Rooting for the New York Giants, Detroit Lions, Oakland Raiders and Pittsburgh Steelers this weekend. I really only care about the Giants, though. I want a chance to beat Dallas for a third time this year.
So, does anyone think Melania will be a good First Lady, however you define that?
For what it’s worth, I thought Laura Bush did a good job under the circumstances given the skills she brought to the table. No one can top Michelle, in my opinion. She should take on Trump in 2020. I’d walk over hot coals to get her the job.
Can never root for the Steelers, even more so as long as Roethlisberger is their QB.
Melania will be a semi-literate first lady who will say little but look glamorous.
The Steelers were always my second team, but that ended when Roethlisberger apparently raped a women in Georgia. The owners should have sent him packing and they didn’t. So, I no longer consider the Steelers one of “my teams,” but I still prefer them to the Dolphins, a ridiculous organization with its own recent history of abhorrent behavior that was much more widespread.
Plus, the Steelers have a better chance of knocking off the Patriots.
Plus, the Steelers have a better chance of knocking off the Patriots.
Or if not knock them off, at least muss Brady’s hair a bit so he’ll be softened up for the Seahawks? That guy must lead the known visible universe in fewest sacks for a career, probably by a few light years.
As a Dallas fan (why isn’t Chuck Howley in the HoF), I would rather face the Giants a third time than the red hot A.A Ron. Seattle, Stillers and Raiders in the other games.
I’m praying a heart attack keeps Trump from the WH, absent that I believe Melania will be mostly invisible until she files for divorce.
I hope she has an public affair with a Mexican national.
Carlos Slim.
I don’t know enough about Melania to make a judgment call on her qualities for First Lady. She seems even more reluctant than Michele Obama was, but Michele knew what she was getting into and I think she was worried about Barack and her girls. Michele certainly proved herself and her legacy should remain, with the exception of the physical elements she brought to the White House, like the vegetable gardens and play equipment. I expect the trumps to make those all go away.
Melania will be a glamorous model of a First Lady, and as arm candy for trump, she knows how to put a good foot forward. But she lacks a connection to US history and also an obvious gap between her world and the world the rest of us live in.
I expect she will spend little or no time at the White House.
She wanted the job about as much as Bess Truman did. She’s not a natural (Ivana would have relished the job; so, being an immigrant isn’t a major factor for her), and after being humiliated over her RNC speech, who can she trust to write a speech for her?
Ivanka is filling in for her which seems to be fine with Trump.
The history of soft porn photos is a serious turnoff for me. As well as her total unfamiliarity with US history and customs.
I don’t really see how the photos are relevant at all.
If you don’t, then it’s not worth discussing. To many of us it’s self-evident why it’s relevant.
Jackie will always be tops for me for FLs in my lifetime. Michelle was good, but I’m hard-pressed to think of what she did other than the organic garden and promoting healthier school food.
The admin probably could have used her more often to promote their proposals, especially after the first year or so when even many of the great unwashed realized she probably wasn’t a fist-bumping, bomb-throwing New Black Panther radical out to git whitey. Instead, the WH and probably Michelle herself seemed content to let her just coast along being mostly a non-factor in the background while not risking her high favorables.
But this was an admin and a group in Dem leadership that were always too soft-spoken, moderate and mellow in pushing for important things, as if boldly speaking for substantial change was unseemly. Both the P and FL failed to use all their skills and communicative abilities when it could have made a difference.
As for Melania or Ivanka, I have very low expectations, to the extent I care at all. It’s unlikely either one is in a position of influence or would be able to shape Donald’s thinking towards more positive directions.
I read that Ivanka was going to take on the role of ‘First Lady.’ Was that snark?
Michelle Obama seems like a smart, lovely, well-informed, and even wise person, but I prefer my presidents with elected-position accomplishments–or even, for that matter, failures. And I’m not sure that post Clinton-dynasty we should immediately reach for another. And and … the idea that Democrats prefer wives of ex-Presidents to female Democratic elected officials who don’t have that relationship makes me nervous.
Totally off topic, but interesting. When Mattis was first floated for SecDef I wrote that he wouldn’t last 6 months. (
As always, I’m a unicorn fart smelling optimist: here
6 weeks looks more realistic now. The Cheeto-coloured one won’t stand the pressure.
No disrespect to Melania Obama, but enough with the dynasties!
Oops! Melania Trump! The same goes for Michelle Obama.
Here we go Steelers here we go.
Melania. I have no idea. It’s reported she speaks 5 languages, so she should be an asset for the donald. Her primary role as first lady is to be the hostess. If that turns out to be she is nothing but arm eye candy, I hope Russians have some great formal ware designers.
Go Raiders!
I’ll be rooting for my Raptors tonight.
I’m originally from Pittsburgh so Steelers, of course. I also want Giants to smash Dallas again. Also, I always go for America’s only Socialist NFL team: Green Bay, if only to stick it to the plutocrats who will shortly become our permanent rulers.
One thing I really liked about Hillary was back in 2010 when she condemned WikiLeaks for their bullshit hacking. This was at the same time the far Leftists were praising them. Including a bunch of assholes that post on this site.
Great that BooMan has made it good form to talk about assholes on his site. Go team! Hillary Clinton was of course pissed about the revelations of her offices inner workings.. But I would’t go so far as to call her an asshole.
Sounds like I hit a nerve, Lefty.
I still praise them for it. There is too much secrecy and getting government docs out there is a good thing by default.
What’s your prediction: will so many people still be chattering so feverishly about the ‘Russian hack’ after the nostalgic, antique battery of field guns has its say on January 20 at 12:00PM in D.C. to the tune of Hail to Chief Donald Trump? I doubt it very much. Maybe I’m an asshole. Incidentally, after consulting friends and advisors, the Clintons came to the patriotic and magnanimous conclusion that their presence at the new president’s inauguration is advisable and desirable.
Patriotic and magnanimous is not how I would describe but even if you do, it was the wrong conclusion.
Melania will help the country get used to hearing a heavy Eastern European accent coming from top officials in the White House.
Plenty of presidents have had someobe else fill in first lady duties so Ivanka will. For me I came around to Michelle Obama being fantastic in any number of ways and she was a valuable asset to her husband in that role but in general I dont think it matters.
Melania is not a serious question or a serious issue or a serious person. She’s a mannequin as best I can tell.
As for football, who gives a rip (but to the extent I do, Go Seahawks!).
You are comparing an attorney to a librarian to a prostitute.
(And don’t tell me “model.” She’s a prostitute.)