to be very afraid of how easily the mechanisms of power and security can be bent out of shape. And Nixon lacked the PATRIOT Act.
Apparently not a joke.
Good news. Roy Cooper wins NC governor. McCrory is gone. But there is a GOP General Assembly.
An marijuana will now be legal in a couple more states. Not that that effects me anymore than McCrory’s loss does.
Several minimum wage initiatives also seem to have won.
On a policy level the voters seem pretty decent. It’s the party affiliation which is messed up.
Why aren’t they calling this? Maybe they didn’t have the graphic design work done. Can’t wait to hear Trump’s speech.
And for all of you who called me a racist for using the term illegal, well, FUCK YOU LOSER.
Because if Hillary loses, it is because she is a hispandering illegal pimp. And if you want to call me a racist, hey, have at it.
Because this election is a referendum on illegals, H-1Bs, open borders.
And those issues are huge losers.
The headlines overseas already are trumpeting a Trump victory. Lots to analyze going forward. Looks like the white high school educated voters see themselves as a minority bloc and are voting as such – namely as nationalists. White minority politics – something John Avlon wrote about in a book called “Wingnuts” warned that we’d see this phenomenon eventually. The time has come. We’re experiencing here what is going on in much of Europe. The next four years will be a bumpy ride, to say the least.
“what’s going on in Europe” – you mean the invasion of millions of Muslim men who are there to steal welfare, who are running from Syria?
My daughter is engaged to a guy who is a French major in NYC who is TOTALLY HORRIFIED by the disgusting shit in Europe. The rapes in Sweden. The illegals in France.
This is not migration. This is invasion.
It’s time to end the shit in Europe with WHATEVER IT TAKES.
Same with the illegals in Texas and Arizona. Fuck the liberal shit about the PEOURR migrants. It’s a fucking invasion. It’s Santa Anna in Texas. Time to repel borders.
We’re definitely on different sides on this. Our problems were not caused by migration, were not caused by refugees. Blaming people who are desperately trying to survive is not the answer. Hate may have won the day here as it is elsewhere around our aching planet, but it is not the answer. Never was. We are done here.
We are not the Fucking Nannies of the world. Let these failed societies solve their OWN FUCKING PROBLEMS.
I do not assume the White Man’s burden. We have our ordered society. They have a society of horrible disorder.
That is their fucking problem. Not ours.
The “White Man’s burden” is a burden carried only by the white man…if only America was a white man’s country…
I will continue to push back against the term illegals. I am someone who thinks the Ds need to seriously re-examine their immigration policies but I also think using a term like illegals does nothing to help the debate.
Why you want to cling to that term so desperately is beyond me because your insistence on doing is actually a barrier to the discussions you want to have.
Oh, KISS MY ASS, really.
I see. You actually don’t want a constructive discussion on this. You just want to rail against “illegals.”
I don’t do politically correct bullshit word discussions.
You want to discuss the use of “illegal”.
I want to discuss the theft of millions of jobs by illegals.
I won.
You lost.
Your bullshit crap about language has lost. So drop your shit, and call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE and turn in an illegal.
we got fucking creamed.
Natalie Jackson
Also note that with 19% of the vote counted in AK and Trump leading by 15 points that Politico hasn’t called the state. (As if it couldn’t have been called a year ago.)
With approx 71% counted in CO and Clinton leading by 3 points that one has been called. But AZ at 71% with Trump leading by 3.8 points hasn’t been called.
They’re counting real slow in NH and PA and Trump is still leading in freaking Michigan.
This election is a referendum
Trump called for the Rule of Law.
Hillary and Obama have enacted the Rule of the Mob.
If Trump wins, it means that the illegals will be sent home.
And that is a win for American workers.
Am I okay? I look like one and my name may remind you of one but my family has been in America since Texas became a state and I was born in MN. Should I fear?
This is utter bullshit. Take your trolling self to the Republican Party where you belong. Progrssives, my ass.
If you think Trump is a win for American workers you are sorely deluded.
The last time a Democrat was for working people was LBJ.
You are wrong. Your ideas lost bigtime tonight.
I have said for months that the Democrats were on the wrong path.
I was right.
You are wrong .
So kiss my ass, loser.
What exactly have you won?
How many times did you call me a racist? Several.
My issues have been jobs for Americans, illegals, H-1Bs. These issues are vindicated by the events of the night.
You have been dismissive of me. But my side is on the winning side.
Yet, I am not a Trump supporter. I am simply a supporter of the rule of law.
Is it really too much to ask of you not to use the term “illegals?” To show a bit of humanity and decency and not throw around a term concocted by the right to disparage a group of people? Undocumented immigrant or undocumented worker is acceptable.
You insistence on using “illegals” is no different than those a few decades ago insisting on the right to use the “N” word. It’s ugly and unacceptable. And if you aren’t a racist, you’ll stop using “illegals” here.
Yup, whatever. Let’s focus on words. Meanwhile, millions of illegals come in from Mexico and steal jobs.
But we need to use the right word. It’s not important that they steal the jobs, as long as we don’t call them illegals.
What shit. How incredibly stupid. While you worry about “illegal”, millions of jobs are going to illegals.
Words do matter because these are fellow human beings. As far as them stealing jobs it isn’t so much that they steal them as much as it is that they are given them. Illegal immigration won’t truly be curtailed until demand is curtailed and the demand not being curtailed is on both Rs and Ds. Rs are now in charge. We will see if they do something about that. I truly hope they do but given Trump’s rather liberal use of undocumented workers in the past I have my doubts.
I was polite and you responded like a racist asshole. And I don’t have to get used to your racist language to your racist language for the next four days let alone the next four years. You know you can be trolled rated out of existence here don’t you?
No one here wants what you’re selling.
Better get used to “illegal” for the next 4 years. But you can call him racist.
President Racist.
Good move.
This I agree with. He absolutely does not support minimum wage increases for one.
No, in fact, he doesn’t. The whole thing is about class, which USAians refuse to admit exists. HRC lacks the empathy to bridge the divide. Trump physically gives the impression he does, no matter what he really thinks. When it came out that debate questions were slipped to HRC through the DNC how can that be to her benefit? It’s called cheating, pure and simple. Try doing it on a school test. Her offhand remark about ‘deplorables’ says everything. People feel that, remember it, rebel against it. And to think that Barak Obama is so popular. How does that compute? Maybe it’s not the case.
Except Obama has deported more undocumented immigrants than almost any other president so it seems he was for the rule of law. Meanwhile Trump talks a good game about deportations but also gladly employs undocumented labor.
That said Ds big blind spot has been their way too enthusiastic support for our various visa programs. That needs to change. As does how we support dreamers. I am very much in support of dreamers obtaining citizenship in this country but I think some requirements should come with it i.e. a service component.
As for refugees since the US only lets in a small percentage who seek that status (and most are women and children) I think that should continue especially since our war in Iraq is a direct line to the rise of ISIS.
Again, this is false. Obama has NOT deported more. He merely changed the definition of deportation.
Someday, you folks will listen to my comments. I am right, you are wrong.
Yes he has.
As for listening to you, as you know I have said for a while that Ds need to seriously re-examine their immigration policies but I have always pushed back on your obsessive need to use the word “illegals.”
Yet here you are telling someone who has actually agrees with you on some of your points to “kiss your ass.”
Pennsylvania goes to Trump according to the Guardian. Trump 266/ Clinton 218.
Hillary needs to win AZ, PA, MI, and WI. No losses.
According to the Guardian, AP Wisconsin goes to Trump who is then now president elect of the USA.
It seems that both CNN and NBC are reporting that Hillary Clinton has called Donald Trump and conceded the election. As John Podesta just told the people at the Clinton gathering in NY, ,Now it’s time to go home folks, we’ll have more to say tomorrow.’
Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism already has her take on the result: the Democrats simply, stubbornly failed to listen to Tom Frank. Maybe we are now all deplorables.
And that is the most sensible thing I have heard all night. Tom Frank is a wise person.
Also J C Vance, and George Packer.
The white working class won this election. The illegals lost this election.
Is this the part where we apologize to Arthur Gilroy?
Seems like the least of our indignities.
Would be appropriate. Graciousness in winning or losing is an admirable quality.
This is as strong an affirmation of white supremacy that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. And let’s not pretend that Trump was offering anything else. From the Central Park Five, through birtherism, build the wall, and Khizr Khan, Trump has been announcing loud and clear who he is and what he stands for. And his supporters have been doing the same.
I had long labored under the mistaken belief that as a culture, we were moving past that nasty bit of history. That the future would save us from the past. I was wrong. History repeats itself. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.
To see who owns this outcome, it was outlined by Clinton in 4/23/15 memo to the DNC.
Specifically, “elevate” the GOP “Pied Piper” candidates. Their Pied Piper list at the time was:
Ted Cruz (who was an official candidate before the memo)
Ben Carson (who had a $20 million “draft Ben Carson for President” PAC)
Donald Trump
At that time, I had no idea that Trump was even considering a run for President. If I heard anyone speculating about it, I would have thought it was a joke. Pollsters weren’t even regularly including Trump in their polling at that time. How did the Clinton know to put him on that list?
I might not agree with you on everything, but I’m in harmonious agreement here. I’ve never liked the “briar patch” strategy. It may have worked with Akin but it fails more often than not; polarization guarantees legitimacy to a major party candidate. And in the modern era the margins are razor thin. Now we have to live with this disaster.
With all that said, I don’t think there’s a damn thing the Democrats could have done to deny Trump the Republican candidacy. His opponents were too scared to drop oppo on him and they actually look fairly prescient as we approach an era of personal retribution via the presidency.
Might be the first thing that you’ve ever agreed with me on. The Akin formulation was simple bc he was a single issue extremist and McCaskill was experienced in how to come out on top of that issue through moderation. However, the opportunity for McCaskill to run interference during the GOP primary is rare and had Akin not won the GOP primary, McCaskill and her interference became known before the general election day, she would have lost worse than if she had minded her own business.
Few of us have a keen enough imagination to figure out what will play well or poorly in a general election, and therefore, attempts to get the weakest opponent aren’t wise. I recall how elated Democrats ere in 2000 when GWB beat McCain. No way would such a lightweight legacy nominee best the well-qualified Gore. Technically he didn’t, but Bush’s team was always two steps ahead of Gore’s.
There is not long-term glory in winning dishonestly. Not for Nixon. Not for Bush. And now not for Clinton.
You’re correct that there was nothing Democrats could have done to deny Trump the GOP nomination. But Trump was very ably assisted in his quest by the extraordinary outsize free media coverage he was given. A media that was nearly monolithic in its support for Clinton. The only fly in the ointment is that the rest of the GOP field was pathetic.
Good question. However that may be, I recall in about August 2015 Ann Coulter said the Republicans should prefer Clinton as their opponent because they would lose to Bernie Sanders. So there you have another piece of the puzzle, even though she’s not regarded too highly by me or others in these parts.
How? Didn’t Bill Clinton suggest it to him at a party and urge him to run? I’ve read that several places. More political machination that failed. Maybe he even suggested the populist theme. It’s how he got elected. “It’s the economy, Stupid” and exit polling suggests that it’s still the economy, but the Clintons and Obamas are so stinking filthy rich that they can’t see it. Bill no longer feels our pain, only his family’s greed. Every time they juggle the books to show no inflation and full employment, the man in the street trusts government less. Working people have turned Right because the Left has failed them, but you Democrats just dismiss us as racists and misogynists. You turned your backs on 69% of the country and won’t admit it. If Trump had half the charisma and experience of fucking Nixon this would have been a Rooseveltian landslide for the Republicans.
And as for Booman dismissing the ignorant non-college whites, the ABC exit polls I saw showed them as indeed ignorant, mostly voting for Hillary, while the college graduates voted for Trump! Do you think maybe they were fed up with their kids saddled with college debt and no jobs or maybe their own jobs lost to H1-B’s?
BTW, don’t blame me for last night. I was one of the 1% who voted for Jill Stein and Illinois still went two to one for Clinton.
Also BTW as I predicted MI and WI went Trump although Booman dissed “flyover territory”. I am surprised that Clinton is under 50% in MN and only Gary Johnson is giving her a shot at winning. Tell me, do you think Sanders would have lost Minnesota?
Wisconsin and Michigan are heavily Germanic. Do you think maybe they didn’t like the “Drumpf” and Hitler comparisons? I imagine they like it as well as Italians do about “Mafia” dragged out against someone with an Italian name. Yes, those states used to be reliably Democratic, but that was before Milwaukee and Detroit were depopulated. Look for it to happen to Illinois in another decade as the Chicago area depopulates. Democrats have cut there own throats on “trade”.
Watch the market today, there may be a chance to pick up solid stocks at a discount, I’m poised to buy USMV (symbol) myself. And yes, the ZIRP has not gone down well with seniors either.
P.P.S. I say “you Democrats” because I have left the party. Obama and Clinton have killed it for me with their obeisance to Wall Street.
Disgust with Wall Street as you are poised to pick up some stock bargains—seems kinda incongruous to me, VTW.
With complete control of the federal gubmint in Repub hands, cuts to SS and Medicare are now a certainty.
We have to live and 0.3% COLA’s and 0.01% bank interest isn’t going to cut it. Third Way Democrats and Right wing republicans have made the stock market the only game in town.
The past ten years I’ve had to face my roots. I’m not a middle class professional any more. I’m an Italian peasant and I do what I have to do to survive.
It’s just gross to elevate him to think he’d be the weakest Wesson to beat. Maybe that’s true. But I said it months ago (year?): was not worth the risk. Fascism isn’t something to be toyed with. I honestly don’t know how to proceed from here. And make no mistake, he is a fascist, and already I’m seeing from people like Mark Cuban to “give him a chance”.
Donald Trump drove a stake through the heart of the Bush dynasty. Now the Clinton dynasty seems to have met the same fate. Two birds with one stone you might say. I like that. Right from the start, I found the notion that another member of a former first family would return to the White House repugnant. Even more so than the two Bushes because the Clintons are more closely connected than even a father and a son. It struck me as somehow undemocratic, ‘unAmerican’. We can rightfully blame this disaster on the sneaky, slimy Democratic leadership, which Wikileaks has thoroughly exposed, for whatever reason and with whatever means. The information is now there for everyone to see. Legal or illegal is irrelevant. Did the DNC act so legally when it torpedoed Sanders’ campaign or slipped debate questions to their candidate?
Nevertheless the outcome is horrific. The Republicans control all three branches of government. All because it was ‘her turn’! For their greed and presumptuousness the Clintons deserve to go down in flames.
Indeed, what can be more against the American idea than trying to set up a dynasty, which is what the Clintons have been trying to do and Booman has been boosting? But I never had any doubt that the American people would stay true to themselves, and reject this abomination, a woman who had no credentials other than being the wife of a former POTUS.
I shared you view that a majority of American voters bristle at the idea of presidential dynasties. So, easy to forget that they didn’t approve it in 2000. However, while I expected a very close outcome in the election, I expected that just enough people would find Trump a bridge too far for him to win. I got that one wrong, but at least I didn’t waste much time poring over polls in the past six month trying to convince myself that Hillary would win by ten points and her coattails would usher in a Democratic majority in the Senate.
I saw the way that this was going because (1) I live in Western Pennsylvania and (2) I am ethnically Russian, which allows me to blank out the Russophobia that Democrats such as Booman exude.
Don’t confuse Russo-phobia with mere dislike of Putin.
Somehow the not so bright and not so well-educated faction of the GOP primary had the wherewithal or moxie to “just say no” to another Bush. Yet, all those “reality-based” smart Democrats with their college degrees thought Hillary was just swell and totally “electible.” And shey screamed and hollered at anyone that dared to point out facts that made it otherwise.
It took the US electorate to tell them that they’re not have as smart as they think they are. But “they” didn’t get it in 2010 or 2014 — “they” found excuses and scapegoats to use for their failing. Expect they’ll do the same this time.
Just wanted to say to all, goodnight and good luck. We’ll need it.
Same to you.
“That so many Americans who are struggling with money picked Trump must mean that our version of capitalism could use some further adjustments. That so many Americans in places where the economy is on the rise also chose Trump raises the possibility that our leaders promise too much, that we expect that more is possible than really is. That such a proudly amoral and publicly hateful man could become the choice of large majorities of observant Christians suggests some weakness in our religious life and our expressions of morality. That he did not lose more support after his racism and misogyny became well-known suggests how commonplace these resentments must be, between husbands and wives and between neighbors. There was not enough individual decency to make plain Trump’s indecency. We are not so good a people as we thought.”
Well, I’ll just say it: Hillary wasn’t trusted and she was seen as part of the establishment, right or wrong. Add the racism and white exceptional yam, and Trump built just enough to win. AG had this called right. I don’t know if Sanders would have won given Russ Feingold lost, but obviously Hillary didn’t.
I,m so sorry. When your grandson asks “what did you do in 2016?”, at least you will be able to kook him in the eye and tell him you did your best. Keep your head up.
Geez I just saw Kellyanne what’s her name on CNN and she sounded nice or at least tried to. Do I have to listen to that twit for the next four years now? Canada ?