Month: November 2016

Trump’s likely foreign policy

A couple links that show how Trumps foreign policy is likely to go. Here is a good article in the NYTimes on the conflict of interest issues we will face with a Trump presidency. Also, over the weekend he threatened to undo...

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The Fall of Rebel Held East Aleppo [Update]

This is breaking news, more info to follow … Twitter Fares Shehabi, Aleppo In 3 days, the Syrian army liberated 20 sq km of E Aleppo (purple)! Al-Qaeda controlled areas in (blue). These areas will be liberated next....

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Challenge Forces Pelosi to Offer Reforms

I probably shouldn’t make any more election predictions this year, but it doesn’t seem likely that Tim Ryan will succeed in dethroning Nancy Pelosi as the leader of the House Democrats when they hold their leadership...

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Why Have a Recount?

Richard Baehr at American Thinker had a nice conspiracy theory going until someone pointed out that its key premise is flawed. Baehr tried to advance the idea that the Democrats and Jill Stein are participating in recounts of...

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