I don’t know how we did it, but we picked ourselves off the floor and put together one hell of a magazine. I just made it live, so go play in the sandbox.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Just signed up for 2 years. We need this kind of informed comment and I’ve actually known about the journal for years; connecting through your blog.
Excellent news. Thank you very much.
Just started receiving my new subscription. Have it in my computer bag now and will be perusing it during lunch today. Looking forward to reading what you all have put together.
Ha, toting around subversive contraband in SW Ohio. Love it!
Everyone here at work is aware of my subversive leanings. I particularly love dragging my reading material out into public places. It is funny when seeing it gives someone the courage to speak up to you about their own subversion. We are not alone. Even in SW Ohio. 🙂
So true! When Hillary was campaigning, some of the cast members from the West Wing came to a few Ohio cities for pop-up booster speeches. We here in Dayton went to the event and cheered for them and signed up for neighborhood canvassing.
So SW Ohio, represent! It doesn’t always come out the way we want, but we will rise again!
And Martin, nice work on the magazine.
…is outlined (again) in this excellent article by Phil Kiesling: How to Bring Home Democratic Voters.
Anybody know why this isn’t our central rallying cry? My guess is that paid Democratic political operatives probably become redundant as soon as a state gets universal vote by mail, since in most states that’s all we’d need to make sure Democrats get elected in proportion to the numbers of voters that support and benefit from Democratic policies. Universal vote-by-mail would kill the election business for those folks (no more big fundraising needed for get-out-the-vote efforts, to cite the most obvious example).
My guess is that it’s a dead issue in any state that isn’t already entirely in the hands of the Democrats. The one thing that every Republican in every office is absolutely rabid about is restricting voting access. They’re fully aware that they couldn’t survive if the franchise was universally exercised. They go to the mat against any voting reform that improves access.
But the direct voter referendum route described by Keisling seems doable, even in states in Republican control now.
Kos has been pushing vote by mail for years and years